Flying Solo: 8 Great Benefits Of Staying Single

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Are you single by choice?

When you’re single, no one can tell you what you can and can’t do. You’re your own boss, and you decide how you want to live your life. You make your own decisions and get to spend your time the way you like.

This is just one of the perks. Here are 8 more benefits of staying single for a prolonged period of time.

1. You have more freedom.

Freedom means doing whatever you want whenever you want.

As long as you’re not hurting anyone or breaking the law, no one can tell you what you can and can’t do. You can make decisions on your own and spend your time the way you please.

If you were in a relationship, your partner would have a say in what you do with your life. You’d have to make compromises and consider their needs and wants, not just your own. For some things, you would even have to ask for their permission or at least their opinion.

Even though your partner shouldn’t control you, they would limit your freedom compared to being single.

Enjoy the freedom that comes with not having a partner. While you can have freedom in a relationship too, it’s definitely not the same level of freedom that you have now that you’re single.

2. You have more time for your friends.

The truth is, basically everyone neglects their friends when they get into a relationship.

In addition, your partner might not approve of your choice of friends and find it hard to get along with them. They might try to limit the time you spend with them.

Even if they don’t do these things, you’ll have less time for your friends because you’ll need more time for your partner. Instead of going out on a Friday night with your buddies, you’d be watching Netflix in bed with your partner.

You might think that you’d prefer to stay in, but people always miss what they don’t have. When you get into a relationship, you’ll probably miss going out with your friends once the honeymoon phase passes.

You might even lose some friends. Spending time with your partner forces you to make sacrifices. Often, people sacrifice the time they used to spend with their friends and this weakens those friendships – eventually to the point of no return.

3. You have more time for yourself.

Alone time, self-care, work, friends, passions, dreams, and goals all require a lot of your time.

When you’re in a relationship, you probably won’t have the time for all these things. In addition, instead of pushing you forward, your partner might hold you back. They might not understand your passions or your need for alone time.

When you’re single by choice, you can advance in your career and improve yourself. You can practice self-care, dedicate enough time to your hobbies, and chase after your dreams. One of the biggest benefits that comes from being single is the free time that you get to spend however you please.

It’s not just about time though. When you don’t have to focus on your partner, you can be entirely focused on yourself and achieving your goals. You can dedicate a lot of time to starting a business or figuring out the kind of person you want to be. Even if your partner is supportive, this is a lot harder to do when you have to think about them and their needs.

4. You don’t have the worries that come with being in a relationship.

Single people often forget how much stress comes with being in a romantic relationship.

If you had a partner, you’d have to worry about what they’re thinking/feeling and what’s going to happen with your relationship. You’d undoubtedly have relationship problems (all couples do!), and you’d need to think about your partner’s problems as well.

Right now, you only need to think about your own issues. If you were in a relationship, there would be fights and unnecessary drama. Your partner might betray you, hurt you, or break up with you at some point. These things carry a lot of stress that you don’t have to deal with when you’re single.

You may think that being in a relationship is worth the trouble, but you might be forgetting what kind of trouble it really is. Relationships are never all smooth sailing, even the healthy ones. There are bound to be problems that you don’t have to worry about when you’re single.

Relationships can be exhausting and single people often forget that. Remind yourself of the reality of having a partner.

5. You can be more adventurous and spontaneous.

Your life is more likely to be adventurous and spontaneous if you’re single. You’re more open to trying new things and adding novelty into your life. You can also be more flexible which allows you to turn your life into an exciting journey.

When you’re with a partner, it’s not like this. They might not be up for everything that you’d like to do and try. In addition, you’ll have less time and freedom for being adventurous.

So enjoy these benefits that come with being single. Travel, meet new people, and be up for anything because you can. No one’s stopping you from doing whatever sounds fun to you.

Sure, try not to hurt yourself or anyone else, but as long as that’s not happening, there are no limits to what you can do with all this free time.

Just think: you don’t have to check in with anyone before deciding to pack up your things and go on a short trip when you wake up bored one day.

6. You can save money.

Being in a relationship can cost you more than your time – it can literally cost more money too.

You’ll want to go on dates, buy them presents, and surprise them with things that cost money.

It can also be more expensive to live together than apart. This is especially true if you currently share a house or apartment with multiple other people or even live at home with your parents. When it’s just the two of you, the cost per person jumps up versus when there are three or more housemates living together.

7. You’re not stuck in an unhappy relationship.

When you’re single by choice, you’re focused on finding the right person for you – if you even want to settle down at some point, which you might not.

But relationships don’t always work out. Eventually, the relationship might start making you miserable instead of happy. You can’t stay with your partner because of this, but breaking up with them is not easy either. So, you end up stuck in a relationship that no longer makes you happy.

Let’s not forget that many relationships eventually end, even those that start off blissfully happy. And, just remember the pain of the breakup. Whether they’re breaking up with you or you’re the one who’s ending things, it’s tough.

In addition, the breakup doesn’t happen out of thin air. Before it comes to this, you’ll be unhappy with your partner for a while. You might even want to stay in an unhappy relationship because you care about them too much to end things.

It’s far better to be alone than with someone who doesn’t make you happy.

8. You are more independent.

Single people must learn to be independent and self-sufficient. So, even if this doesn’t come naturally to you, you will be forced to adapt by learning to be more independent.

When there’s no one else who can solve your problems, you have to deal with them on your own. This might sound more like a challenge, but it’s actually a good thing. Learning to be more independent pays off in the long run.

In addition, you’ll be more likely to forge a healthy relationship one day if you don’t depend on your partner for your own happiness.

Take care of yourself on your own, and you’ll truly be an adult. What’s more, you’ll frequently be proud of yourself for handling things all on your own. And you should be. Find your happiness on your own and be the master of your destiny.

About The Author

Ana Vakos enjoys writing about love and all the problems that come with it. Everyone has experiences with love, and everyone needs dating advice, so giving these topics more attention and spreading the word means a lot to her.