Most People Think Its OK To Lie About These 9 Things

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White Lies Are OK – Aren’t They?

A woman with a bright smile, wearing a gray shirt, holds a cup of coffee while looking at another person with curly red hair. They are in a cozy indoor setting with bookshelves in the background.

There are some out there who truly believe that any kind of lie is wrong. To be perfectly honest, I think they’re a little deluded. But maybe you’ll disagree?

Telling lies is an integral part of human nature, and often makes life a little easier for everyone.

If you think back over your day today, can you honestly say that everything that came out of your mouth was 100% true?

Was the dinner someone special cooked for you really that delicious? Did you actually like your best friend’s haircut?

Probably not, but did you tell them?

Most of us tell tiny lies every day without even realizing we’re doing it. We often do it unconsciously, to make either the person we’re lying to or even ourselves feel better about a situation.

And most of us agree it’s ok in the following situations. Do you?

1. When Someone Asks You How You Are

A woman wearing a straw hat and denim jacket sits at a table in a cafe, smiling and waving at two women in the foreground. The two women, one with dark hair and the other with dyed hair, are seated at another table, waving back. Green plants adorn the background.

When we greet a general acquaintance by asking them how they are, the only answer most people are really expecting is “Fine thanks, you?” If someone actually started telling you how they are, you’d be pretty taken aback.

The person who asks is probably just being polite, and odds are that they don’t have the time or the interest to listen to your problems.

This is an example of how white lies are an integral part of culture.

2. When Complimenting How A Friend Looks

Two women are sitting at a wooden table in a bright cafe, engaged in conversation. One has long blonde hair, wearing a blue shirt, holding a black coffee cup. The other, with light blonde hair in a ponytail, wears a plaid shirt. A potted plant and pastries are on the table.

When you get a noticeable haircut, you’ll expect people to comment, so if your friend has a bizarre new look, they might take your silence as disapproval.

In this case, it’s perfectly fine to tell them you like it, because, let’s face it, there’s really nothing they can do about it.

The same goes for an outfit someone is wearing. Feel free to make a positive comment even if you think it’s a pretty odd choice.

The time and place for your honest opinion on someone’s outfit is when they’re deciding whether to buy it, or when they’re deciding what to wear for an occasion.

Beyond that, it’s best to lie, as, for example, if they’re already at work or at a party, they can’t exactly go home and change.

3. When Father Christmas Comes Up

A woman with red hair embraces a red-haired child while sitting on a yellow couch. Another child with curly hair sits beside them, holding a tablet. They all wear blue denim outfits and smile at each other, creating a warm, happy scene.

There are times when telling harmless lies can create such magic that telling the truth would be nothing short of cruel.

Remember the excitement you felt at Christmas when you were a child? All a result of little white lies told with your best interests at heart.

Believing in the Tooth Fairy or Easter Bunny will do any little people in your life absolutely no harm, and quite a lot of good, encouraging their imaginations.

This also applies to conversations that they’re not ready for to protect their innocence, like where babies come from or why Mum and Dad don’t live together.

4. When You Want To Cancel

A woman with long dark hair, wearing a striped shirt, sits at a table in front of a white brick wall, focused on her smartphone. The lighting is dim, casting shadows on the wall behind her.

If you need to cancel plans and you don’t think people will understand that you just need some alone time and would be terrible company, then feel free to make something up so you both feel better, blaming it on work or illness.

Your best friends might understand your real reasons, but other people might not. Just be sure to cancel ASAP so they aren’t left hanging.

5. If You’re Late For Work

A man in a suit and red tie is standing and pointing at a woman sitting at a desk with her head in her hands, appearing stressed. The desk has several charts and documents spread out. Wooden blinds and a beige wall are in the background.

Or for class, or any situation where your turning up late might cause a problem.

If telling the truth – such as your alarm didn’t go off – won’t go down well and something as important as your job is at stake, a carefully crafted white lie is definitely worth telling to save the situation.

6. To Avoid Becoming Fuel for the Office Gossip

Two professionals, a man and a woman, engage in conversation in an office, standing in front of a wall covered with papers, charts, and post-it notes. The woman holds a coffee cup, while the man appears to be explaining something with a smile. Both are dressed in business attire.

Is your gossipy co-worker trying to pry into your love life? In any situation when you’d rather not share personal things, it’s often better to come up with a white lie rather than telling them straight that you just don’t think it’s any of their business.

The same is true for any situation when someone is being nosy.

7. To Deflect Unwanted Interest

A man in a white shirt is sitting in a bar with several glass mugs of beer on the table in front of him. He is smiling, looking to his left, and raising his right hand as if waving or signaling. The background features a bar with various bottles.

