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12 Ways To Make Your Partner Feel Loved And Appreciated

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Do these things to make your partner feel loved.

A close-up of a couple, both smiling warmly. The man has a beard and is wearing a brown sweater over a red shirt. The woman has long, wavy hair and is wearing a red top with a denim jacket. They lean close to each other, sharing a tender moment.

Everyone has their own ways of showing how much they care for and appreciate their partner. But if you and your partner have contrasting love languages, it can be difficult to show your affection in a way that not only reflects your genuine feelings towards them, but also matches how your significant other wants to experience these moments. Here are 12 ways you can show your partner you care.

1. Write your partner a love note.

A brown kraft paper envelope tied with a red ribbon and a bow on a white wooden surface. A small white tag with two red hearts is attached to the ribbon.

Although this action may seem small, it can have a huge impact on your relationship. Whether you choose to leave a sticky note for your partner to find in your home or in their car, or to send them a spontaneous “I love you” through a text message, these little gestures serve as reminders that you are thinking of them, even if you’re not physically together.

2. Pay attention to your partner’s interests.

A young man and woman are sitting close together, embracing and looking into each other's eyes. The man has curly hair and a beard, wearing a denim jacket. The woman has straight shoulder-length hair and is wearing an orange jacket. A cityscape is visible in the background.

Does your partner have any interests that you may consider quirky or unconventional? Maybe they are a Star Wars superfan, or they have an extensive collection of Legos or action figures. Even if you are not as into these things, listening to your partner talk about their interests shows that you care about what they have to say. If your partner invites you to engage in their favorite activities with you, it could serve as a fun way to connect with them.

3. Compliment them.

A couple stands close and embraces each other lovingly. The woman, with long wavy hair, smiles up at the man and has her arms around his shoulders. Both are wearing casual clothes; she is in a striped shirt and he is in a red sweater. They appear happy and relaxed.

When you’re in a relationship, it is safe to assume that both sides are attracted to each other, both physically and emotionally. But as life gets chaotic, it’s easy to take each other for granted. Try taking some time each day to tell your significant other that they look good, or that you’re proud of them for something they achieved that day. This will boost their self-esteem and reinforce their importance in your life.

4. Listen attentively.

A smiling couple sits closely together on a couch. The woman, wearing a white sweater, looks happily at the man, who is in a rust-colored sweater with his arm around her. They appear to be enjoying a tender moment.

With the ever-growing presence of technology and social media in our lives comes constant distractions from the “real world.” But there is one place where these distractions shouldn’t occur: during conversations with your partner. Try to avoid multitasking when talking to your partner, and ask questions to ensure that you understand what they’re saying. This will not only show that you care about and respect their perspective, but also show that they can trust you.

5. Offer to help.

A young woman and a young man, both wearing gray sweaters, stand holding hands near a calm lake. The woman is smiling and wearing a gray beanie, while the man, slightly out of focus, looks at her with a smile. It’s a serene, overcast day.

If your partner is the kind of person who is always “‘on the go” and regularly deals with a lot of stress, offering to take something off their plate can be a helpful way to show that you appreciate them. Whether it is a small task like taking out the trash, doing the dishes, or picking up some groceries, this illustrates that you care about your significant other’s well-being and that you are willing to do anything to ease their worries.

6. Make compromises.

A couple holds hands while walking outdoors in a green, leafy park. Both are casually dressed in denim jackets and jeans. They are looking at each other and smiling, enjoying a sunny day together.

Every couple is bound to argue at some point in their relationship. Instead of squabbling over who is right or who is the “winner” in a disagreement, try finding some common ground. Though it may be difficult at first, taking the time to work through arguments as a team by listening to each other, taking responsibility for your actions, and working out a game plan to improve, will show that you are safe to talk to when you have disagreements.

7. Be supportive.

A couple sits closely together on a wooden platform, viewed from behind. They are surrounded by lush greenery. In the foreground, a small tortoise is walking on the platform, seemingly unaware of the couple in the background.

As you and your significant other grow in other parts of your lives—like in your education or in your career—encourage them to achieve their goals. Whether they are looking to change careers or simply starting a new hobby, being there for your partner while they work on their goals will serve as a reminder to them that you believe in them and their potential.

8. Surprise them.

A couple sits at an elegantly set table on the beach. The woman, wearing a white dress and straw hat, looks to the side, smiling. The man, facing away from the camera, wears a white shirt. A bouquet of white flowers and a bottle of wine adorn the table.

No matter how big or small it may be, surprises are a great way to add excitement to a relationship. Not only can it show your partner that you are thinking about them, it can be an opportunity for you to deepen your connection through a shared experience. For starters, you can try something simple like picking up their favorite flavor of ice cream from the store on your way home from work.

9. Plan regular date nights.

A couple seated at an outdoor café table with the woman holding a coffee cup and smiling at the man. The table has a bouquet of flowers and a saucer. They both appear to be enjoying a pleasant conversation amidst a lush, green background.

If you and your significant other are living together, it can be easy to fall into a pattern where despite being constantly together, the two of you are not spending quality time together. One way to avoid this is by setting up a day or a time every week for a date night. By taking time out of your busy schedules to be with each other, it will illustrate how you prioritize them, and will help you fall in love with each other again.

10. Remember the special moments.

A woman and man are standing next to a red vehicle at sunset. They are smiling and wearing sunglasses. The woman, dressed in a white shirt and plaid shirt tied around her waist, leans on the man's shoulder. The man is wearing a denim shirt and a hat, both appear happy and relaxed.

Face it, we’ve all had that dreadful moment where we accidentally forget our partner’s birthday or an anniversary date. While life can sometimes get the best of us, make an effort to remember the milestones in your relationship. Acknowledging these moments will emphasize to your partner the importance and the value of your journey as a couple.

11. Take care of yourself.

A young couple lies in a grassy field, facing each other and smiling warmly. The person on the left has short dark hair, while the person on the right wears a grey beanie and has long hair. The sunlight casts a soft, golden glow over them and the lush green grass.

Relationships are obviously a two-way street, but while you may spend a lot of time with your partner, it is important to not lose sight of who you were before the relationship. By spending time on your own, partaking in your own hobbies, and practicing self-care, it can not only give your significant other the opportunity to have their own independence, but also improve the quality of your partnership.

12. If you’re not sure, just ask.

A couple gazes into each other's eyes with intense emotion. The man with long hair holds the woman's face tenderly. The woman has short blonde hair and bright red lipstick. They are standing outdoors, with blurred greenery and water in the background.

Sometimes, the easiest way to find out what makes your partner feel loved and appreciated is to ask. Asking them takes the guesswork out of determining what actions they would like best, and it allows you to learn things about your partner that you may not have known before. It can even be as simple as a weekly check-in where you ask how you can make your partner feel more loved that week.

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