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12 Things A Woman Does That Make A Man Lose Interest

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If she does these things, he’ll lose interest.

A woman in a white dress and blue hat poses confidently under a wooden gazebo, her hand on her hat. In the foreground, a man in a white shirt looks down, seemingly distant. The gazebo is set in a grassy, fenced outdoor area.

We all have individual turn-offs (and turn-ons, for that matter), but there are certain traits and behaviors that will make just about any guy lose interest in a woman and walk away.

1. When she lacks integrity.

A woman with glasses is sitting at a wooden table, talking on a mobile phone with an open book in front of her. She appears to be frustrated or upset, raising her left hand with a distressed expression on her face. The background is dimly lit.

A huge turn-off for a lot of men is a woman who lacks integrity. Is she rude towards wait staff when you go out to eat? Has she knowingly manipulated others without a shred of regret? If she shows that she has the decency of a greased eel, interest will wane.

2. When she plays the field dishonestly.

Three adults are outdoors with a scenic background of hills and a town. In the foreground, a woman with blonde hair and a bearded man hold hands and face each other. In the background, a second man looks at them with an expression of surprise or concern.

It’s understandable if she has other potential suitors during the early stages of dating. What isn’t okay is if she’s not transparent about other interests, or if she is having intimate interactions (via text or in person) behind a guy’s back once things become serious.

3. When she insists that he pay for everything.

A woman and a man sit at an outdoor table with a white tablecloth, two wine glasses, and a wine bottle. The man is holding a menu, while the woman looks to the side with a thoughtful expression. Another person’s hand, holding a menu, is partially visible to the right.

Just about any man will lose interest in a woman who treats him like a walking wallet. This is especially true if she makes more than he does but still expects the “princess treatment”, or

behaves as though the money he makes is “theirs” but her paycheque is her own.

4. When she has conflicting expectations.

A woman with long hair and a white shirt stands in the foreground, looking contemplative, while a man in a white shirt stands in the blurred background. They are inside a room with shelves filled with various items.

Some women want a man who’s physically fit and strong, but then get upset when he’s always hitting the gym instead of being home with her. Similarly, they may want more spending money for various home needs but get mad about him working overtime. Pick a lane and stick to it.

5. When she sets unrealistic, one-sided expectations.

A man and a woman sit on a couch, both looking upset. The man, wearing a denim shirt, is leaning forward with his head resting on his hand. The woman, wearing a striped shirt, sits with her arms crossed, gazing off to the side. The background is a living room setting.

She may insist that he needs to be “all the things” that she dreams of in a partner, but in contrast, she should be accepted exactly as she is. Alternatively, she may give him a to-do list of chores that she wants him to do but gets offended if he does the same.

6. When she takes him for granted.

A man and woman are standing on a beach. The man is in the foreground, looking serious, with a gray scarf and beige jacket. The woman in the background, also looking serious, is wearing a white scarf and light coat. The ocean waves are visible behind them.

Treating her man like a piece of furniture that exists for her benefit and never reciprocating, like getting foot massages from him but never offering back rubs. The same goes for not putting effort into spending time together because she’s phone scrolling, or never thanking him for the things he does.

7. When she focuses solely on very shallow or trivial things.

A young woman with auburn hair is sitting on a balcony chair, reading a magazine. She is wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, enjoying the sunny weather. The balcony has a rustic vibe, with an old building wall behind her and a partial view of a street with trees.

If she’s placing more attention on celebrity gossip or shallow things that honestly don’t matter than things of substance, he’s likely going to lose interest. There aren’t many men out there who really want to hear about which famous person is getting divorced, nor do they care about potential throw cushion options.

8. When she constantly complains about her own life, but never does anything about it.

Two people with long hair, one in a blue shirt and the other in a black top, are standing side by side near a body of water. Both are gazing into the distance with a calm expression. The background is slightly blurred, showing the shoreline and a cloudy sky.

What you’re not changing, you’re choosing. If she’s constantly griping about things she doesn’t like in her life, but then finding excuses as to why she isn’t doing anything to change what she’s griping about, he’s likely going to get frustrated to the point of wanting to end the annoyance permanently.

9. When she micromanages/nags him.

Nobody wants to spend much time with a woman who’s always a source of conflict rather than peace. If she’s nitpicking about the toilet paper being hung the wrong way on the roller and insisting that he does various chores on her schedule, he’s going to check out and lose interest.

10. When she gives him the silent treatment as perceived punishment.

A woman and man stand close together in a barren, brown field. The woman, with light brown hair and a striped scarf, gazes forward with a serious expression. The man, wearing a dark coat, stands slightly behind her, looking down. Both appear contemplative.

This is a juvenile response to conflict and isn’t one that many men find endearing. If there’s an issue between you, work together to solve it and then find a way to move forward. Giving the silent treatment or cold shoulder will simply encourage him to detach and walk away.

11. When she is excessively critical of him.

A man in a navy blue shirt sits on a white couch resting his chin on his hand, appearing deep in thought. In the background, a woman in a striped sweater and jeans sits with her head tilted down and hand on her forehead, looking upset.

If a man is constantly being told that everything he does is wrong, that he’s incompetent, and that he generally isn’t “enough”, why would he have any incentive to be “more” in order to suit that other person’s wants and expectations? Especially if she’s in no position to be critical towards anyone else.

12. When she neglects her appearance but still wants the same level of affection.

A woman with long blonde hair sits on the edge of a bed, resting her head on her hand, looking pensive. In the background, a man with a beard sits further back on the bed, looking away. The room is softly lit, with a neutral color scheme.

Many women get upset that they aren’t desired the same way they were at the beginning of a relationship. However, they sometimes overlook the importance of putting effort into looking or behaving the way they did when things were new. Natural aging and body changes aside, nobody should be forced to fake attraction they aren’t feeling anymore due to their partner’s falling standards.

About The Author

Finn Robinson has spent the past few decades travelling the globe and honing his skills in bodywork, holistic health, and environmental stewardship. In his role as a personal trainer and fitness coach, he’s acted as an informal counselor to clients and friends alike, drawing upon his own life experience as well as his studies in both Eastern and Western philosophies. For him, every day is an opportunity to be of service to others in the hope of sowing seeds for a better world.