Men who make great boyfriends (and husbands) do these 17 things

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Are you this man?

A couple walks on a bridge at sunset, smiling and holding each other closely. The man wears a white sweater and dark pants, while the woman wears a black jacket and scarf. Buildings and a few cars are visible in the background.

Women may seem like complicated creatures, but when it comes to men, it’s really quite simple. Most women want the same thing: a partner who fits the criteria below.

Because men with these qualities make the best boyfriends (and husbands).

1. They are sincere.

A man with dark hair and glasses kisses the forehead of a blonde woman wearing sunglasses. They are both smiling and dressed in casual coats. The woman has a light-colored coat while the man is in a brown coat. They appear to be outdoors on a sunny day.

Obviously, no woman wants a man who will feed her lies. It can be tempting to make the truth sound better than it really is, but trustworthy men refrain from doing this.

Be genuine with the woman you like, and she’ll appreciate it.

Women are tired of deceitful men who pretend that they’re something they’re not. Every woman has been lied to by some guy who just wanted to get into her pants. So, we have learned to steer clear of certain men as soon as we notice dishonesty.

After all, if you want to win her heart, you want her to like you for who you are, not for who you’re pretending to be. Men who make great partners are honest about themselves and their intentions, especially if they’re serious.

2. They spend a lot of time with her.

A man and a woman sit on a couch in a bright living room, smiling and holding hands. They appear to be engaged in a cheerful conversation. The room has white walls, a floor lamp, and large windows allowing natural light to fill the space.

Playing hard to get, hot and cold, avoiding a woman, or ignoring her to get her to like you might have worked in high school. But not for grown men who are serious about relationships.

If you play these games, a woman is just going to think that you’re not interested in her. Decent men show what they actually are. They spend a lot of time with her and put effort into getting to know her better.

They give her space too, but make sure that she’s aware of their interest in her.

3. They are confident.

A woman and man stand close together in an intimate pose. The man, wearing a dark hat and gray jacket, gazes lovingly at the woman. The woman, with red hair and a tattoo on her shoulder, looks down with a soft smile. The background is blurred and neutral-toned.

Unlike a lack of self-esteem or arrogance, confidence is extremely attractive in a man. While it’s good to be able to make fun of yourself, men who make great partners know the difference between joking around and putting yourself down. And they don’t put others down either.

They are confident in who they are and how they approach others and they express their thoughts and opinions. They are aware that they make mistakes and are prepared to own them and press forward.

4. They give compliments.

A man with wavy blonde hair wearing a green jacket and a white shirt smiles at a woman with long blonde hair wearing a black jacket and a white shirt. They are outside, with blurred buildings in the background.

Men who make great boyfriends (and husbands later down the line) ditch the small talk and engage in long, meaningful conversations.

They give her compliments, but not just about looks. She might be beautiful, but she might also be hardworking, ambitious, kind, and witty. Attentive men notice these things about her and turn them into compliments.

5. They give their full attention.

A couple sits closely together at a table, smiling at each other warmly. They are both holding beige mugs, with a cozy, relaxed atmosphere created by soft lighting. The woman has her hair in a ponytail, and the man has a beard and short hair.

No woman wants to be on a date with a man who is more interested in his phone. Men who make great partners know she deserves their full attention, and they give it.

They pay attention to what she’s saying and ask questions to get to know her better. Most importantly, they are actually interested in her answers.

6. They remember her likes and dislikes.

A young woman wearing a floral beanie and a black jacket smiles and talks to a man in a brown leather jacket. They are sitting outdoors at a café, with a crowd of people walking by in the background.

Men who pay attention use this to their advantage. They remember her likes and interests and use these to surprise her and show her that they are paying attention. They turn them into dates and gifts and get bonus points for their effort.

7. They are thoughtful.

A man with a beard kisses a smiling woman on the cheek. The woman has long, brown hair and her eyes are closed in happiness. They are outdoors and appear to be enjoying a pleasant, affectionate moment together.

Women like to know that their partner has thought about them. It’s as simple as that.

Men who make great boyfriends know this and utilize it.

It could be buying her favorite candy, the book she wants, the wine she likes… anything they know she’ll enjoy that sends the message “I was thinking of you”.

8. They are there when she needs them.

A couple shares an intimate moment. The man, with long blond hair and a red shirt, holds the woman, who has short blond hair and wears a striped top. She leans into him with her eyes closed and a content expression, while his tattooed hand rests gently on her shoulder.

When a woman is looking for a partner, she wants someone who’ll be there for her in her time of need. Men who make great partners aren’t only there for the good times. They don’t bail on a woman when it gets tough. If she’s sick, they show up with hot chicken soup. If she’s sad, they comfort and support her.

There is little else that women want more from a relationship than knowing they can count on their partner.

