9 Habits Successful People Don’t Waste Their Time On (And Nor Should You)

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Stop wasting time on these things.

Success means different things to different people. Yet despite this, there are universal habits that will hold you back. Here are 9 all-too-common behaviors that successful people don’t waste their time on:

1. Checking social media.

Mindlessly scrolling through social media wastes far more time than you’d imagine. You sit down for five minutes and find yourself still glued to your phone two hours later, three years deep into your ex’s new girlfriend’s Instagram. We’ve all been there. But to be successful you need to use your time wisely. Cut back on how often you use social media and you’ll be surprised at how much more you get done.

2. Comparing themselves to others.

In the world we live in, it’s no wonder we have daily identity crises. Digital media is amazing, but it’s also detrimental. The more images we see, the more we compare ourselves to them, nearly always in a negative way. And this is despite most of us having a good awareness of Photoshop and filters. These constant comparisons and warped expectations erode our self-confidence and may even alter our definition of success.

3. Stressing about others’ opinions.

It’s hard to pursue your idea of success when you’re constantly worrying about what other people think of you. It’s important to learn whose opinion matters. Some outside influence is going to be helpful and appreciated, but other people may just try to drag you down. If you want to be successful you need to pursue what you want, without worrying about judgment. Easier said than done, but well worth trying.

4. Gossiping.

Idle gossip might seem fun, but there’s really not much point to it. What other people choose to do, who they choose to date, and so on, is none of your business. If it doesn’t impact you, why are you spending your time talking about it? Time spent gossiping is better spent working toward your goals. Being successful is about doing what you set out to do, whatever that is. And you can’t do that if you’re gossiping about Brenda from Accounts.

5. Surrounding themselves with toxic people.

Success isn’t just work-related, it encompasses your mental health and personal growth. You won’t find successful people hanging around with those who belittle them or hold them back. And you’ll notice their close friends are just as motivated and driven as they are. It can be tricky to let go of people, but you need to put your own needs first, especially if they’re toxic people who are no good for you.

6. Staying in negative environments.

Successful people won’t tolerate a toxic environment or culture. They know what they want, and they aren’t ashamed to leave a situation to get there. Be that a job, living space, or community. To be successful you need the opportunity to grow, be creative, and explore yourself and your abilities. You can’t be successful if you don’t set yourself up for it, and that starts with your surroundings.

7. Faffing.

There are so many ways to waste your time (trust me, I’ve experimented!), and faffing around is definitely one of them. Successful people plan ahead to get things done as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Be that meal prep, outfit choices, or journey plans. If you take a few minutes to sit and make a plan you’ll be surprised by how much more quickly you get things done, without scrimping on quality.

8. Focusing on past mistakes.

Learning to let go of the past is something most of us could benefit from. It’s easy to be held back by mistakes we’ve made and the fear of repeating them. But being successful means moving forward, adapting, and improving. Success rarely tastes sweet when it comes easily. It’s the struggle and the setbacks along the way that make it so victorious.

9. Fitting in.

Growing up, fitting in can feel like one of the biggest goals to aim for. Yet part of being successful is being happy and comfortable in your own authentic skin. There’s no point desperately trying to fit into a mold that just isn’t you. Accept you’re not the same as your friends and fill your life with what works for you. We’re all different and that’s something to be proud of. After all, the world would be a very unsuccessful place if we were all the same.

About The Author

Lucy is a travel and wellness writer currently based in Gili Air, a tiny Indonesian island. After over a year of traveling, she’s settled in paradise and spends her days wandering around barefoot, practicing yoga and exploring new ways to work on her wellbeing.