13 Simple Ways To Make Your Man Miss You Like Crazy

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How To Make Him Miss You

A man with glasses, wearing a white sweater and blue jeans, sits on a park bench in an autumn setting. He is resting his chin on his clasped hands, looking thoughtful. Fallen leaves surround the bench and trees with yellow foliage are visible in the background.

There’s no fool proof way of making your husband or boyfriend miss you.

But there are a few tried and tested techniques that could make him sit up, take notice, and stop taking you for granted.

You want him to start feeling nostalgic for how your relationship used to be, and give him the motivation to start putting more effort in.

If these tips don’t work, then it might be that the problems between you run a little deeper than just taking each other for granted, and that you need to take some time to consider where the fault lines in your relationship are, and what you need to do to fix them.

1. Reduce your contact with him.

A woman lies on a bed in a relaxed pose, looking at her smartphone. She is wearing casual clothes and appears to be in a room with moving boxes and a small plant in the background. The room is dimly lit by a lamp.

It might be that, as a rule, the two of you don’t tend to have much contact during the day, as you both have busy lives.

But if you are in touch a lot during the day, updating each other on things, then you could try reducing that to the essentials.

Even just a few hours without hearing from you could mean he starts missing you.

That way, when you get home at the end of the day (or when you meet up with him if you don’t live together), you’ll actually have things to talk about.

You’ll be able to tell him all about your day and hear about his, and keep the conversation flowing.

2. Don’t respond to him immediately.

A woman with light brown hair is lying on a dark brown, tufted sofa, holding a smartphone. She is wearing a white sleeveless top and smiling as she looks at the phone screen. The image focuses on her face and the phone.

Do you tend to reply to his messages as soon as you get them? It’s okay to make him wait now and again.

Whilst playing games like this might seem a bit juvenile, if you want him to miss you, you need to at least slow down your rate of reply. Unless, of course, it’s urgent.

There’s no magic number – you don’t have to wait X number of minutes or hours before you can text him back. Putting rules like that in place isn’t healthy.

Reply when it’s genuinely convenient for you, as long as that’s not 20 seconds after you’ve received the message.

3. Leave him wanting more.

A man with short blonde hair and a trimmed beard is wearing a brown leather jacket and a navy shirt. He looks off into the distance with a thoughtful expression. The background is a blurred outdoor setting with trees and a building. Sunlight filters through the leaves.

You love talking to him on the phone, or would happily let your dates go on for hours. But if you want him to miss you, you need to be the one to hang up or say goodbye.

Always make sure that there are some things left unsaid and more to catch up on, so that he doesn’t get a chance to get bored.

A slight air of mystery and unavailability always adds spice to a relationship, no matter how long you’ve been together.

4. Don’t drop other things for him.

A woman with long black hair sits at an outdoor café, resting her head on her hand and smiling thoughtfully. She wears a grey sweater and a watch. In front of her is a white cup and a slice of chocolate cake. The background is blurred with greenery and other patrons.

If you’re in a serious relationship with this guy, then he is, naturally, going to be one of your priorities in life. But if you want him to miss you, then he can’t always take precedence.

Be respectful of him and make plans together, but don’t be afraid to make plans of your own. Don’t drop the things you have planned if they just don’t suit him.

Your family and friends, your career, and your well-being all need to be priorities too.

Sending him the message that whilst you love him, he isn’t the center of your universe, will create a healthier, more respectful balance between you.

5. Start living for you.

A young woman wearing sunglasses, an orange polka-dot shirt, denim shorts, knee-high socks, and roller skates sits on concrete steps. She looks up and smiles at the camera, enjoying a sunny day.

In order for a relationship to work, you have to make compromises. But it’s important not to take this too far.

If you lose yourself in a relationship, you’ll never truly be happy, and the cracks will start to show.

What are the things you love and make you happy that you’ve stopped doing since he’s been in your life?

What do you miss? What really makes you feel like your true self? Is there a hobby that you loved, or a cause that you were passionate about?

Re-embracing some of the things that made your heart sing will make you happier in yourself, but it will also remind him of what first attracted him to you.

6. Make the most of this time with your friends and family.

Two women sit at an outdoor café, smiling and enjoying coffee from white cups. The woman on the left has long blonde hair and wears a patterned sleeveless top, while the woman on the right has long brunette hair and wears a yellow off-shoulder top with floral designs.

The fact is that, when we’re in relationships, we often neglect our friends and family, not spending enough time with them.

So, make it your mission to create some memories with them. Fill up your diary with fun activities with the people you love.

