17 Signs Your Emotional Attachment To Your Partner Is Unhealthy

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17 Signs Of Unhealthy Emotional Attachment

The emotional bond that happens between people who get attached is a magical thing.

However, sometimes this attachment can be unhealthy.

And when that attachment is unhealthy, the relationship can’t be healthy either.

Unhealthy attachment can look different for different individuals.

The following are some of the common signs of unhealthy attachment.

1. You constantly think about your partner.

Are you emotionally attached to the extent that it interferes with your everyday life? You constantly think about your partner, and you miss their presence whenever you’re away from them.

Constantly thinking about someone may sound romantic, but it can be a sign of unhealthy attachment.

People with an unhealthy attachment style often obsess over their relationship and have no life outside of it.

Constantly being preoccupied with your partner to the point where it interferes with your everyday life doesn’t allow room for personal space and individuality.

People with an unhealthy attachment style often avoid being alone and neglect growth because they’re so focused on their relationships.

2. You’re afraid that your partner will leave you.

You have an intense fear of abandonment that increases your anxiety and insecurities. If you’re constantly worried that your partner might leave you, you can’t relax in the relationship.

People with a healthy attachment style trust that their partners respect and value the relationship.

If you’re instead frequently terrified that the relationship might end, it shows that either the relationship isn’t healthy or your attachment style isn’t.

To some extent, it’s normal to be afraid of losing someone you love. However, when there’s no real reason to think that this might happen, you have a fear of abandonment.

3. You depend on your partner too much.

You need to be self-sufficient and independent, but if you have an unhealthy attachment style, you will struggle with this. You rely on your partner for validation, emotional support, and fulfillment of all your needs.

Maybe you also constantly seek their approval. Depending on someone that much is not healthy. It creates imbalance and unhealthy power dynamics in the relationship.

Codependency can leave you without a sense of self, and you can lose yourself in your relationship by relying too much on your partner.

Enmeshment is not good for you or your relationship, and you need healthy boundaries instead.

4. You are overly jealous.

Do you frequently have jealous outbursts? Jealous, obsessive, controlling, and possessive behavior is common with unhealthy attachment styles.

If your partner gives you no reason to doubt their loyalty, you need to learn to control your jealousy. Constant suspicion is the opposite of what you need in a relationship because it destroys open communication and trust.

Excessive jealousy is often a sign of insecurity associated with an unhealthy attachment style.

Did your partner really deserve the lack of trust, or does this come from your own insecurities?

5. You want to spend all your free time with your partner.

You want to be with your partner constantly, and you miss them all the time when you’re away from each other. Pretty much your entire life revolves around your relationship.

You neglect other areas of your life, other people in your life, and yourself, because of your relationship. You don’t want to be alone, so you would rather spend every minute of your day with your partner.

People with insecure attachment styles often fear being alone and display clinginess and neediness.

You must stop suffocating your partner because both of you need some room to breathe for your relationship to work.

6. You ignore the red flags.

Would you rather stay in an unhealthy relationship than be alone?

Rationalizing or ignoring the problematic behavior of your partner is one of the signs of insecure attachment overpowering your better judgment.

If you frequently choose to ignore the red flags and stay in an unhealthy relationship, you’re repeating a toxic pattern. Red flags are there to warn you when someone is clearly not good for you.

Yet you fear being alone to the point that you would rather choose to stay with someone who’s not good for you.

When a relationship with someone is unhealthy for you, there will always be warning signs, and ignoring them is not because of romantic feelings; it’s because of an unhealthy attachment.

7. You neglect your own needs.

You prioritize your relationship to the point of neglecting your own needs. Maybe you even put your partner’s needs ahead of your own when it’s not good for your well-being.

You don’t invest time in self-care, and you’re stuck repeating toxic patterns instead of pursuing self-growth. Other areas of your life and other people in your life also get neglected because of your obsession with your relationship.

You constantly prioritize your partner’s needs and neglect yourself in the process, all because of an unhealthy attachment.

8. You’re on an emotional rollercoaster.

When it comes to your emotional state, you experience extreme highs and lows based on your partner’s actions or the current state of your relationship. This can turn your life into an emotional roller coaster.

Healthy attachment is all about stability and support. Instability and unresolved issues instead cause frequent and extreme emotional highs and lows.

Your mood shouldn’t depend on your partner or your relationship. This reliance on your partner creates unhealthy power dynamics.

