12 Clear Signs Your Husband (Or Boyfriend) Will Change For You

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Will he change his ways?

A man and woman are sitting indoors, talking and smiling at each other. The woman is holding a white mug, while the man is sitting on a bed. Soft, natural light is streaming in through a window, and there are lens flare effects in the image.

Women often hope that their men will change, particularly if they’ve lied, cheated, or behaved negatively in some way.

But is it even possible?

Some would say no. A leopard can’t change its spots, after all.

We don’t think it’s quite that clear cut though. Change is possible, but it takes effort and motivation. If you see these signs in your man, there’s a good chance he’s willing and able to put the work in:

1. He wants to change.

A man and a woman sit at a table in a cozy café, engaged in an animated conversation. The man holds a white coffee cup while the woman gestures with her hands. On the table are glasses of orange juice and an iced latte, along with a phone.

Most importantly, a man will change if that is what he wants, not just what you want. If you want him to change, and you tell him which things he needs to change, he is not likely to actually do something about them because he doesn’t want to change.

He will just talk about changing and maybe put some effort into proving it just to make you leave him alone. But he will not actually change, unless that is what he wants too.

Most of us want to grow and improve, and we put effort into that for ourselves, not just for our loved ones. If your man wants to change, he will change, but he has to have the inner will to work on it not just feel like he has to obey your orders.

2. He’s doing it for himself too.

A man wearing glasses and a checkered shirt sits with his hands clasped under his chin, appearing distressed. A woman in a green sweater sits beside him, looking concerned and gesturing with her hand. They are indoors with a window in the background.

Whether or not a man will change is entirely up to him, and you need to accept that. Forcing him to change or even putting more effort into it than he does rarely works out for the best. You can’t make him change if he has no inner need to take on that responsibility.

While you should most certainly help him if he asks for your advice, forcing him to accept your help is not going to change him.

The reason a lot of women end up thinking that men don’t change is often that they wanted to change a man who was perfectly happy with himself already. If your man sees nothing wrong with who he is now, he is not going to change for you.

3. He’s got your patience and support.

A woman with short red hair wearing a white sleeveless top and a man with dreadlocks wearing a lavender shirt are sitting by a window and engaged in a conversation.

Change takes time, so it requires patience. This is why it’s so important to acknowledge and compliment small steps, not wait for the outcome. Support your man in this journey, be patient, and keep your expectations realistic.

Gradually changing everyday habits and forming new ones requires a lot of time. It’s also quite normal to have a few setbacks every now and then. So, be there for your man, and don’t expect him to change overnight.

4. He wants the best for you.

A woman and a man are sitting on stools at a kitchen counter, facing each other and having a conversation. The kitchen has a minimalist design with white walls and shelves in the background. Both individuals are wearing casual clothing.

You must really want to change to do it for real. And you really want to change when you have strong feelings of affection and respect toward a woman you love. If you think that she deserves the best that’s out there, you’ll try to give her the best you’ve got.

Your man will change if he wants to be a better man for you because he thinks that you deserve the best. He will want to rise to your level and make you proud of him.

He’ll even tell you that you bring out the best in him and that he wants to be a better man because of you. This is a great sign that he might actually change.

5. Compromises come naturally to him.

A man and a woman sit across from each other at a small table in a brightly-lit cafe. They appear to be engaged in a deep conversation, with their attention focused on each other. A small potted plant and a glass are on the table.

We all become more open to compromises when we really want something. It’s easy for a guy to say that a girl is too much for him or high maintenance when he isn’t willing to put in the effort it takes to be with her.

But when he really wants her, what she’s asking for suddenly won’t seem like too much. So a guy will be willing to change and meet you halfway.

How open is he when it comes to compromises? If he is willing to put effort into meeting you halfway, he is probably willing to go all the way for you. He will listen to you and adjust his behavior according to what you tell him, or at least find a compromise that works for you both.

6. He wants to grow up.

A man with a beard and a checked shirt, and a woman with long hair and a white tank top, are standing by a window in a bright room, holding white mugs and having a conversation.

There are some habits that we stick to for a very long time, even if they are bad for us. However, something happens that makes us outgrow those habits, and that can be falling in love with someone.

Your man might have been a party animal before but now he makes you a priority. So, you wonder, has he really changed?

It’s possible that he has outgrown his childish ways. The single lifestyle has its benefits, but most people outgrow it and just want to cuddle with someone they love instead of partying all night and looking for casual hookups.

Everyone gets there at their own pace, but most people do, and falling in love is usually enough for it to happen.

7. He knows you’re not going to tolerate his behavior.

A man in a white polo shirt stands in the foreground with a thoughtful or upset expression, touching his chin. In the blurred background, a woman with long blonde hair walks away on a path. Trees and a building are visible in the distance.

