5 Reasons Narcissists Deserve Sympathy Too

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Should we sympathize with narcissists?

A woman with shoulder-length hair and a slight smile poses with one arm raised and bent at the elbow, resting her hand near her forehead. She's wearing a black top, a necklace, and a watch. The background features vertical bars and a blurred cityscape.

That is a difficult question.

On the surface of it, you might think it’s a ridiculous question to ask – why should we care for anybody who shows no care for others?

Look a little deeper, however, and there are some genuine arguments that suggest we should pity these poor souls rather than regard them as toxic.

It is most definitely a double-edged sword, though. After all, there are just as many reasons to feel nothing but resentment towards them.

Sympathy vs. feeling sorry or bad.

A young woman with long brown hair and a green jacket leans on a wooden bench outdoors, looking directly at the camera. Trees and buildings are visible in the background, suggesting a park or urban setting. The expression on her face is pensive.

We could have used the words ‘sorry’ or ‘bad’ in place of sympathy, but these are definitely two things that you should not feel towards a narcissist.

Firstly, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for when it comes to narcissists.

You did not make them the way they are, you do not owe them anything, and distancing yourself from them is not a cruel act in any way.

Likewise, if you feel bad for a narcissist, then you are once again falling under their spell.

You do not need to express a negative emotion on their behalf; you should not let their plight bring you down in any way.

Sympathy, on the other hand, is not a negative emotion and it does not imply any blame on your part. Sympathy is a feeling that has its roots in love, in caring, and in compassion.

So, here are some reasons you may give a narcissist your sympathy.

1. Narcissism can be a mental health disorder.

A person with dreadlocks and a beard is wearing a light pink hoodie. They are looking down and touching their chin thoughtfully against a plain white background.

Narcissism can be considered a mental illness such that it is a disorder of the mind that severely impacts the lives of those who suffer from it.

The exact cause is unknown and it is likely that there are many varied paths that lead people towards narcissism.

Like your own personality, it will be a combination of genetics and life experience.

This is an important argument for feeling sympathy towards narcissists.

They have developed this way because of factors that have been largely beyond their control growing up.

They might not be any more responsible for their issues than someone who suffers severe anxiety or who is bipolar.

You have to ask whether any narcissist chooses to be that way through their own free will.

2. Narcissists are often deeply unhappy people.

A man with short dark hair and a trimmed beard looks off to the side while touching the back of his neck. He is wearing a white button-up shirt and a silver wristwatch. The background is a plain grey wall.

We might also sympathize with a narcissist when we discover just how unhappy many (but not all) are likely to be.

Many of their behaviors stem from a self-loathing that leaves them angry and frustrated.

They take this out on others as a coping mechanism, but it doesn’t mask the fact that deep down, they are experiencing great pain of their own.

3. They cannot experience true relationships.

Close-up of a woman and a man standing side by side, both looking intently to the left. The woman has long brown hair and a serious expression, while the man has short brown hair, a beard, and a pensive look. The background is neutral, with soft lighting.

Another part of the sad reality of many narcissists is that they struggle to build and maintain any real relationships.

They might feel little connection to their families, have few friends that they can count on, and hop from one disastrous relationship to another.

Now put yourself in their shoes for a moment and imagine how this feels (something that narcissists are typically incapable of).

4. They cannot experience love.

A blonde woman with wavy hair wearing a white sleeveless top, rests her chin on her hand while looking pensively into the distance. She is seated in a cozy indoor space with blurred background elements, including wooden shelves and greenery.

Picture a life where you are unable to feel love, intimacy, compassion, and affection.

How lonely do you think such an existence might be?

Over time, they will drive a large number of those who care for them away and be left with nothing but the empty husks of resentment and hurt.

5. They cannot experience personal growth.

A man with short dark hair and a beard looks pensively out of a window. His hands are clasped together under his chin, and soft light illuminates his face. The window appears to have rain on it, adding to the contemplative mood.

Finally, you might feel sympathy towards narcissists because they lack the capacity to grow – both personally and spiritually.

Most will never understand the world and their place in it, never feel a deep sense of connection to the rest of the universe, and never be able to improve themselves as people.

Put all of the above together and you might start to understand how someone might show some sympathy towards narcissists.

What about the flip side?

A pensive person sits on a grey couch, hugging their knees and gazing off into the distance. They have dark hair and wear a light blue denim shirt and black pants. The background includes a green wall and out-of-focus framed pictures.

Those who have been subjected to the company of a narcissist at any great length will no doubt tell you how incredibly taxing they can be.

Unsurprisingly, then, the main arguments against feeling sympathy for them are to do with their behavior and their treatment of other people, such as:.

1. They are abusers.

A woman with light hair sits pensively on a couch, resting her chin on her hand. She is wearing a light brown sweater and looking slightly to the side. The background is softly blurred, showing a cozy indoor setting with natural light coming through the windows.

Eventually, the way a narcissist treats these people amounts to very damaging abuse.

They are responsible for destroying lives and making others feel worthless.

They are capable of quite brutal assaults on the minds of those they are close to and they can leave their victims scarred for life.

2. They are aware of their actions.

A blonde woman with a concerned expression comforts a brunette woman who is crying and wiping her tears with a tissue. The scene appears to show support and empathy between the two women.

What’s more is that society is generally very clear on what is and is not acceptable behavior, and so narcissists are well aware that their own actions are deemed objectionable by others.

It must be said, then, that they act with full knowledge of the wrong they are committing and of the lives they are impacting.

What is particularly hard to stomach for most is that narcissists often show little or no remorse for the way they behave, but attempt to pin the blame on everyone else.

They come across as cold and calculating, not at all impacted by the anguish they cause.

3. They aren’t trying to change.

A man with short hair and a beard is illuminated by dramatic, colorful lighting. Shadows cast by a striped pattern partially obscure his face, creating a striking visual effect. He is wearing a dark shirt, and the background is a gradient of blue tones.

And saddest of all, perhaps, is that very few narcissists will ever make the sorts of changes necessary to curtail their negative influence.

Therapy may help some to soften their approach to others, but ‘curing’ a narcissistic personality disorder is almost unheard of.

So should we feel any sympathy towards narcissists?

A man with a beard, wearing a white patterned t-shirt, faces a woman with long hair in a red jacket. They stand close to each other, looking into each other's eyes, on a narrow, sunlit street lined with old buildings.

This is a question that you will need to answer for yourself.

The arguments above are not exhaustive by any means and, indeed, there are entire books that discuss this disorder and its place in society.

How you feel about narcissists will, to a large degree, depend on your own personal experience of them.

In the end, nobody can make you sympathetic to the plight of a narcissist and even setting out the arguments for and against in a logical manner might not help.

The choice is yours alone to make.

About The Author

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.