18 Subtle Signs You’re More Attractive Than You Think

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Want to know if you’re attractive?

If you’re reading this, there’s a high chance that you have self-doubt and don’t think you’re attractive…

… so let’s start off by saying that everyone is attractive!

You don’t have to be drop dead gorgeous to be considered attractive.

There are so many different ways to be attractive, and so many different things that different people find attractive.

Here are some subtle signs you can look out for that show you are more attractive than you think, but this list is neither exhaustive nor absolute. If you don’t tick every item on this list, it doesn’t mean you don’t have it in you!

1. You often get compliments – and not just words.

This is a pretty straightforward one, but if people compliment you not only in words but through subtle signs like how they react to you, look at you, and give you attention, then these are a few of the many compliments saying you are attractive.

People are keen to let you know how attractive you are because they want you to know, and want to make you feel good. Some are probably trying to flirt with you

2. People tend to copy or imitate you.

Attractive people may not always get a lot of praise for their looks, but even if you rarely get compliments, if people around you ask about your style and your opinion on theirs, then you are more attractive than you think!

3. People flirt with you and want your company.

Maybe people are regularly asking you on dates and asking for your number, or even just hitting on you on nights out.

When you are in a conversation with them, subtle signs such as licking lips or playing with one’s buttons on a shirt are also a giveaway.

This is a pretty clear sign that they’re drawn to you!

Remember that everyone has a different type and that everyone is attractive in their own way, so just because you don’t get hit on every time you leave the house, it doesn’t mean you’re unattractive. 

4. You are comfortable in your own skin – and people sense that.

Not only do you avoid comparing yourself to others, but you honestly don’t care about others’ beauty standards because you feel self-sufficient and know your worth – and that is extremely attractive!

While most guys are visual, not everyone falls for a pretty girl.

If you are a woman who exudes confidence, neither clingy, nor needy, nor do you feel self-conscious or have low self-esteem, it’s no big surprise even if the most attractive guy finds you attractive as well. 

5. You’ve dated or been in a relationship.

If you’ve ever been ‘seeing’ someone, regularly going on dates with the same person, or been in a relationship, you’re obviously attractive!

Nobody spends a lot of time with someone unless they choose to, and they’re choosing to hang out with you for a reason.

If you’ve been sleeping with someone, or just been intimate with someone you’re dating, they obviously fancy you and find you attractive. 

6. People love to start conversations with you.

Let’s remember that being attractive isn’t just about how we look! Sure, it’s a good way to start initially, but there’s so much more to it than just looking the part.

When every now and then an acquaintance, or even a stranger, makes eye contact, musters a friendly smile, starts talking to you, and goes on asking questions to keep the conversation going, then most likely he/she finds you attractive.

If you find yourself having great conversations, having amazing banter, and maybe even getting a little bit silly and flirty, not only are you great company – you’re also attractive!

7. People enjoy spending time with you and want to hang out.

If people gravitate toward you and want to spend time with you regularly, you’re attractive.

There’s something about you that draws people in and makes them want to be around you. It could be your looks, your sense of humor, or your energy – whatever it is, if people want to be around you because of it, you’re definitely attractive!

Again, everyone is attractive in their own way, so even if you can’t see it yourself, the people that seek you out and want to spend time with you see it and believe it.

Try to believe this and realize that people do want to be around you, however hard it might feel at first! 

8. People check you out.

Maybe you get checked out a lot in the street, or people double-take when they walk past you in a bar.

Checking you out is not only in person but may also be online through social media, like when they follow you and react to your posts.

Of course, if you’re comfortable with it, this can feel nice and is a good confidence boost that lets you know that people find you attractive.

9. People are surprised that you’re single.

If people are surprised or shocked when you tell them you’re single, it’s because they see you as someone who would easily attract an attractive guy, such that people raise their eyebrows in disbelief if you are not with anyone.

Equally, if people are surprised that you’re single, it’s probably because they find you attractive and therefore assume that everyone else does too! 

