25 common behaviors that are ruining your life

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1. Having too much faith in other people.

A person with long, dark hair wearing a grey t-shirt looks pensively to the side while standing on a balcony, with architectural elements and clear sky in the background. The image is framed by foreground structure, adding depth and focus on the subject.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t trust anyone, but rather that you can have faith in others while also verifying and keeping tabs on what’s going on.

For example, you may leave your spouse to arrange the monthly mortgage payments because you trust them, only to find out a year later that they’d gotten behind on said payments and didn’t tell you because they were scared and ashamed.

Suddenly you’re facing homelessness, and single life too since you learned you can’t trust this person anymore.

Trust, but verify, and never give over full responsibility to anyone.

2. Not trusting your intuition.

A young woman with light hair peeks through leafy green branches, with sunlight filtering through the foliage. She has a gentle smile and bright eyes, surrounded by a lush, natural outdoor setting.

How often have you felt wary about a particular situation or choice, done it against your better judgement, and then felt rubbish later?

Not trusting your intuition can lead you down some seriously dark paths.

This can relate to your personal health and safety, or life choices such as career paths or investments.

The house that didn’t feel right may fall apart on you, the meal you didn’t want to eat may poison you, and the stranger in the elevator that made you feel uneasy might have nefarious designs on you.

Trust your gut instinct, always.

3. Not considering the consequences of your actions.

A person with long brown hair wears large round glasses and black clothing, positioned in front of a white background with green foliage. They have their right hand covering their mouth, appearing surprised or concerned.

Not taking into consideration the eventual consequences of your actions, either due to lack of experience or stupidity, can ruin your entire life.

For example, a young person who pulls what they consider to be a “prank” for the sake of social media exposure may wind up in prison for a while.

Having a record will impact their future on every single level, and for what? A few likes on TikTok and some laughs from friends. Is that worthwhile?

Every single action has consequences that will ripple outward. As such, think very carefully about what may ensue from your actions, and then do a cost-benefit analysis before taking action.

4. Trying to please others at the expense of your own wellbeing.

Two women are sitting outdoors on a bench. The woman in the background, wearing a blue shirt, appears distressed with her eyes closed and her hand on her forehead. The woman in the foreground, shown from the back, is wearing a black top and colorful bracelets.

You’ll never be able to please everyone, nor should you feel as though you’re obliged to do so.

This is especially true if you’re expected to make everyone else happy while wearing yourself down to a shadow in the process.

Some people need to be let down, told off, or otherwise disappointed in order to keep yourself sane and safe.

Furthermore, if people constantly see you de-prioritizing yourself and making your own happiness irrelevant, that’s how they’ll treat you as well.

5. Refusing to accept your limitations.

A person with curly red hair, wearing a gray jacket, stands on a sandy beach facing the ocean. The sky is cloudy and the sea appears calm with gentle waves. Rocks are visible in the water, and the overall scene has a serene atmosphere.

We are all capable of doing some pretty awesome things, but we’re not all capable of doing All The Things.

And that’s absolutely okay.

If people aren’t honest with themselves about the things they can’t do, they can hinder themselves from pursuing avenues they’d excel at.

Instead, they keep plodding toward that which they’ll never achieve.

Some dreams are simply never going to come to fruition, and it’s important to accept that.

Otherwise, you’ll find yourself still trying to be a rock and roll legend at the age of 70, wondering where all the time went and regretting all the paths you never took instead.

6. Assuming without asking.

Two women sitting on a blue couch, both holding mugs. The woman on the left, with long brown hair, looks sad and is looking down. The woman on the right, with blonde hair, appears to be comforting her by placing a hand on her shoulder. Both are wearing plaid shirts.

Some of the biggest problems in life occur when people assume things and then act on their assumptions, rather than asking.

You might assume that your spouse meant one thing when they texted you and get mad at them, only to discover that you’d misinterpreted things completely.

