12 Traits Of Men Who Are Worth A Woman’s Time And Love

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If he does these things, he’s a keeper!

A couple stands on a rooftop with a cityscape in the background. The woman, wearing sunglasses and a white dress with a denim jacket, extends her arms wide, while the man, also in a denim jacket, stands behind her mimicking the same gesture and smiling.

Everyone has a set of traits that they admire in potential partners, but there are some universal behaviors that are appreciated across the board. If your man displays these 12 habits, you know he’s worth your time and energy.

1. Personal integrity.

A smiling man and woman sit at a table in a modern café, holding takeaway coffee cups. The man is wearing a maroon shirt, and the woman is wearing a light pink blouse. Shopping bags are visible in the foreground. They appear happy and relaxed.

He will be honest about situations even if that may have negative repercussions, and he will do “the right thing” despite the fact that nobody’s watching. This could involve stopping at a traffic light in the middle of a desert, or taking responsibility for a mistake that could be attributed anonymously to another.

2. Self-discipline.

A man and woman are in a cozy room with a window to their right. The woman, with blonde hair and wearing a striped sweater, is hugging the man from behind. The man, with short hair and wearing a green sweater, is working on a laptop. A cup and lamp are on the table.

Instead of making excuses as to why he can’t do something that’s important to him, he’ll be persistent and resilient in pursuing his goals. He doesn’t take the easy way out, and he will stick to his resolutions even when things get difficult, or if others try to tempt him.

3. Honesty.

A man with wavy blonde hair wearing a green jacket and a white shirt smiles at a woman with long blonde hair wearing a black jacket and a white shirt. They are outside, with blurred buildings in the background.

A good man recognizes the importance of honesty, especially when it’s balanced with tact and diplomacy. Is he as honest about what he thinks and feels as he is about finances and past behaviors? Then you know that you’ll be able to trust him, even when and if things get difficult.

4. Courage.

A man and woman sit together on a white bench outdoors on a sunny day. Both are wearing sunglasses and casual summer clothes. The woman, with long hair, smiles at the man while resting her hand on his shoulder. The background features greenery and a body of water.

Courage isn’t the absence of fear: rather, it’s the ability to feel scared and still do what needs to be done. If your man displays courage instead of cowardice, and takes action when others are running away and hiding, you know that you’ll always be able to depend on him.

5. Capability.

A man in a blue shirt and brown apron skillfully flips a frying pan with chopped vegetables, causing them to soar in the air. He holds a pot lid in the other hand. The kitchen has a rustic brick wall, wooden shelves, and various cooking utensils.

It’s important for every person to be as capable across the board as humanly possible. Can he cook a meal as easily as he can do home repairs? You know he’s a keeper if he has a wide variety of skills and he keeps expanding them to broaden his repertoire.

6. Kindness.

A smiling man with glasses hugs a happy Golden Retriever in a cozy indoor setting. The background shows a white wall with framed pictures and a desk organizer. The man wears a red jacket and a watch, while the dog looks content and relaxed.

You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat those who can’t do much for them. Is he kind towards the elderly or those with special needs? How is he with old or injured animals? If he treats others with compassion rather than contempt, you’ve found a good one.

7. Patience.

A couple wearing jackets embraces and smiles at each other while walking along a sandy beach. The ocean waves gently lap the shore, and tire tracks are visible in the sand. The sky is clear, indicating a calm and pleasant day.

Can this man delay immediate gratification in order to pursue a goal? If so, that’s a huge sign of maturity. The same goes for if he can remain gentle and calm while teaching someone a skill, despite the fact that they’re struggling with it, instead of getting irritable or cruel.

8. Resilience.

A couple sits closely together in a cozy cafe, embracing and smiling with their foreheads touching. The background is softly lit with warm lights and blurred people. Two cups of hot drinks and a candle are on the table in front of them.

How does he behave in a crisis: by giving up? Or by pressing onwards? Life gets difficult at times, but if he can shoulder the inevitable slings and arrows with grace and dignity and keep getting up after being knocked down repeatedly, that’s an immensely admirable trait in a man.

9. Loyalty.

A couple sits on a beach wrapped in a striped blanket, smiling at the camera as the sun sets. Behind them, friends are gathered around a campfire, enjoying the warm glow and relaxed atmosphere. The scene is lit with golden, ambient light, evoking a cozy, intimate feel.

You know that a man is a keeper when he shows loyalty to people he cares about. This may entail being faithful to his partner despite being apart for months (or years) at a time, or standing by a close friend during difficult circumstances when everyone else has abandoned them.

10. Good communication skills.

A couple relaxes on a couch. The person on the left in a brown jacket holds the person on the right, who has long hair and is wearing a teal shirt. Both appear content, and the person in teal is smiling with their head resting on the other's chest.

A good man makes the effort to listen more than he speaks, and to ensure that everyone involved understands each other. This involves active listening and open body language, speaking clearly and articulately, avoiding too much profanity, and checking in regularly to make sure you’re all on the same page.

11. Respectful behavior.

A couple is sitting closely together at a table in a cafe. The man, wearing a black suit and tie, is leaning in and smiling, while the woman, in a red dress with blonde hair, is holding a cup of coffee and smiling down at it. The background is softly blurred.

He’ll bring you your bag if you need something rather than going through it without permission. Similarly, he may offer to carry an elder’s groceries for them, and will treat sanitation workers or homeless people with the same amount of respect as he would show a senator or reigning monarch.

12. Gratitude.

A couple embraces on a beach. The woman, wearing sunglasses and a patterned dress, smiles at the camera, while the man, with long hair and a white shirt, has his back to the camera. Waves crash on the shore in the background.

Sincerely good men don’t take things for granted: they appreciate what they have and what others do for them, and they express their gratitude on a regular basis. If you do something for him, he’ll let you know how much he appreciates what you’ve done, and he will make it a priority to reciprocate.

About The Author

Finn Robinson has spent the past few decades travelling the globe and honing his skills in bodywork, holistic health, and environmental stewardship. In his role as a personal trainer and fitness coach, he’s acted as an informal counselor to clients and friends alike, drawing upon his own life experience as well as his studies in both Eastern and Western philosophies. For him, every day is an opportunity to be of service to others in the hope of sowing seeds for a better world.