10. People change around you.

We’ve all been there – you find someone attractive and get a bit giggly, or turn shy and start blushing, or maybe start playing with your hair and flirting.

If you notice that people’s behavior changes around you, it’s probably because they find you attractive.

They might really care about your opinion and therefore get a bit nervous and want to impress you, or they might go all out and start joking around, being OTT, and trying to get your attention.

Either way, if people regularly shift behavior when you’re around, it’s because they find you attractive and want you to notice them. 

11. Those of the same gender display envy toward you.

Some guys and girls find themselves green-eyed with envy at those they perceive as being considerably more attractive than them. But there is a stereotype that girls show their envy and jealousy toward other girls more than guys do toward other guys.

If you’ve ever been in a position where a group of people of the same gender as you are mean about you or exclude you from their group, it may have been because you make them feel insecure about their own looks due to your obvious attractiveness.

Perhaps they are envious of all the attention you get or because they perceive you as receiving favorable treatment because of your looks. Neither of those things needs to be true for them to have ill-feelings toward you.

12. People make eye contact with you.

Meeting another person’s gaze can be a sign of attraction, especially if that eye contact is intense and prolonged. We tend not to stare at people like that in normal conversation.

So if you find that people often lock your eyes with theirs when you are talking or in the same room as them, it suggests you are attractive to look at.

You may also find that people make eye contact with you because they are staring at you without realizing it. And when you catch their gaze, a natural reaction will be for them to quickly look away and act awkward or embarrassed.

13. People will happily help you out.

Whether consciously or not, people consider those who they deem attractive more positively than those they deem unattractive. This is known as attractiveness bias and can lead to favorable treatment in many different ways.

One such way is that attractive people are more likely to receive help from others, whether or not they ask for it.

It may be helping you out on a personal endeavor or a cause that you believe in.

So if you find that others are willing to bend over backwards to assist you in any way, there’s a chance that they are doing so because they deem you to be attractive (even if they are not attempting to overtly flirt with you or get you to like them).

14. You’re asked for style or beauty tips.

It’s common for a person to want to emulate the look or style of someone they see as being attractive. It’s a way for them to feel more attractive in themselves.

So if you often find yourself being asked for tips regarding makeup or clothes or hair, there’s a high chance that you are good looking.

If you are a woman, you may find that guys will ask you for your advice or opinion too. They want to know what clothes you think they look most attractive in, how you think they should style their hair, or what accessories are a turn on or turn off. They do this because they want to be attractive to women like you.

15. People will open up to you.

You may not know it, but to some, being a good listener makes a person attractive.

So, when people tend to disclose more personal and sensitive information with you, it is because they see you as a good person, they trust you, feel the connection, and are drawn to you for your listening skills.

16. You get the attention in your group.

When you go to a party with friends and mingle with others, you are the one who gets the attention.

You make a great first impression at parties that you attend with friends and this is because of more than your physical appearance.

You simply make a natural connection with people you just met.

It may be because you know how to engage in interesting talk, or people simply appreciate your personality.

17. Your friends want you as their wingman or wingwoman.

If friends approach you and in a subtle way want you to be their wingman or wingwoman, there’s a good chance that they’re doing so because they see you as being attractive and more approachable.

But the same could be said about any type of social gathering whether that’s a party, business networking event, or at college or university. Having an attractive friend (i.e. you) makes them feel more confident.

18. People enjoy your wit and humor.

People find wit and humor more attractive, and if people stick around you and obviously enjoy your company, then you are more attractive than you think.

Laughter brings happy vibes because of the release of endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones. That is why, if people want to be around you because you have a good sense of humor, then that can be an extremely attractive trait.

About The Author

Lucy is a travel and wellness writer currently based in Gili Air, a tiny Indonesian island. After over a year of traveling, she’s settled in paradise and spends her days wandering around barefoot, practicing yoga and exploring new ways to work on her wellbeing.