People With Lots Of Common Sense Do These 12 Things

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Do you have common sense?

A smiling man with blue eyes and curly brown hair is looking towards a window in a brightly lit indoor setting. He is wearing a dark-colored shirt. The background is softly blurred, featuring framed pictures and a red wall.

There is no single trait that defines common sense. Rather, it is a collection of general behaviors and mindsets that guide the individual to more sensible decisions more of the time. Here are some of the things people with lots of common sense do.

1. They think before they act.

A woman wearing a tan cap and a casual scarf smiles while leaning on a wooden fence outdoors. She is dressed in a white long-sleeve shirt and appears to be enjoying a serene day in the nature with green foliage and a pathway in the background.

Every action has a reaction, and many actions lead to negative reactions. A person with common sense takes time to consider the consequences of their actions before taking them. Optimally, they can consider both the positive and negative consequences they may experience.

2. They stay calm in stressful situations.

A woman with red curly hair stands outdoors, gazing intently at the camera. She wears a dark coat and a knitted scarf, with a soft, blurred background that suggests a late afternoon or early morning light. The atmosphere appears calm and contemplative.

Staying calm in a stressful situation isn’t always easy. If you’re a person with anxiety, you may find that you aren’t able to stay calm due to your anxiety. Otherwise, panicking is a good way to make a stressful situation much worse.

3. They prioritize their time.

A smiling older man with short gray hair wears a blue and white checkered shirt. He is sitting indoors on a light-colored couch with a brown cushion and a table lamp in the background. The lighting is warm and natural.

There are only so many hours in the day, and you don’t get them back. People with common sense focus on things that truly matter rather than trivial tasks that don’t contribute to their goals. Distractions can easily consume your free time if you are not vigilant against them.

4. They learn from experience.

A young woman with glasses, wearing a white shirt, holds a smartphone in her left hand and an orange backpack over her shoulder. She is standing outdoors with a blurry background of trees and colorful lights.

There are few better teachers than experience. Certainly, one would look at their successes to see what works. However, mistakes tend to teach you much more as they inform you of what doesn’t work. A person with common sense takes advantage of this hard-earned wisdom by examining their experiences closely.

5. They adapt to change.

A man with salt-and-pepper hair sips from a white coffee cup while sitting at a table in a café. On the table are a glass of orange juice, a donut on a plate, and a tablet. He gazes out of the window, appearing thoughtful.

Few things go as planned. In most cases, the plan will meet with obstacles that will need to be overcome. The person with common sense will know that this is likely to happen before they even start. They will be prepared when an obstacle presents itself rather than trying to avoid it or giving up altogether.

6. They seek practical solutions.

A woman with short dark hair rides a bicycle along a palm tree-lined path at sunset. She is wearing a white t-shirt and light blue jeans, carrying a backpack and has visible tattoos on her arms. The background features mountains and greenery illuminated by the setting sun.

A practical solution is often the best solution because it’s realistic. The more complicated or idealistic a solution is, the more likely it is to break down or simply not work. There’s no reason to make a problem more complicated than it is, or a solution more complicated than it needs to be. It only has to work.

7. They communicate clearly.

A man and a woman are seated at a white table in a modern office, engaged in a serious conversation. The man is holding a tablet, and both have laptops, smartphones, and glasses of water in front of them. The background shows a whiteboard and glass partition walls.

Clear communication makes everything easier. It puts everyone on the same page and you don’t have to repeat yourself fifteen times to make sure everyone understands. Instead, you can communicate it clearly once and everyone can do what they need to do. Otherwise, it’s just a massive waste of time for everyone.

8. They respect others’ opinions.

Two women are sitting across from each other at a table in a cafe, engaged in a conversation. One woman has blonde hair and is wearing a white blouse with an orange sweater draped over her shoulders, while the other has light brown hair and is wearing glasses and a blue shirt.

Everyone has a different perspective and opinion to offer. Sometimes we don’t always agree on what’s best, but everyone has a right to their views so long as they aren’t hurting anyone. A person with common sense will not only understand this, but value different perspectives to improve their own life and problem-solving abilities.

9. They take responsibility.

A man with glasses and a hat is seated on a wooden bench outside a building. He is wearing a dark red jacket and holding a to-go coffee cup in one hand while using a laptop on his lap with the other hand. A brown bag is next to him on the bench.

Mistakes happen. Sometimes we screw up and need to accept responsibility for our actions. A person with common sense understands that mistakes happen and they need to own theirs. They know that accepting responsibility for their mistakes is not only the right thing to do, but it earns respect for honesty.

10. They manage their finances wisely.

A person wearing a striped shirt and sunglasses on their head holds up a piece of paper in front of their eyes. The paper has green dollar signs drawn on it, making it appear as though they have dollar sign eyes. The background is dark and plain.

Anyone with common sense will want stability in their life. Stability typically comes down to managing one’s finances. They may live within their means, save money for the future, avoid unnecessary debt, and understand the value of a dollar.

11. They maintain a balanced perspective.

A mature man with gray hair and beard, wearing glasses and a dark shirt, is seated indoors. He has his hands behind his head, looking relaxed and pensive. The background shows blurred kitchen shelves and a window.

Emotions can cloud judgment which can make a bad situation fantastically worse. It’s more valuable to look at a situation from multiple angles before making a decision or taking action. The person with common sense will want to be able to make a choice when they are of a clear mind because it’s too easy to make mistakes while emotional.

12. They stay informed.

A middle-aged man with gray hair and glasses reads a newspaper at a table. He is wearing a checkered shirt and is focused on the content. A blue coffee cup is placed on the table next to him, and sunlight is streaming into the room.

Common sense would tell you that you need to stay informed about recent happenings. That may mean the news, at the workplace, or in your community so that you can make informed decisions. Otherwise, it’s easy to make a bad decision because you may not have an important piece of information that’s readily available to the informed.

About The Author

Jack Nollan is a mental health writer of 10 years who pairs lived experience with evidence-based information to provide perspectives from the side of the mental health consumer. Jack has lived with Bipolar Disorder and Bipolar-depression for almost 30 years. With hands-on experience as the facilitator of a mental health support group, Jack has a firm grasp of the wide range of struggles people face when their mind is not in the healthiest of places. Jack is an activist who is passionate about helping disadvantaged people find a better path.