Meanwhile, your awful, abusive outburst made them think twice about continuing a relationship with you, and now you’re single and will have to deal with alimony or custody battles for the next decade.

On that note:

7. Reacting rather than responding.

A woman with shoulder-length blonde hair is standing against a light pink background. She is wearing a colorful striped sweater and a watch on her wrist. She looks angry, with her mouth open and fists raised.

Many people get reactive in the moment and lash out at perceived slights or injustices, only to find that the situation was quite different than they had initially thought.

Much like the example above, had they waited until they had all the information and then responded accordingly, things would probably have been fine.

Instead, their knee-jerk reaction may have caused serious damage that can never be undone. They have to live with the consequences of their actions.

Wait until you have as much information as possible and then respond in the best way you can.

8. Ignoring red flags.

A man with a beard, wearing an orange tank top, leans on the edge of a rooftop holding a blue water bottle. The background shows an urban cityscape with buildings under a cloudy sky.

There’s a common saying that “hindsight is 20/20,” and quite often we only see the truth of situations when we look back upon them. Usually in horror!

Quite often, we’re selective about what we choose to see—especially when it comes to other people’s actions.

As such, we may consciously (or unconsciously) ignore massive warning signs in favor of people’s “potential,” or the good things they do that counterbalance their atrocious behavior.

All the signs are very clearly there.

It is good to stop at regular intervals and look at everything objectively so you can see them.

9. Not taking care of your health.

A man with gray hair and a black workout outfit is performing a side plank on a white exercise mat in a gym. Nearby, a woman in a pink top is on a treadmill, partially visible. Gym equipment like dumbbells and a yellow exercise ball are in the background.

Most people ignore their health for the most part until something “bad” happens.

Then, they focus more on managing symptoms than determining the causes and acting accordingly.

They don’t take preventive measures such as eating well and exercising, then wonder why they have various illnesses by age 40 and can’t climb a flight of stairs without pain.

Tend to your body now if you want it to be in a usable state 20 years from today.

10. Remaining in your comfort zone indefinitely.

A man with dark, wavy hair is sitting and resting his chin on his clasped hands. He appears deep in thought and is wearing a light blue shirt. The background is blurred with neutral tones.

Some people are so afraid of the “what ifs” that change can bring that they’ll avoid it at all costs.

That way, they never have to deal with the discomfort of uncertainty.

You know what happens to stagnant water, right? It festers and draws mosquitoes. The same thing goes for any life that isn’t allowed to evolve and grow.

People need to experience things that are challenging and uncomfortable in order to develop resilience and suitable coping mechanisms.

Otherwise, they fall apart if a breeze suddenly changes direction.

11. Choosing to only interact within echo chambers.

A woman in a purple top holds a smartphone, with various social media icons such as thumbs up, chat bubbles, and a globe emanating from it, symbolizing social media interaction. The background is a plain grey wall.

Echo chambers are great if you want endless praise and reassurance that everything you think and say is perfect and brilliant, but they’re terrible if you actually want to grow as a person.

If you never have your ideas or opinions challenged, then you never have to learn how to think critically and defend your stance.

Furthermore, you’ll take any contradiction as a personal attack and consider it “toxic.”

This will not bode well for you in the future—either at work, or in your potential relationships.

12. Playing the victim.

A pensive woman with long hair stands in the foreground near the shore, her eyes closed and hand near her chest. A man with a beard, wearing a dark coat, stands in the background with crossed arms, looking out at the sea. The mood is somber and reflective.

Blaming everyone else for your misfortunes will only harm you in the long run.

Not only is it a form of self-deception in which you’ve made up a backstory to explain away all your unhealthy or abusive traits, but you’ll show others that you won’t take responsibility for the consequences of your own actions.

Instead, you’ll try to shift the blame onto others and then cry to everyone about your fate.

If people can’t respect you, they won’t be able to trust you. Furthermore, they may not even want you around.

Life is really difficult to handle solo, so consider what kind of person you want to be, and take appropriate action.

