9 quirky habits that indicate you’re very confident in yourself

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How many of these things do you do?

Have you ever looked at someone wearing a spectacular outfit and wished you had the self-confidence to do the same?

Or perhaps you’re that person who hits the dance floor with wild abandon whilst others look on in fascination?

These, and more below, are 9 quirky habits that often reveal a person with high levels of self-confidence:

1. Smiling at strangers.

In this era of crippling social disconnect, it’s rare to see someone smile at a stranger.

Those who do so tend to have high self-confidence. They don’t worry whether the other person wants to be smiled at, whether they’ll return the smile, or whether they’ll take it the wrong way.

Instead, a sincere smile is offered up like a gift, and it’s up to the recipient to decide how they react to it.

Self-confident people understand that other people’s reactions and responses have nothing to do with them, but are instead a reflection of how that person is feeling.

2. Embracing a unique sense of style.

A person who has a high level of self-confidence is content to let their fabulous flag fly in every way, shape, and form.

Current trends don’t mean a thing to them, and they choose their aesthetic style based on what makes them feel happiest.

One person may dress entirely in vintage 1940s clothing, while another may wear only comfort clothes.

They fully embrace the styles that they love and don’t waste time worrying about what others think of their choices.

3. Unashamedly enjoying solo activities.

A lot of people hold themselves back from eating alone at a restaurant or going to a movie by themselves because they’re afraid others will think they’re a ‘loner’.

In contrast, people with a high level of self-confidence are comfortable embracing these solo activities because it doesn’t matter to them what people think.

After all, they love their own company, so why wouldn’t they want to spend time alone?

They may even enjoy themselves more than they would with company, as they don’t have to engage in a conversation they aren’t interested in or perform in any way to please someone else.

4. Enjoying silent solitude.

In addition to solitary sojourns, self-confident people often enjoy spending time alone at home and are perfectly comfortable with silence.

Whereas most people like some type of background noise to block out the silence, those with high self-confidence tend to be comfortable with their own company and thoughts.

Self-confident people are secure in their thoughts and emotions, so don’t feel the need for external distractions to block them out.

In the same way that highly confident people are comfortable in their own silent company, they’re also comfortable in companionable silence with another person.

They don’t feel a need to fill the silence with chatter because they don’t consider these silent pauses to be awkward or uncomfortable.

5. Openly embracing quirky interests.

Far too many people avoid pursuing interests or hobbies that others think are unusual, simply because they’re afraid to be mocked.

But those with a high level of self-confidence don’t care what people think of their passions.

These folks won’t just pour a lot of time, effort, and love into their weird and wonderful hobbies—they’ll share their joys unabashedly with others because they aren’t embarrassed about what anyone else thinks.

And why should they be?

6. Being unapologetically honest.

Let’s start by saying there is a big difference between being bluntly rude to people for the sake of it and being honest with them when the need arises.

Highly self-confident people are often very tactful when telling others the truth about a subject, but they won’t lie or sugarcoat things either.

For example, let’s say someone who lacks self-confidence goes on a date but doesn’t feel any chemistry with the person.

They may find excuses to avoid a second date, sending mixed messages in the process, rather than saying straight out that they didn’t feel a connection.

In contrast, a highly confident person will say straight out that they had a great time but don’t see any romance happening in the future.

This type of honesty helps them establish and maintain healthy boundaries, even if it’s hard for others to hear.

7. Openly disagreeing with popular opinion.

Because they aren’t afraid to speak honestly, self-confident people are also prepared to go against the grain and voice opinions that are contrary to groupthink.

It takes self-confidence to swim against the current, so to speak, and admit that you’re not that into something, or don’t agree with a particular view—especially when pretty much everyone around you feels differently.

Self-confident people rarely care whether others approve of them or not. They aren’t about to pretend they’re into Taylor Swift when their tastes lean more towards Billie Eilish.

8. Initiating conversations with strangers.

Some highly self-confident people won’t just smile at strangers but will strike up a conversation with them and take a genuine interest in it.

They’re interested in other people and spark connections wherever they go.

Because of their genuine interest, they can often tell when another person is feeling down and needs some words of encouragement.

Rather than shying away for fear of saying the wrong thing, they offer a compliment or simply ask if they’re doing okay. Before they know it, they’re chatting up a storm and everyone is smiling.

9. Dancing how they want, when they want.

You’ve probably heard the old adage, “Dance like no one’s watching”.

People who have a high level of self-confidence are perfectly happy to dance with wild abandon, rather than worrying about who might be judging their dance floor moves.

What constitutes being a ‘good’ dancer is a matter of personal perspective, but someone with high self-confidence won’t care either way.

They simply let the music move them and in that moment they are rewarded with all the joy in the world.

About The Author

Catherine Winter is an herbalist, INTJ empath, narcissistic abuse survivor, and PTSD warrior currently based in Quebec's Laurentian mountains. In an informal role as confidant and guide, Catherine has helped countless people work through difficult times in their lives and relationships, including divorce, ageing and death journeys, grief, abuse, and trauma recovery, as they navigate their individual paths towards healing and personal peace.