16 Ways Hyper-Observant People See The World Differently

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Highly observant people do these things instinctively.

Do you ever stop to soak in the world?

Have people compared you to Sherlock Holmes or Matt Murdock?

Do you use all your senses, not just your sight?

We receive a lot of sensory information every waking second, but to be truly observant means responding to it as well.

When you notice absolutely everything, you must learn what to focus on and what to filter out. Observant people are good at this, and they’re often at least one step ahead of others.

Observant people really do have it better than others.


Because the world is a fascinating place if you really pay attention to it. Observant people enjoy a richer experience because they are so attuned to the world around them.

Here are some things that incredibly observant people consistently do that make them different from everyone else:

1. They notice the details.

The devil is in the detail, they say, and observant people know this. So, they pay attention to even the tiniest of details. For instance, they might notice their coworker’s red nose which indicates that they are sick or have been crying.

In addition to being detail oriented, these people have great deductive reasoning and critical thinking skills, so they can conclude a lot from these details.

For example, they might notice that their partner has changed their hairstyle or that a coworker has skipped their lunch break. These details tell them that their partner is putting in some extra effort for their date night or that their coworker is running behind on their work.

Paying attention to the details is useful in all aspects of life.

2. They analyze everything.

Observant people don’t only notice the details; they analyze them as well. As a matter of fact, they analyze everything. For instance, if you notice that your coworker came in late today and wore socks that don’t match, you could conclude that they’ve overslept and are having a rough morning.

Sherlock Holmes and other popular fictional detectives all have one thing in common—the power of observation and deduction. Observant people use the same power. Although they might not use it to solve crimes, they use it to solve problems in their daily lives.

3. They soak in their surroundings.

This type of person always scans their surroundings. They observe their environment and the people around them, instead of looking at their phones or getting distracted in other ways.

They might isolate each sense to see what they can hear, smell, see, feel through touch, and even taste. Then they can put all this information together and bask in the complete experience of life.

4. They keep their mind busy.

The mind of an observant person is constantly active. They are searching for things to focus on while prioritizing information. Obviously, this type of person is busy even when they appear to be doing nothing. While most people will reach for their phone when bored, observant people soak in their surroundings and enjoy people-watching.

They don’t like distractions and are never bored; their mind is busier than a bee. They are focused, mindful, aware of their senses, and present in the moment.

5. They read the signs and body language.

Are you tired? Bored? Deceitful? Amused? An observant person can tell how you feel or what you might be thinking based on the signs you’re giving off. They notice body language and the way it changes, so it’s easy for them to tell when you’re lying or when you’re having a difficult day.

They are good at reading the vibe, the room, the people, or however you wish to phrase it. They’re great at sensing what you’re feeling, even if you’re good at hiding it.

6. They are curious.

It’s important to keep your inner child happy. When that inner child belongs to an observant person, it never stops asking “Why?” Their curious mind is constantly learning. Being curious makes life more fascinating, so observant people can be happy because of their curiosity.

Like a three-year-old child who is constantly asking questions, observant people are eager to learn. They learn from daily experiences and everything around them; they are always analyzing things.

7. They repeat everything.

You will often find an observant person reading the same book or watching the same movie multiple times. This is because they gain some new information each time. Also, these people know that you learn through repetition, and there’s nothing that they value more than learning.

8. They notice patterns.

Everything in life is made up of patterns, whether it’s the patterns of nature or patterns in the behavior of humans that form their habits. Noticing patterns helps us prepare for what’s going to happen in the future, and observant people use it to improve themselves and their lives.

It’s easy to embark on the road of personal development when you have identified the old patterns that no longer serve you—or maybe they’ve never served you. You can also notice some new patterns that you could improve upon.

9. They’re good listeners.

Highly observant people know how to listen. They know that to understand someone, it pays to listen to what they are saying rather than getting distracted or focusing solely on what you are going to say next.

In addition, they are good at reading between the lines and hearing what isn’t said and deducing things from this too. After all, what someone chooses not to tell you can be just as enlightening as what they do say.

For instance, if a coworker complains about a small task at work, others might conclude that they are being petty. An observant person, however, might conclude that the coworker is having personal problems that are causing them to be frustrated at work.

10. They are tidy and organized.

When you’re the type of person who notices everything, you want it to be easy to pick up on these things. So, you’ll be tidy and organized. Observant people keep their home, and especially their office, tidy and organized so that it’s easy to reach for something when they need it.

They are likely to be organized in other ways as well. For instance, they’ll keep a calendar, their computer files will be organized, they’ll plan their goals and write down the steps, and they’ll do a great job at planning events or projects.

All in all, this person is likely to have a “to-do” list on their tidy desk, and they regularly cross off completed tasks because observant people are also very productive.

11. They have great orientation and navigation skills.

An observant person never, or very rarely, gets lost in a new place or a big crowd. This is because they have great orientation and navigation skills. They are usually good drivers, but they also find their way quickly when on foot. They always notice important things for orientation, such as landmarks in big cities.

It’s always a good idea to bring an observant person with you when you’re going to a music festival or a large shopping mall. They will easily find a way out when they’re stuck in large places with a lot of people.

12. They soak up facts and information.

woman reading a book sitting by the window on a moving train

Did you know that stop signs were once yellow or that dolphins keep one eye open when sleeping? An observant person is a source of interesting facts that no one really needs to know, but they also know a lot of useful information that helps them in everyday life.

If you are this type of person, you probably store a lot of detailed facts, even random ones that you collect over time. Basically, you’re a living encyclopedia, and people love this about you because they can always come to you for answers instead of searching for them online.

13. They are focused and mindful.

You already learned that observant people are very much aware of their surroundings and other people, but they’re also aware of themselves. They notice how they are interacting with others, as well as the times when they’re being unproductive or lazy. This helps them adjust things accordingly.

For instance, if an observant person notices that they are being lazy in the morning when they should be working, they may adjust their schedule and focus on their jobs in the afternoon.

They are constantly dealing with a lot of facts, so focusing can be a challenge, but they’re great at it due to prioritizing and practicing mindfulness.

14. They enjoy people-watching.

It can be interesting to observe people as if you’re new to the concept of humans. These fun little creatures go about their days while you gaze at them and guess what they’re all about. This is called people-watching, and it’s a hobby for those who are imaginative and curious, and observant people are definitely those things.

People-watching can sound stalkerish, but it really isn’t. It’s more like you’re putting yourself into the role of a scientist who is studying human behavior and developing more skills.

15. They’re good judges of character.

Observing what someone says, does, and might not be saying helps this type of person read other people like open books. Don’t be surprised if an observant person tells you something about yourself that you never told them. They didn’t hear it from anyone else; they got it from you, even if you never said it directly.

As already mentioned, they are good at reading your body language, so this, along with your actions compared to your words, helps them identify things about you that you might not be saying. Again, they’re good at reading between the lines, so if you have hinted at something, whether knowingly or unknowingly, they’re all caught up with that.

16. They form healthy relationships.

In the end, observant people tend to form healthy relationships with others. This is probably due to some of the skills that you’ve read about so far. Reading body language, as well as reading between the lines, comes in handy in romantic relationships, and so does paying attention to the details.

These people are good at picking up on any changes in mood that their partner is exhibiting, which obviously helps in relationships. They’re the ones who’ll ask you what’s wrong if you’re usually chatty but suddenly turn distant, or if you frown while you’re usually cheerful.

About The Author

Ana Vakos enjoys writing about love and all the problems that come with it. Everyone has experiences with love, and everyone needs dating advice, so giving these topics more attention and spreading the word means a lot to her.