13. Pretending to be someone you’re not.

A woman with long hair stands on a rooftop, wearing a black fuzzy sweater, red pants, and a matching red hat. She poses confidently with her hands touching the brim of her hat. The background features urban buildings and autumn trees.

Trying to be someone you’re not in order to please (or attract/keep) others will only end in tears.

Nobody can maintain a masquerade forever, and living a lie will eat away at you over time.

The truth will come out, and then you’ll have to deal with the trauma of getting used to being your true self, and admitting to everyone else that you aren’t who they thought you were.

14. Demanding help, but never giving it.

Two women sit across from each other at a table in a café, engaged in a conversation. One woman with red hair gestures while the other, writing in a notebook, listens. A teapot, cups of tea, and a plant are on the table, and a large window reveals an urban view outside.

Many people are quick to reach out to their social circles when they need or want something, but they don’t reciprocate when the wheel turns.

If you’re continually asking others for assistance, but proving that you’ll never give it in turn, you’ll soon find that nobody wants to help you anymore.

You may have a busy, stressful life and thus feel justified in never stepping up when others need you, but those others have a lot to deal with too.

15. Being irresponsible and frivolous.

A woman with blonde hair and a black shirt lies on the floor, surrounded by numerous $100 bills. She is smiling and looking at the camera.

When and if you get a sudden financial windfall, are you responsible with it? Or do you go on shopping sprees and take everyone you know out for $20 margaritas?

If you have a few days off, do you use it to rest and replenish yourself? Or go partying and then complain for weeks about how exhausted you are?

When you find yourself benefitting from abundance, don’t squander it. That goes for sleep and health as well as finances.

16. Justifying instead of apologizing.

Two elderly men sit on a couch in a living room. One man, in a green shirt, leans forward with his head in his hand, appearing distressed. The other man, in a maroon shirt, gestures with his hands as if offering advice or support. Shelves and a TV are in the background.

People who own up to their mistakes and take action to make amends are respected and appreciated.

This shows strength of character, and that the person cares enough about others to want to make things right.

In contrast, a person who justifies their (often terrible) behavior and makes excuses for it—or simply refuses to discuss it and instead simply moves on—shows others that they can’t be trusted.

This can cause irreparable harm in relationships as well as work environments.

17. Making major decisions on a whim.

A young woman with long, wavy hair sits outdoors on a sunny day, wearing a straw hat and a beige outfit. She gazes thoughtfully to the side, resting her chin on her hand, and holds a long blade of grass in her other hand. Green foliage is visible in the background.

While it may sound adventurous and romantic to fly off to Vegas to marry someone you’ve known for five minutes, that’s unlikely to be a good idea in the long run.

Same goes for tattooing something across your forehead or taking drastic, self-harming action when your emotions are running high.

When you’re faced with something potentially life changing, hold off for a while until you can be more logical and rational about it.

18. Taking unnecessary, irresponsible risks.

A person with messy hair and a dirty face, wearing a tattered orange shirt, with an expression of shock or surprise. They are holding two electrical cables with exposed wires in front of a smoky background.

Many people who have experienced life-altering accidents did so because they either “weren’t thinking” at the time or didn’t think it would be that big a deal.

For example, you may not bother putting your seatbelt on because you’re just driving to the store that’s literally two minutes away, but if you get T-boned in the intersection en route there, things are not going to end well for you.

19. Being juvenile.

A bearded man with sunglasses, wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, sits joyfully on a spring rocker shaped like a horse in a sunny playground. In the background, there's a slide and climbing structure with green trees surrounding the area.

There are few things as off-putting as childish behavior in adults, especially if they have terrible consequences.

You may think it’s hilarious to push your friend into the pool, but what happens if they hit their head and get permanent brain damage? Or drown?

What began as juvenile silliness may end up as an assault or manslaughter charge. Would a moment of puerile stupidity be worth that kind of grief and loss?