It’s over if he cheats and lies, and you’re not going to tolerate him disappearing on you. He knows this and sees you as a high-value woman that he can’t mess with.

Even if he has a bad reputation, he will make sure to play nice if he sees you as a high-value woman because he takes you seriously.

So, bad boys change sometimes too. They just need to find the right woman and respect her boundaries. If you’ve made it clear that you’re not going to tolerate certain behavior, he is not going to cross or test your boundaries.

8. He sees a future with you.

A man sits on a bed, holding a woman who appears to be upset. The woman, wearing a light gray sweater and jeans, has her hand to her face with eyes closed, while the man, wearing a dark blue sweater and jeans, gently places his arm around her shoulder.

If he sees you as wife material, he’ll want to be husband material.

Does he prioritize you and put effort into keeping you around? If so, he is likely to put effort into changing as well. If he is unwilling to change, then that means he doesn’t see a future with you.

A guy will act differently with a woman who is only in his life temporarily compared to a woman he wants to keep around for a long time. If your man sees a long-term future with you, he is likely to want to change for you.

If you talk about your plans for the future and he wants to align your goals, that’s great.

9. His actions show change, not just his words.

A woman with red hair and a man with curly hair, both smiling at each other, sit on a couch while holding glasses of white wine. Pink tulips are visible in the foreground, and beige curtains form the background in a cozy living room.

Is he changing, or does he only talk about changing? If he is really putting effort into changing, he will act differently, not just talk about it.

You should always focus on actions rather than words. A lot of people talk about who they want to be, but not a lot of them actually take the necessary steps to get there.

If your man is proving his decision to change by behaving accordingly, you can trust him. When a man loves a woman, he is willing to take action, not just promise that he will. He will treat you better if he is trying to be a better man for you.

10. He’s driven by love for you.

A man and woman stand closely together. The man, with a beard and short hair, looks down at the woman while gently touching his forehead to hers. The woman, with her eyes closed and relaxed expression, slightly leans into the man. Both wear red plaid shirts.

Love is a strong motivator. It can make people believe that anything is possible and give them the wind beneath their wings that they needed to change. So, changing for someone you love is a fairly natural thing to do.

People do crazy things for love. It often motivates them to be better and live up to the standards of their loved one. Your man probably wants to win you over and keep you around, so he’ll change for you.

He’ll want to have a future with you if he loves you, so he’ll talk about your future together and how you can align your goals. If he loves you, he will be serious about you, and you’ll be the only woman in his eyes.

11. He persists in his efforts.

An elderly man with a white beard and wearing a light blue checkered shirt smiles warmly at an elderly woman with short, curly white hair, who is slightly out of focus in the foreground. Both appear to be engaging in a pleasant conversation.

Change requires a lot of time, so your man needs to be persistent for it to take place. If he has proven to be better on one or two occasions, it’s not the same as changing for good. For this to happen, he will have to let go of the old patterns and establish new ones.

If your man continuously puts effort into changing, then it’s likely to happen! Encourage him to keep going at it until he’s the man he wants to be.

Let him know that you will both grow as a couple, and your relationship will strengthen throughout the years too. It’s not something that can be done quickly, it’s an ongoing process that will last for a long time.

12. He’s prepared to get help.

A man with tattoos on his arms is sitting on a chair gesturing with his hands while talking to a woman with gray hair in a ponytail who is holding a clipboard. They appear to be in a modern office or counseling setting with large windows in the background.

In the end, the real proof that your man is serious about changing is if he’s willing to get help doing so. It can be difficult to admit that we can’t do everything on our own. Sometimes, we need help, and it’s often when we’re making big changes.

Suggest counseling when you talk to your man and see how he reacts. If he is serious about your relationship, he will be willing to work on your issues. The best way to prove that is to talk to someone about what you’re going through. Let a therapist help you get back on track or turn over a new leaf so you can start over.


A woman with curly red hair and a light blue cardigan sits on a bed, looking to her left with a concerned expression. A man with short hair and a white t-shirt sits next to her but faces the opposite direction, appearing upset with his arms crossed.

Ask yourself why you want him to change in the first place.

If you see him as a project that you can work on to make yourself a perfect man, then he’s not the problem in your relationship. On the flip side, if you just want him to treat you better and behave properly toward you, those are the changes that you can expect if he loves you.

You should also be clear about your dealbreakers. For instance, you are not going to tolerate infidelity, and you are going to walk away if it happens. This is just an example of setting boundaries that have real consequences.

You should clearly and openly communicate these boundaries. What are the things that you can and cannot tolerate in a relationship? If he’s not clear on what you will or won’t accept, you can’t expect him to make the necessary changes.

About The Author

Ana Vakos enjoys writing about love and all the problems that come with it. Everyone has experiences with love, and everyone needs dating advice, so giving these topics more attention and spreading the word means a lot to her.