If you don’t want bad habits to hold you back, do these 10 things to break them

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Is there a bad habit you desperately want to break?

A man with a beard is eating a bowl of cereal while looking at his smartphone. He is sitting in a kitchen with a bottle of milk and a green mug on the counter. A blackboard with writing in the background is partially visible.

Whether it’s swearing, impulsive shopping, skipping breakfast, or checking Facebook every 2 minutes, we all have bad habits that we’d like to do away with.

The problem is that habits are, by the very nature, habitual; they arise from our unconscious minds as if we hold no control over them. But you do have control, and you can kick your bad habits to the curb if you follow this advice.

1. Be Mindful Of Them

A woman with wavy blonde hair is sitting on a gray couch in a brightly lit living room. She is wearing a light purple knit sweater and holding a remote control. Behind her, there is a desk with a stack of books and a laptop, and a modern painting on the wall.

To be able to combat your bad habits, you must first train your focus on them so that they no longer reside within the unconscious part of your mind. To learn a new behavior – or in this case to unlearn a current behavior – you must give it your full attention. Only then can you begin to rewire your brain and say goodbye to your bad habits.

Much of the time, a habit is accompanied by an urge. When we give in to this urge, we exhibit the unwanted behavior. Bearing this in mind, you must remain watchful at all times and try to identify these urges before they can lead to the habit.

Only when you are able to detect the urge as it grows can you begin to fight it before it takes hold.

2. Recognize Tomorrow’s You In Today’s Actions

A man with blond hair and glasses is wearing a black coat and a cream-colored scarf. He is outdoors in a natural setting with dry grass and blurred landscape in the background. The lighting suggests that it is either early morning or late afternoon.

Many people fail to associate their future selves with what they do today. Their minds trick them into ignoring the negative impacts of their bad habits and this effectively blinds them to the need to give the up.

Forging a link in your mind between the you of today and the you of tomorrow will encourage more considerate behavior that takes into account the wellbeing of your future self.

Imagine having a conversation with this prospective version of you; listen to their warnings and use these as reminders every time you feel your habitual side taking control.

3. Take One Bad Habit At A Time

A young woman with light brown hair pulled back gazes softly towards the camera. She is outdoors with a blurred background of a green field and a soft, cloudy sky. She wears subtle makeup and earrings, with one shoulder exposed in the warm light.

You may have many habits that you’d like to give up, but willpower is a finite resource, and attempting to tackle too many things at once will increase the chances of failure.

So stick to one bad habit at a time, focus all of your attention on that and beat it before you move on to the next challenge.

4. Ignore Your Fear Of Failure

A woman with short blonde hair and green-framed glasses playfully balances a pencil on her upper lip, making a funny expression. She is wearing a black shirt and is in a cluttered office space with a whiteboard and various items on the wall in the background.

You may not even attempt to tackle your bad habits until you have overcome any fear you have that you may fail. Failure is a natural thing; it doesn’t need to be final and it doesn’t need to be painful if you don’t let it.

You have to recognize any such fear and address it by seeing it for what it is: a product of your ego.

5. Don’t Get Angry When You Relapse

Black and white close-up photograph of a person with long hair, looking directly at the camera with a serious expression. They are resting their face in their hands, framing their face with their fingers. The background is dark and uncluttered.

Breaking a bad habit is far from easy, and it is quite likely that you will return to the behavior on more than one occasion before you can conquer it once and for all.

To give yourself the best chance of resuming your quest after a relapse, you must not get angry with yourself. Be forgiving, be understanding, and be humble; just don’t be angry.

6. Don’t Tell People About Your Goals

A person with shoulder-length blonde hair and blue eyes is standing against a plain background, with their index finger pressed to their lips in a "shushing" gesture. They are wearing a light brown turtleneck.

It may seem counterintuitive, but by announcing your aim to beat a bad habit, you actually lower your chances of succeeding. By telling others what you want to achieve, you trick your mind into believing you are half way there.

This is to do with what’s known as identity goals. You may want to break a bad habit to alter how you identify yourself both inwardly and outwardly. As soon as you let other people know what you are doing, they instantly begin to see you in a different light. This falsely convinces your mind that the identity goal is already partially complete.

With part of your goal seemingly achieved, you don’t put as much effort into actually making it a reality.

So don’t tell anyone what you are trying to accomplish; just go about it quietly in the background.

7. Try Not To Reward Progress With A Binge

A person with glasses and a headband sits cross-legged on a couch, holding a bowl of popcorn. They are wearing a casual outfit with a hoodie and pajamas. The room is softly lit with lamps, and colorful cushions are placed on the couch. A remote control is beside them.

A common stumbling block for those seeking to prevail over a bad habit is to reward good progress by splurging on the very thing they are attempting to overcome.

So you could be trying to give up a particularly sugary food or drink that you know is bad for you. After going a whole week without consuming it, you might think it’s ok to treat yourself to a few of them at the weekend, but this will only make it harder to go without the following week.

Binging as a reward for making progress is one step forward, two steps back.

If you need a reward, make it something completely unrelated to the bad habit you are trying to break.

8. Find Harmless Substitutes Or Alternatives

A woman with long hair smiles while holding a bowl of food topped with blueberries and strawberries. She is wearing a striped shirt and sitting in a room with wooden paneling on the walls. She holds a spoon in her other hand as she looks to the side.

There are certain bad habits where fairly direct substitutions can be made which allow you to maintain some degree of the habit, but without the negative connotations.

If you are vulnerable to buying a new outfit almost every week, find a local swap meet where you can indulge your desire for a new look without hurting your bank balance.

Or if you have struggled to give up smoking in the past, try using an e-cigarette which allows you to maintain some semblance of the habit, but without the detrimental effects on your health.

9. Seek Help

A woman with long blonde hair wearing a pink sweater sits on a couch, looking thoughtful. A person with short hair wearing a yellow sweater is seated opposite her, taking notes on a clipboard. The setting appears to be a casual indoor environment.

When a habit is really causing you harm, the best thing you can do is to seek help from a professional. It may sound a bit over the top for some minor habits, but when there is a pressing need to give something up, often the most successful method is to consult an expert for guidance.

Whether your social media habit has turned to obsession, or you are unable to stop grinding your teeth, there are services you can turn to for assistance.

10. Replace A Bad Habit With A Good One

A person with curly hair lies on a gray couch, holding an open book above their face, reading. The room is well-lit by natural light coming through a sliding glass door, leading to a balcony with potted plants and outdoor furniture in the background.

Because we only have so much time, focus, and attention available to us, it is possible to drive bad habits out of your life by spending time making new good habits.

Maybe you want to break free from the lure of celebrity gossip magazines, for instance. Reading a book, doing a puzzle, or even learning to draw are things that can fill the time that you’d usually kill by reading about celebrities. And they are all pastimes that can help improve your cognitive abilities.

About The Author

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.