20. Talking trash.

Two women are seated at an outdoor café, engaged in conversation. Both have cups of coffee and one woman's smartphone rests on the table. The background shows an open space with tall pillars, parked cars, and several building facades.

Do you remember the adage that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all?

This can often mean the difference between a continued peaceful existence, and dealing with intense fallout.

We all get angry or hostile at times, but there are healthy and smart ways to release those pent-up frustrations.

You may think that trash-talking your boss to a coworker—either verbally or via text—is cathartic, but it might result in you getting fired, sued for libel, etc.

Similarly, mouthing off to some stranger on the street to impress your friends or partner might seem funny, but it’ll be less funny if they get physically violent with you.

21. Telling others too many details about yourself.

Two men are engaged in a conversation outdoors under a tree with green leaves. One man, facing the camera, gestures with his hands while speaking. Both are wearing sleeveless tops and appear to be in a lively discussion. The background is blurred with greenery.

While you may find it cathartic to drunkenly confess to a random stranger at a bar about some awful thing you did, you may end up horrified to discover that person is your new boss, or the judge at your trial later on.

Unless you know someone very well and they’ve proven that they’re completely trustworthy, keep details to yourself. You never know who that random person might end up being, and how they may use your secrets against you in the future.

Loose lips sink ships, and all that.

22. Following the crowd rather than doing what’s right.

A large group of diverse people standing closely together outdoors, covering their ears with both hands. The individuals have serious expressions, and the background is densely packed with people.

Many people feel immense shame over actions they took when they were simply following others’ example rather than standing up for what they believed in.

For a lot of them, cowardice at possibly being ostracized or condemned won out over their own morals and ethics.

In other cases, they got caught up in the momentum and grabbed a pitchfork to join in with the mob.

Consider the long-reaching consequences of your actions (or lack thereof) before taking part, and ask yourself whether you’ll be able to look in a mirror without shame if you choose this particular path.

23. Rushing into things.

A man in a black hat and purple shirt with suspenders sits on a chair in a brightly lit room. The shirt is paired with orange pants and black shoes. Sunlight and shadows from a window frame are cast on the floor. He has his hands clasped and is looking to the side.

Many people rush into situations instead of taking the time to observe and analyze them.

They might think that it’s a great idea to sell all their possessions and invest in their friend’s ashram startup in Costa Rica, without doing the research to find out whether all the financial and legal supports are in place first.

Or they’ll rush into a serious relationship with a person before really getting to know them, then be horrified later when they find out more about them.

24. Not taking care of small problems before they become Big Issues.

A person with bright blue hair styled in a bob cut is peering over a green turtleneck sweater, which they are pulling up to cover their mouth and nose. The background is a vibrant pink, creating a striking contrast with their hair and outfit.

While we can’t prevent difficult situations from occurring, we can nip them in the bud before they overwhelm us.

If you don’t fix the tiny drip in the ceiling, you may have to deal with a full roof replacement from water damage over time.

Similarly, if you don’t get that weird freckle looked at while it’s still small, you may end up facing some pretty harrowing (and expensive) medical treatment several months or years down the road.

25. Lying.

A woman with long blonde hair and wearing a light purple top and a white collar points to her elongated nose, resembling Pinocchio's nose, while looking at it. The background is plain white.

“Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”

One of the best and most surefire ways to ruin your life is to lie.

Lying to yourself can bring about serious suffering, especially when dealing with health or financial issues.

Meanwhile, lying to your loved ones will ruin trust permanently—especially if you’re being dishonest about things like infidelity, money, or legal issues.

Aim for honesty at all times, and if you feel that you can’t be, consider changing your circumstances accordingly.

About The Author

Catherine Winter is an herbalist, INTJ empath, narcissistic abuse survivor, and PTSD warrior currently based in Quebec's Laurentian mountains. In an informal role as confidant and guide, Catherine has helped countless people work through difficult times in their lives and relationships, including divorce, ageing and death journeys, grief, abuse, and trauma recovery, as they navigate their individual paths towards healing and personal peace.