9. You don’t set boundaries.

A lack of clear boundaries can create big problems in a relationship, and it’s a problem often associated with unhealthy attachment. Boundaries are there to ensure that both you and your partner’s needs are respected.

But when there’s a blurred line between your individual identities and lives, you can become enmeshed.

You need to define what is and isn’t acceptable in a relationship, and boundaries are there to help you do that. Don’t tolerate bad behavior when you can say no to what is unacceptable to you.

10. You can’t let go.

You could be holding on to a relationship that has ended or no longer serves your well-being. This indicates that you can’t let go even when moving on is in your best interest.

Often, this is because of an insecure attachment style. If you can’t move on from an emotionally unhealthy attachment or can’t accept the end of a relationship, it will lead to anger, sadness, and resentment.

A lot of people with insecure attachment styles are also afraid of being alone, and they would rather stick with a bad relationship instead. This might also be behind your inability to let go because you would rather be in any relationship than no relationship at all.

11. You manipulate your partner.

Playing mind games, emotional blackmail, and guilt-tripping are just some of the manipulative tactics that you use to maintain an unhealthy attachment. You manipulate your partner into staying with you and giving you what you want.

A healthy relationship is supposed to be based on respect, trust, and open communication.

There is no room for manipulative tactics in a relationship like that.

When you manipulate your partner into doing things for you, you’re behaving in a controlling and possessive manner, which is often a sign of an insecure attachment style.

12. You’re in a one-sided relationship.

Does your partner reciprocate your affection and the effort you put into maintaining the relationship?

People with an unhealthy attachment style often end up in a one-sided relationship where their efforts and affection aren’t reciprocated.

The well-being of your relationship can’t depend solely on you. The effort needs to be mutual for your relationship to work.

If you instead waste time on a one-sided relationship, you are just going to keep giving while you get nothing in return. That’s not something that you should settle for.

13. Your self-esteem depends on your relationship.

Healthy self-esteem is supposed to come from within, not depend solely on external factors.

When you link your self-esteem and a sense of self-worth only to the status of your relationship, it’s very unhealthy.

You need to be responsible for your own self-esteem instead of letting it be determined by what’s going on in your relationship or how your partner treats you.

If their validation, actions, and opinions determine your self-esteem, you need to do something about it. It’s a sign of an unhealthy attachment style.

14. You repeat the same mistakes in relationships.

Have you noticed that you’ve been repeating the same unhealthy attachment patterns in many of your relationships?

Even when they lead to a negative outcome, you still stick to these patterns.

Thankfully, once you’ve identified these patterns, you’ve already made a big step toward resolving them. If you repeat the same mistakes in relationships, it’s time to change your behavior.

For instance, maybe you chase away your partners with clinginess and neediness. Maybe you get separation anxiety whenever you’re alone and could benefit from learning to be less clingy to your partner.

15. You lost your sense of self.

Do you still know who you are outside of your relationship with your partner? Maybe your life revolves entirely around your partner, and you feel like you’ve lost your individual identity.

Healthy relationships foster independence and personal growth, and unhealthy attachment leads to losing yourself in the relationship.

Emotional investment shouldn’t require you to ditch your entire identity. In fact, this is destructive for you and the relationship and leads to unbalanced power dynamics.

16. You don’t communicate well with your partner.

When you can’t communicate effectively with your partner, it leads to arguments, misunderstandings, and a lack of emotional connection.

Maybe you have trouble expressing your concerns or needs, or you don’t actively listen to your partner. Both of these things can prevent healthy attachment.

Open and honest communication about your thoughts and feelings could bring you closer together and help you bond.

17. You have fantasy-based expectations.

Do you believe that your partner should always make you happy or fulfill your every emotional need?

These are unrealistic, fantasy-based expectations that lead to conflict and disappointment.

If you have idealized expectations of your partner, they are not going to be able to live up to those expectations.

Fantasy-based expectations are one of the common unhealthy attachment patterns that people repeat in relationships.

They are never happy with their partner, but the partner that would make them happy doesn’t exist. Their expectations are unrealistic, and no person could be or should be responsible for another person’s happiness to that extent.

About The Author

Ana Vakos enjoys writing about love and all the problems that come with it. Everyone has experiences with love, and everyone needs dating advice, so giving these topics more attention and spreading the word means a lot to her.