This is a #inbrief article, which means it is super short, easy to take in, and quicker to read.
1. Starting sentences with a disclaimer: if you say things like, “This is probably a terrible idea, but…” or, “I’m not being funny, but…” then people will pretty much disregard everything you say after.
2. Making everything a joke or innuendo: there’s a time and a place for humor, so if you try to joke about things all the time, chances are people will start to think you’re a bit of a joke and not take you seriously.
3. Seeking the approval of others: while it’s okay to ask others for their opinions sometimes, if you can’t take any sort of action without first seeking someone else’s approval, then people won’t take your views seriously when you want them to.
4. Believing in conspiracy theories: if you insist that the moon landing was staged or that a group of international super-elites control governments and organizations around the world, most people are going to take one big metaphorical step away from you and take you less seriously.
5. Projecting self-doubt: if the way you speak or the way you act demonstrates a distinct lack of self-belief, the unfortunate truth is that many people will assume your ideas or opinions aren’t as worthwhile or valid—because why else would you doubt yourself so much?
6. Losing your sh*t: if you go from zero to nuclear in the blink of an eye, often over seemingly trivial things, then people will respect you less and consider you an unreliable person who they’d rather not have to deal with or listen to.
7. Being a doormat: like it or not, if you let others walk all over you because you struggle to stand up for yourself and advocate for your wants and needs, those people will not take you seriously, and neither will others who observe your lack of assertiveness.
8. Getting too drunk: if you want to have a drink, that’s fine. Go ahead. But if you drink to the point where you are an incoherent, rambling mess of a person, or you’re an angry drunk, you’ll likely be labeled as unpredictable and unprofessional.
9. Flaking on plans: listen, we’ve all bailed on our friends or family at one point or another, but if you’ve become well known as a total flake who never follows through on the commitments you make, people will stop trying to plan things with you and view you as unreliable.
10. Being overly dramatic: if you make everything a huge deal and demand that people stop and pay attention to you, they’ll eventually begin to ignore you. It’s like the tale of the boy who cried wolf, only rather than being eaten alive, you’ll simply be ostracized.
11. Self-deprecating humor: if you constantly put yourself down—albeit in a jokey manner—you’re doing yourself a great disservice because most people won’t find it funny, and many will believe there is more than a grain of truth in what you say about yourself.
12. Avoiding responsibility: if you always point the finger of blame away from you rather than admitting your mistakes, people will lose respect for you. Likewise, if you shy away from the hard but necessary tasks and duties of life and make others do them, you’ll be seen in a negative light.
13. Breaking your promises: few things will make people disregard your words more than making a promise and then breaking it…time and time again. How can they possibly take you seriously if you can’t keep your word?
14. Oversharing: if you share more personal information or stories than is appropriate for the setting you’re in, the people you overshare to will probably feel a little bit uncomfortable and consider you somewhat odd. And if you are seen as the quirky oddball, people probably won’t take you seriously.
15. Disappearing when things get tough: it’s a sign of poor character to vanish without a trace whenever you’re faced with the difficult emotions of others. If you’re not there for others when they need you most, or if you run from problems in your own relationships, people will think you’re immature.