12 Signs The Honeymoon Phase Is Still In Full Swing

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What is the honeymoon phase?

The honeymoon phase is a period of time at the beginning of a romantic relationship when everything feels new and exciting. Not every couple goes through the honeymoon phase, but most experience this stage when they first start dating up until their relationship is no longer “new.” 

It’s a pretty intense feeling that eventually passes and changes to something less all consuming. If you’re currently in it, you’re likely experiencing the following things. So enjoy them while they last!

1. Everything seems perfect.

For the first few months of the honeymoon period, everything about this new person in your life is cute, fascinating, exciting, charming, and absolutely perfect.

Sure, they might have some small shortcomings, but even those are adorable to you. 

You believe that your partner is perfect and that your relationship with them is just as perfect.

Every love song is about you, and you feel like you’re in your own love story.

You’re sure that you’ve found your perfect match and that your life with them will be great. In fact, your life has been more awesome ever since they walked into it. 

2. It feels magical. 

When people fall in love with someone new, they often describe the feeling as being magical. Your reality shifts when you enter the honeymoon phase.

You prioritize your relationship. This, along with all the happy chemicals in your brain, makes everything seem better somehow.

It’s like there’s more joy in your life, and you’re on cloud nine. You notice love everywhere you look and just want to spread good vibes.

When your partner kisses you or touches you, it feels magical and activates those happy chemicals in your brain.

3. You’re focused on each other.

Only the two of you matter. Sure, you still care about the other people in your life, but you’re focused on this relationship and put it first.

Your love life is the center of your life, and you’re happy to keep it that way since it makes your life better.

You’re focused on learning more about your partner and savoring every minute that you get to spend with them. 

You put all your time and energy into this relationship, and you don’t regret it.

4. You have more good days than bad.

Okay, maybe you occasionally have a bad day, or a few. But you have many more days that are good, and when they’re good, they’re really good.

Most of the time, you get along and share fun experiences. Arguments happen very rarely, don’t last long, and get resolved quickly. You spend a lot of time together and go on dates. You enjoy spending every minute of your free time together and can’t get enough of each other.

You feel good about your relationship and your potential future together.

5. You feel intense emotions.

Romantic feelings can be very intense at the beginning of a relationship. You feel so strongly about this person that you would go the extra mile for them.

The word “limerence” describes this well. Limerence is a state of intense infatuation or obsession with someone, often characterized by intrusive thoughts, heightened emotional response, and a desire for reciprocation. It may involve the idealization of the object of your affection.

When you experience limerence, you try hard to impress them, and you want to be the best version of yourself for them. Infatuation can make you see the person as perfect. You find their annoying little habits cute during the beginning of your relationship. 

Being obsessively infatuated could also cause you to change important things about yourself to make the person happier with you.

New relationship energy can be intense and dynamic. You’d do anything to make your partner happy. You love showing them affection and giving them all your attention. Your strong feelings make you want to surprise them with small and grand romantic gestures.

6. You feel a strong desire.

Passion is commonly talked about when describing the honeymoon phase. You enjoy showing affection through physical touch and often kiss, touch, hug, and cuddle. Your sex life is great, and you are very attracted to each other.

Sparks fly all over the place at the beginning of a relationship. You feel a strong desire and even long for them. You want to be close to them, and you feel safe in their arms. 

While you can certainly have a passionate long-term relationship, too, the sparks usually die down at least a bit compared to the beginning. 

7. You feel excited about the future.

Making plans for your future together is your favorite hobby. You daydream about the places that you’re going to see and things that you’re going to do, such as buying a house or decorating your apartment. 

You make travel itineraries, plan to adopt a pet, and talk about all the things that you are going to achieve.

You’re excited about your future together, and you feel motivated to pursue your dreams. You feel certain that this is the person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with. 

About The Author

Ana Vakos enjoys writing about love and all the problems that come with it. Everyone has experiences with love, and everyone needs dating advice, so giving these topics more attention and spreading the word means a lot to her.