Seeing you getting out and about with the other important people in your life will mean your boyfriend or husband has a chance to miss having you around, and might want to start making more memories with you himself.

7. Surprise him.

A man and a woman paddle a red canoe on a calm lake surrounded by greenery. The man, in a striped shirt and sunglasses, smiles at the woman, who is wearing a white hat and a pink shirt. Both appear to be enjoying a sunny, peaceful day on the water.

Getting him to miss you isn’t all about spending time apart. Surprising him and mixing things up can help too.

Rather than just going on the same old dates to the same old places, try new things.

Keeping him on his toes will mean he’s always keen to see you, wanting to see what you’ll surprise him with next.

8. Leave him reminders of you.

A woman with long brown hair, wearing a yellow shirt over a white top, smiles while arranging magnets and photos on a silver refrigerator. The fridge has a blackboard with "I love you" written on it in pink chalk. The background shows a bright kitchen.

If you don’t live together, leaving something small at his place means that he’ll think of you whenever he catches sight of it.

If you do live together, then you could slip a note or a small gift into his bag when he goes away, to put a smile on his face and keep him dreaming of you.

9. Be yourself.

A young couple enjoys a sunny day biking through a lush, green park. The man, in a tan t-shirt and maroon shorts, and the woman, in a yellow shirt and denim shorts, both sporting backpacks and sunglasses, smile while riding. A basket of flowers is attached to the woman's bike.

If this is the right guy for you, then he’s going to love you at your wackiest and at your most eccentric. He won’t be able to resist you when you really let your personality shine.

Day-to-day life might be dulling some of that shine, but fighting against that and being authentically you will mean he’s reminded of exactly why he fell in love with you and starts missing spending time with you.

10. Indulge in some self-care.

A person with eyes closed relaxes in a bubble bath, surrounded by sunlight streaming through white blinds. There is a green plant in a white pot next to the bathtub, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

The main motivation behind treating yourself should be just that, because you’re worth it.

But, getting that haircut, refreshing the contents of your make up bag, having a massage or treating yourself to a new outfit could give you a confidence boost that he’ll find irresistible.

It could make him take a second look and realize just how lucky he is, and start prioritizing spending time with you.   

Eat well, drink lots of water, and make sure you’re glowing.

Whether or not it makes him wake up and start appreciating you more, it will make you feel fantastic, like you’re ready to take life by the horns.

11. Arrange separate weekend plans.

Two smiling women are playfully interacting in a European town square on a sunny day. One woman, with long dark hair, is giving a piggyback ride to another with long light brown hair. Colorful, historic buildings with intricate facades line the background.

Sometimes, people in long-term relationships can feel like they have to be joined at the hip at all times.

And whilst it’s great and important to do things as a couple, doing things separately can be just as beneficial.

When the weekends come around, don’t assume you have to spend them together.

Suggesting that you do things separately could mean you both get the break you need to start missing each other.  

That way, when you are together at weekends, you’ll be more present and appreciative of the time you’re sharing.

12. Spend some time away.

Four women are joyfully splashing water as they stand knee-deep at the beach. They wear trendy summer outfits including hats, overalls, and sunglasses. They all have wide smiles, capturing a moment of fun and camaraderie. The background is a calm body of water.

If you don’t live together, then just a weekend on which you both do your own thing could be enough to get him feeling excited about seeing you.

But if you do live together, then some real time apart is important now and again.

Sure, he might enjoy the space in the bed on the first night, but after a little while he’ll start missing sleeping next to you.

Left to his own devices, he’ll also start to appreciate exactly how much you do around the house, or for the children, if you have any.  

It could be a night away, or it could even be a couple of weeks away on holiday. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder, in a lot of cases.

If you’ve been getting under each other’s feet for too long, a break from each other could work wonders for your relationship.

13. Organize romantic date nights.

A woman wearing a red dress is sitting at a table with a man in a restaurant with large windows. She is smiling with her hands under her chin. The table has two wine glasses and a bouquet of red roses. The background shows a blurred view of the city through the windows.

Right after you’ve had some time away from each other is the perfect moment to dial up the levels of romance.

Once he’s had some time to miss you, why not suggest that you both get dressed up, and do something special and romantic?

If you’ve been missing each other, you’ll both be feeling all the feels, and it’s the perfect moment for the two of you to reconnect and relight the fire between you.

About The Author

Katie is a writer and translator with a focus on travel, self-care and sustainability. She's based between a cave house in Granada, Spain, and the coast of beautiful Cornwall, England. She spends her free time hiking, exploring, eating vegan tapas and volunteering for a local dog shelter.