12 Reasons You Prefer The Company Of Animals To People

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Do you choose animals over humans most of the time?

A smiling woman in a pink and blue plaid shirt is sitting on a pebble beach, holding a happy golden retriever. The sea and rocky outcrops are visible in the background.

Many people prefer the company of various animal companions to that of other people. They may gravitate towards different species, but their reasons for connecting with non-human friends tend to be the same.

1. Companionship without expectations.

An elderly man with a long white beard and glasses sits in a kitchen holding an orange cat. He is looking at a laptop on a wooden table, with sunlight streaming through a window nearby. The kitchen has a black brick backsplash, knives on a magnetic strip, and potted plants.

Spending time with people inevitably comes with expectations, either regarding your time and energy, the way you behave, or future plans that you may not want to participate in. With animals, you can enjoy comfortable companionship without feeling any pressure to be something you’re not.

2. There’s no need for verbal communication.

A man in a yellow shirt and blue plaid jacket is gently touching the muzzle of a brown horse over a wooden fence in a sunlit outdoor enclosure. The horse leans toward him, and the scene is calm and friendly.

Active listening and speaking can be incredibly draining at times, especially if you’re an introvert or you’re neurodivergent. Since animals communicate through body language and actions, it’s much easier to interact with them in a way that isn’t depleting or overwhelming.

3. Animals are authentic, without any hidden agenda.

A woman with red hair is kneeling on a road in a forest, smiling while a brown dog with white markings on its chest and paws, wearing a harness, gently touches her nose with its nose. The background features trees and a winding road.

With an animal companion, what you see is what you get. They’re completely authentic in their self-expression, so you never have to “read into” their actions or wonder if they’re pretending to be something they’re not. If they manipulate you, it’s just by looking cute so you’ll share snacks with them.

4. Acceptance without judgment.

A woman with long hair wearing a red and blue plaid shirt is playing a ukulele. A green and gray parrot is perched on her shoulder, looking at the ukulele. The background is blurred, focusing on the woman and the parrot.

Animals don’t care what you look like, what kind of clothes you wear, what you do for a living, or whether you’re “different” from other people somehow. As long as you aren’t wearing colors that frighten them, and you don’t hurt them, they’ll accept you without judgment or condemnation.

5. They provide close bonds without overstepping boundaries.

A person in a striped blue and white shirt gently holds a guinea pig with white and light brown fur. The guinea pig's ears are slightly perked and it looks attentively forward. The person's hands cradle the pet securely.

With animal companions, you never run the risk of them ghosting you because you’ve “friendzoned” them. They won’t betray your trust by pushing or trying to break your personal boundaries. And they won’t punish you if you don’t feel like being intimate. They’re usually happy just being near you.

6. Physical affection without expectation.

A small, fluffy hamster with a light brown and white fur coat is being gently held in someone's hand. The person has short nails painted blue. The hamster's cheeks are puffed up, and one eye is slightly closed. A dark blue cloth is visible in the background.

It’s nice to be physically affectionate with another living being without there being any expectation of bedroom fun. Those who are averse to physical intimacy, or who haven’t had much physical touch outside of the bedroom, truly appreciate the ability to cuddle with a being who won’t try to “move things forward”.

7. Significantly less drama than human relationships.

A person wearing a plaid shirt gently holds a brown chicken in their hands. The chicken, with bright red comb and wattles, looks calm and is positioned close to the person's chest. The background is blurred, suggesting an indoor setting, possibly a barn or coop.

Animals will never try to goad you into an argument or ask what you meant by a certain phrase. They don’t stir up drama, sabotage your relationships, or be cruel to you for no apparent reason. You’ll understand one another on a soul-deep level that never requires figuring out their intentions.

8. Emotional support without “fixing”.

A woman with brown hair smiling and gently holding a fluffy brown rabbit close to her face. She is wearing a green knitted sweater and appears to be enjoying the affectionate moment with the pet. The background is softly blurred, focusing attention on the pair.

Whereas humans may try to offer solutions to the hurts you’re dealing with, animals are simply there when you need them. They won’t tell you to “just get over it”, or use your hurt as an opportunity to complain about their own issues. They’ll just stay close to you, listen, and love you.

9. They’re infinitely more trustworthy than humans.

A man with short brown hair and a trimmed beard affectionately presses his forehead against a tabby cat's head. The cat has green eyes and white fur on its chest, looking alert and focused. The background is softly blurred.

Animal companions will never lie to you or pretend to be something they aren’t in order to infiltrate your life. They won’t hurt you when you’re vulnerable, betray your trust, or empty your bank account. They might steal a cookie when your back is turned, but that’s expected behavior, not a betrayal.

10. They’re generally a lot quieter than people.

A young woman gently embraces the head of a large black horse while standing in a lush green field. She is wearing a plaid shirt, and her long curly hair cascades over her shoulder. The sky is overcast, creating a calm and serene atmosphere.

Unless your animal friend is clamoring for attention or alerting you to potential danger, they’re likely to be fairly quiet. For people with anxiety or who startle easily, the quiet companionship they get from animals is a soul balm that’s very different from humans’ perpetual chatter, clattering, stomping, and entertainment preferences.

11. They offer a sense of purpose.

A man in a dark jacket and jeans walks a Golden Retriever on a frosty field. The sky is clear, and the background features a line of trees and a rolling landscape.

Whereas some folks feel resentful when they have to parent or take care of other humans, caring for animals is a privilege that many find purpose in doing. Ensuring that your little friend is well-fed, groomed, walked, and loved deeply can provide an invaluable reason for getting up in the morning.

12. They love unconditionally.

A man sits on a bright yellow couch, holding a TV remote, with a beagle dog by his side. He is casually dressed in a plaid shirt and ripped jeans. A plant and shelves are visible in the background, creating a cozy living room setting.

Animals don’t place conditions upon their love for others. As long as they’re treated well, their love and loyalty are offered without hesitation. Humans may walk away from those they claim to love when circumstances get difficult, but your animal friends will stay by your side and love you no matter what.

About The Author

Catherine Winter is an herbalist, INTJ empath, narcissistic abuse survivor, and PTSD warrior currently based in Quebec's Laurentian mountains. In an informal role as confidant and guide, Catherine has helped countless people work through difficult times in their lives and relationships, including divorce, ageing and death journeys, grief, abuse, and trauma recovery, as they navigate their individual paths towards healing and personal peace.