11 Signs Your Partner Never Truly Hears What You Have To Say

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11 signs you aren’t being heard in your relationship.

Everyone wants to feel heard in their relationship. They want to know that their views and opinions and wants are taken seriously.

But do you sometimes feel like you aren’t being heard? Here are 11 signs that confirm what your emotions are telling you.

1. They dominate all your conversations.

Your partner dominates every single conversation the two of you have. They’re the one guiding the conversation and they do most of the talking.

They’re always the one that sets the topic of conversation, and the things and issues you try to bring up get batted away as unimportant.

2. They never ask you questions.

They rarely ask you questions about your day or your life or ask for your opinion on something.

They don’t seem to be particularly interested in what you have to say or what you do with your time.

3. They never listen to your answers.

Maybe they do ask you questions because they feel like they should, but they don’t really listen to the answers you give them.

They see asking questions as a kind of tick-box exercise and never bother to delve deeper and ask you more about your feelings or experiences.

4. Your opinions don’t seem to count.

You might offer your opinion on things, but it never seems to be taken into account or taken seriously. What they decide goes, and they don’t bother to consult you when they’re stuck on something.

5. They always get their way.

You’re not quite sure how it happens, but they always seem to win. You always seem to end up doing things their way, no matter what.

6. You’re always the one to compromise.

Healthy compromise is a big part of any relationship, but to be healthy, it should go both ways.

In your case, you’re the only one who seems to compromise on anything. You always seem to be adapting to them and accepting alternatives to make them happy. They never do the same for you.

7. You’re always the problem.

When you try to discuss an issue with them, they have an uncanny ability to flip it around and somehow make it all your fault.

8. They invalidate your feelings.

When you try to express your feelings to them, they always seem to invalidate them, making them seem trivial. They tell you that you’re overacting or that your feelings are unjustified.

9. They seem to listen but never act.

They put on a show of listening to what you have to say and considering your opinions, but they never act on them. They tell you they’re going to change or that they understand, but their behavior always seems to remain just the same.

You might think you’ve been heard, but then find that the same problems come up again and again and they haven’t taken your words into account at all.

10. They leave the room when you try to talk.

When you try to bring up serious topics, rather than just checking out mentally they might just physically leave and refuse to engage with you.

11. It always ends in a fight.

When you try to speak to them about something serious, it always turns into a fight rather than a civil conversation.

About The Author

Katie is a writer and translator with a focus on travel, self-care and sustainability. She's based between a cave house in Granada, Spain, and the coast of beautiful Cornwall, England. She spends her free time hiking, exploring, eating vegan tapas and volunteering for a local dog shelter.