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12 Signs Your Wife Might Be About To Leave You

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Is your wife about to leave you?

A person with white polished nails and a red top is slipping a gold ring onto their ring finger. Their other hand supports and guides the ring. The scene appears to be intimate and focused on the act of putting on the ring.

Are you worried that your wife may be getting ready to leave you? That she’s fallen out of love with you and is preparing to hand you divorce papers? Here are 12 signs that may indicate that’s exactly what’s about to happen.

1. She doesn’t ask to spend time together.

A woman with red hair tied in a ponytail is looking to the right with a serious expression. She is wearing a grey blouse and small stud earrings. The background is blurred, focusing attention on her face.

In the past, she may have asked when you were going to watch a movie with her, whether you were going to be home in time for dinner, or if you wanted to go antique shopping on the weekend. But now she doesn’t seem to care if you’re available or not.

2. There is no intimacy between you anymore.

A woman with long blonde hair wearing a beige top sits on a sofa with a pensive expression, resting her head on her hand. Behind her, a man with short hair and a beard, wearing a white t-shirt, sits turned away, seemingly deep in thought.

It’s been a long time since you two last went at it between the sheets, but there’s little other physical intimacy either. There are no goodnight kisses or morning hugs. She doesn’t reach for your arm when walking outside, no casual touches when you pass each other, and she may have initiated sleeping separately.

3. She’s been “decluttering”.

A person using a blue and red hand-held dispenser to apply clear packing tape on a cardboard box. The person’s hand smooths the tape down as it is being applied, sealing the box for shipping or storage.

She has been going through all the drawers and closets and either getting rid of things that she feels are cluttering the place up, or packing up special things so they “don’t get damaged”. In reality, she’s setting aside the things she wants to take with her when she leaves.

4. There are unexplained expenses accruing.

A person with long dark hair in a ponytail, wearing glasses, a white shirt, and a black blazer, holds several US dollar bills in one hand while scratching their head with the other. The background is a solid light green color. The person appears puzzled.

You may see purchases from your joint account that she hasn’t explained, or less money in there than you had expected. This may indicate that she has put money into a separate bank account in preparation for leaving or has been buying essential supplies for her new life.

5. She doesn’t ask how you or your family members are doing.

Two people are sitting in a modern living room. A woman in a yellow sweater and ripped jeans sits on the floor, leaning against a gray couch, while a man in a red sweater and jeans lounges on the couch, looking at his phone. They appear to be in a conversation.

It’s likely that she used to check in with you regularly to see how you’re doing and whether you need anything. She would also ask how your parents, siblings, and extended family members are faring, but she hasn’t asked anything of the sort in known memory. She just doesn’t care.

6. She doesn’t remind you of important things.

A person with shoulder-length brown hair, wearing a denim shirt over a striped top and black pants, sits on a gray couch holding a smartphone. They gaze thoughtfully into the distance with a serious expression. The background is blurred with a hint of green wall.

You may have gotten frustrated with her in the past because she was always nagging you about important dates to remember, such as family birthdays and get-togethers, healthcare appointments, bill deadlines, and so on. Now, you miss those dates because she isn’t constantly reminding you about them like she’s your personal calendar assistant.

7. She doesn’t ask for your “help”.

A woman with short red hair and a man with short brown hair sit in bed under white blankets, facing away from each other and looking upset. The woman sits with her arms crossed, while the man rests his arms on the bed. Both have neutral blue and white attire.

Many men see housework as “helping” their wives—as if it’s their responsibility—and they get irritable if they’re presented with a list of domestic tasks that need doing. Well, she can’t be bothered to ask you for assistance anymore, so she’s either doing it all herself, or it’s being left undone.

8. There are unexplained absences or disruptions to her regular routine.

A young man with short dark hair, wearing a blue plaid shirt, sits at a table with his hands clasped in front of him. He is looking to his right with a thoughtful expression. The background is softly lit with warm lighting and out-of-focus elements.

She may be an hour late coming home from her regular yoga class with no explanation as to why, or she has more “healthcare” appointments than usual. These absences or disruptions may point to her meeting with a divorce attorney, looking at potential apartments, or meeting up with another lover.

9. She has new interests and pursuits that she has never shown interest in before.

A person with short red hair is meticulously sculpting a clay pot on a table in a pottery studio. The individual is dressed in a white, long-sleeved shirt and surrounded by various pottery tools and shelves filled with pottery items in the background.

Has she changed dramatically across the board into someone completely different? That’s often a sign that she’s met someone else and is taking steps to change in order to suit the new pairing. Clues may include a change in musical tastes, personal aesthetics (hair color and wardrobe overhaul), life ideology, and so on.

10. She’s spending most of her time with her friends and family.

A woman with curly hair and a black blouse is being hugged by another woman with long, dark hair tied back and wearing a white lace top. Both are smiling with their eyes closed, radiating joy and affection. The background is softly blurred, hinting at an indoor setting.

Women tend to have stronger social bonds than men. If your wife is spending more time with her friends and family members than she’s spending at home, that may be a sign that she’s strengthening her connections with them because she’ll need to lean on them once she leaves you.

11. She doesn’t discuss future plans (and cancels current ones).

A person with short brown hair, wearing a denim jacket, holds a white to-go coffee cup while standing outside near a metal railing. Warm lights and a brick wall in the background create a cozy atmosphere.

If she’s been talking for years about wanting to renovate the kitchen or to go on a European vacation, and suddenly stops, or if she cancels travel plans with the excuse that it’s better to save money instead, that’s a sign that she isn’t planning any kind of future with you.

12. She doesn’t argue with you anymore.

Two people stand near the ocean on a sunny day. The person in the foreground with curly hair, eyes closed, wears a gray sweater. The person in the background, with light hair and a scarf, looks at the first person. The sea and clear sky are visible behind them.

The two of you may have bickered and argued about any number of things, from the right way to load the dishwasher to what foods are appropriate for the kids, but now she doesn’t argue with you about anything. She simply doesn’t care enough to do so anymore. She’s done.

About The Author

Catherine Winter is an herbalist, INTJ empath, narcissistic abuse survivor, and PTSD warrior currently based in Quebec's Laurentian mountains. In an informal role as confidant and guide, Catherine has helped countless people work through difficult times in their lives and relationships, including divorce, ageing and death journeys, grief, abuse, and trauma recovery, as they navigate their individual paths towards healing and personal peace.