That guy at the bar just won’t leave you alone? Whilst it’s ridiculous that often a plain no just won’t be accepted without an explanation behind it (but HOW could you NOT be interested in him?!), you might find it makes your life easier and your night more fun if you save yourself with a lie.

8. When Someone Needs A Boost

Two women sit on a couch in a cozy setting, smiling and talking animatedly. The woman on the left holds a pink mug with both hands, looking excited, while the woman on the right holds a white mug and gestures with her hand. Soft lighting creates a warm atmosphere.

If a friend has been having a tough time with stress or illness and it’s written all over their face, just telling them they’re looking better might be what they need to actually start feeling better about themselves.

If they’ve been working out and on a diet and you can’t see much of a difference, they don’t need to know that. Tell them they look fantastic.

9. When Someone’s Done Something Nice For You

Two women sit at a table outdoors, smiling and engaging in conversation. One woman holds a smartphone, and the table is adorned with coffee cups, a cake, and other items. The background includes greenery and soft sunlight, creating a warm and cheerful atmosphere.

If you’ve had a meal cooked for you or you’ve been given an ‘interesting’ gift, it’s no skin off your nose to tell them it was delicious, or that you love it.

They’re showing their love for you and they’re trying to make you happy, so it really is the thought that counts, and being negative could really hurt their feelings.

So When Is Lying Not OK?

A man with dark hair and a beard wearing a blue plaid shirt and a woman with long brown hair wearing a denim shirt are standing side by side. They are looking at each other with serious expressions against a plain, light gray background.

Just as most people agree little white lies are ok, most of us would probably agree that lying is not the right choice in the following situations.

1. When You’re Just Delaying The Inevitable

A woman with dark hair is leaning against a white wall, looking pensive. She is wearing a black top and has her right hand resting on her forehead. Her expression appears contemplative and slightly troubled.

Is it something you’re going to have to come clean about eventually? There’s nothing worse than telling a small lie that can then lead to a whole chain of lies, as you’ll eventually get caught out.

Although I mentioned above that it’s fine to tell white lies when canceling plans, you do need to be careful.

If it’s just a one-off occasion when you don’t feel particularly sociable and you’d love to do the same thing another time, then feel free to spin a white lie.

If, however, it’s a thing you really don’t want to do or a person you’d rather not see, then it’s best to be honest from the outset so you don’t keep getting the same invitation.

2. When You Want To End A Relationship

A bearded man with short hair is in the foreground, slightly out of focus, wearing a white shirt. Behind him, a woman with long, wavy hair and a white shirt is in focus, looking sideways and smiling softly. They are in a sunlit room with dark walls.

Romantically, if you’re just not interested in someone who’s asked you out or who you’ve been seeing, that needs to be communicated (kindly) ASAP.

You don’t want them thinking there’s a chance of something happening between you as this will only drag things out and make it awkward.

Whilst there’s no need to be brutal, you should make sure things are clear.

This applies to any kind of relationship, even business ones.

3. When Someone Needs A Few Home Truths

Three women are sitting around a table with white mugs, engaged in a conversation. One of them, with long brown hair, gestures animatedly while speaking, looking at the other two. They are in a bright room with white walls and furniture.

If you think there’s something that someone really needs to hear as it will benefit them in the long run, you should tell them, even if it might upset them initially or make you feel uncomfortable.

Whilst it should always be framed positively, if you think someone is lying to themselves about a situation, it might be time for you to get real with them.

4. If It’s Money-Related

A person in a dark shirt is using a laptop, typing with one hand while holding a credit card in the other. The scene appears to take place at a table near a window with light streaming in.

Anything to do with money is best to be approached as honestly as possible, particularly when it comes to your relationship with your partner.

5. In the Fitting Room

A woman and an older man with gray hair are shopping for clothes. The woman is holding a light pink sweater up to show the man, who is looking at it with interest. They are in a brightly lit store with various clothes hanging on racks.

They haven’t bought it yet, and they’re genuinely asking for your opinion, so don’t lie when your friend or partner is trying something on and you think it looks terrible.

Someone at some point will make a negative comment about whatever item of clothing it is, and then you’ll look bad.

You’re not commenting on them, just the clothes. Just be sure you do it in a positive way and make constructive suggestions.


A man with short brown hair, wearing a checkered shirt and a dark apron, stands thoughtfully by a window with his hand on his chin. He appears to be deep in thought, gazing outside as sunlight streams in through the window.

If you’re unsure as to whether honesty is the best policy in a particular situation, ask yourself what your motivation is for lying, and if that lie could cause more harm than good in the long run.

Make sure you’ve got your own and everyone else’s best interests at heart.

About The Author

Katie is a writer and translator with a focus on travel, self-care and sustainability. She's based between a cave house in Granada, Spain, and the coast of beautiful Cornwall, England. She spends her free time hiking, exploring, eating vegan tapas and volunteering for a local dog shelter.