8 Slam Dunk Ways To Stop Obsessing About Your Ex

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It will be hard, but it’s not impossible.

A woman with long brown hair and a cream sweater rests her arms on the back of a weathered wooden bench, gazing thoughtfully into the distance. The background is blurred, suggesting an outdoor setting on a calm day.

We all know how hard it can be to concentrate on anything when you’re consumed by thoughts of someone, or trying to figure out where it all went wrong.

Spending time obsessing over what happened or whether there’s any future between you isn’t going to achieve anything, and you know that.

But you need some solid advice that will actually help you stop thinking about them every waking second… some tricks to help distract your brain and allow you to focus on other things.

That way, one day soon, your thoughts will stop drifting to them, and you won’t have to consciously distract yourself anymore.

Well, we’ve got you covered. Here are 8 tips to help you put them out of your mind for good.

1. Accept the situation.

A man with short hair and a beard, wearing a denim shirt, is sitting on a couch in a brightly lit room. He is looking pensively to the side. The background features shelves with books and decor items.

This might sound like it’s easier said than done, but the first step to stop obsessing over your ex is to accept what’s happened between you, so that you can put it behind you once and for all.

If you’re struggling to come to terms with it, meditation or journaling can help you to recognize where your feelings are coming from and accept that there’s nothing you can do to change the situation.

2. Reach out to the other people you love.

Two people sit on a sandy beach, facing each other and smiling. One wears a yellow jacket, black pants, and has dark hair, while the other wears a bright red hoodie, blue jeans, and has blond hair. The background features a wide expanse of sand and a distant horizon.

This person was really important to you, and you loved them. But you have a lot of other wonderful people in your life that you love, and that love you back.

Fill your time bonding with the other important people, reminding yourself that whilst romantic love is wonderful, there’s so much more to life.

3. Remove them from all your social media.

A person with short hair and a grey shirt is focusing intently on a smartphone. They rest their chin on their hand in contemplation. The background is blurred but shows an individual in a green shirt and an outdoor setting.

One sure-fire way of having your ex on your mind is to have them pop up on your social media feeds. You might think you can handle it, but it’s not a good idea.

Do yourself a favor and unfollow them, or at least hide them. Out of sight really is out of mind.

4. Don’t spend too much time with mutual friends.

A group of four friends sitting closely together on a couch, smiling and raising their glasses in a toast. They are indoors, with a wooden door and white brick wall in the background. The mood appears joyful and celebratory, and the drinks seem to be wine.

If you have mutual friends with your ex, then there’s no reason you can’t maintain those friendships in the long run.

But right now, it might be a good idea to spend a little less time with them, as they’ll only remind you of your ex, and you’ll be tempted to ask about them.

5. Try new places instead of old favorites.

A smiling woman stands outdoors against a clear blue sky, holding up a paper coffee cup. She is wearing a striped shirt over a blue top, layered necklaces, and a brown backpack. Green trees are in the background, indicating a sunny day.

Getting out and about is a great way to distract yourself and fill your mind with things that aren’t your ex.

But rather than going to your old haunts, where you used to spend time with the person you’re trying to forget, make a point of discovering new places.

6. Meet new people.

Group of friends enjoying outdoor gathering. Smiling woman in center wears dark hat and holds wine glass. Man on left and woman on right look towards man in foreground. All are cheerful, with blurred outdoor background suggesting a relaxed and casual setting.

An injection of new friends into your life is just what the doctor ordered after a breakup.

You might be looking to meet new people romantically, and that will definitely help you start to forget your ex if you’re doing it for the right reasons, but new people in general can be refreshing and distracting.

7. Try new things.

A man wearing a blue tank top, white shorts, and sunglasses is mid-air while leaping off rocky terrain. He has a determined expression and appears to be enjoying an outdoor adventure on a sunny day with clear skies. The background shows vegetation and a hill.

Breakups are opportunities for renewal and rejuvenation. They can be very tough, but they are an opportunity to break with the past and discover new things about yourself.

So, if you’re trying to forget your ex, it’s time to push yourself. Put yourself out there and try new things. New hobbies, new experiences, new adventures.  

8. Set yourself fresh goals and challenges.

Thinking about your ex means thinking about your past, and right now you need to look to the future.

So, set yourself goals for the months ahead, and give yourself a new focus.

Push yourself, challenge yourself, and try to learn more about yourself.

About The Author

Katie is a writer and translator with a focus on travel, self-care and sustainability. She's based between a cave house in Granada, Spain, and the coast of beautiful Cornwall, England. She spends her free time hiking, exploring, eating vegan tapas and volunteering for a local dog shelter.