9. They offer to help.

A woman with tattoos sits at a table holding a tablet, surrounded by tools and a toolbox. In the background, a man with tattoos carries a cardboard box in a brightly lit room with a white modern interior.

Men who make great partners are ready and willing to show up for a task and be of use to their girlfriend.

They let her know that she can turn to them. They show her that they want to make her life easier, and she truly appreciates it in turn.

10. They truly listen to her.

A man and a woman are sitting on a white sofa, smiling and looking at each other. The man is wearing a green long-sleeve shirt and jeans, while the woman is wearing a blue long-sleeve shirt and jeans and holding a yellow cup. Books and a red jar are in the background.

No one enjoys a relationship where they don’t get to talk about themselves. And no one wants to talk if they feel unheard by the other person.

So, great partners learn to truly listen. They ask questions, engage in the conversation, and show interest in what she’s talking about.

11. They find common ground.

A man and woman are smiling as they get ready to fly a colorful kite in a sunlit park. The man holds the kite above his head while the woman stands close, looking at the kite. Trees with green foliage surround them, and soft sunlight filters through the branches.

The success of a relationship often depends on whether or not you share the same core values and beliefs, so men who make great partners don’t shy away from these topics.

It’s also important to enjoy doing things together, so they talk about their hobbies to find compatibility. They are open to trying some of the things that she likes even if they’ve never considered them before.

12. They show her how special she is.

A young couple enjoys a sunny day biking through a lush, green park. The man, in a tan t-shirt and maroon shorts, and the woman, in a yellow shirt and denim shorts, both sporting backpacks and sunglasses, smile while riding. A basket of flowers is attached to the woman's bike.

The key to wooing a woman and making her feel special is doing small things that mean the world to her. For instance, taking note of important dates, such as your first date or the day you met.

But more than that, men who make great partners also make her feel special by being supportive. They show her she can confide in them and vent when she’s going through something. They don’t always try to fix the problem she’s dealing with, because they know she probably just wants them to listen anyway.

13. They remind her that she’s on their mind.

A woman with long dark hair sits at a desk holding a smartphone and smiling thoughtfully. She is in a modern, well-lit room with a laptop in front of her, a coffee cup next to her, a bookshelf in the background, and a painting on the wall.

They send her a text sometimes just to show her that they’re thinking about her. They ask her about her day or send a funny meme when they know that she’s having a hard day.

It’s really not that hard to be the kind of guy every woman dreams of. The small and big romantic gestures are a gateway to her heart.

14. They show her their vulnerable side.

A man and woman are standing near a barbecue grill in a wooded park. The woman, wearing a straw hat, sunglasses, a red polka-dot top, and denim shorts, is holding a bottle. The man, in sunglasses and a blue shirt, is holding a drink and smiling at her.

Although getting to know someone in the early stages should be a positive experience, this doesn’t mean avoiding talking about negative things entirely. Men who make great partners open up to her about their fears and problems. They show their vulnerable side, and let her know what troubles them.

They don’t complain all the time, but they do show her that they are human beings with feelings that can get hurt. The tough-guy act doesn’t work anymore. They let her know that they can be sensitive and emotional and aren’t afraid to show it.

In reality, that’s manlier than pretending that nothing can get to you even though you’re dying inside.

15. They let her breathe.

A man and woman share a tender moment in a cozy, dimly lit room with brick walls and a standing lamp. The man stands behind the woman, who is seated, and they gaze into each other's eyes, both smiling warmly.

No one wants a needy, clingy partner that appears desperate. Great partners make sure not to suffocate her. They give her space and enough alone time. They don’t let their world start revolving around her.

They don’t get possessive and jealous either. They let her live her life too.

16. They show her respect.

A man and a woman, both wearing sunglasses, sit on a picnic blanket in a park. The man, in a blue shirt, is pouring red wine from a bottle into the woman's glass. The woman, in a red dress, is smiling and holding her glass. Green trees are visible in the background.

They make sure that they always stay respectful and show respect. Love is important, but without respect, you can’t have a healthy relationship.

They respect her need for alone time, her boundaries, her choices, and everything else.

17. They are faithful.

An elderly man with glasses and white hair sitting on a green couch, wearing a light blue shirt, gestures animatedly while smiling at an elderly woman with short blond hair, wearing a beige sweater. The woman is also smiling, and they seem to be enjoying a conversation.

No woman wants a man who’ll cheat. So, although most men will have a wandering eye from time to time, great boyfriends and husbands control themselves and leave it there. Ultimately they have eyes only for her and they show her that they will be a loyal partner.

They make her feel like she’s the only girl in the world for them, and she’ll be loyal in return.

About The Author

Ana Vakos enjoys writing about love and all the problems that come with it. Everyone has experiences with love, and everyone needs dating advice, so giving these topics more attention and spreading the word means a lot to her.