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You Can Do Better Than “I Love You”—Say These 10 Things Instead

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Say these things instead of “I love you”

A man in an orange sweater gently kisses the forehead of a woman in a red sweater. The woman leans against a tree while looking into the distance, with the man holding her head tenderly. The background has blurred natural elements, suggesting an outdoor setting.

Saying “I love you” can mean the world to some people, but others prefer different expressions of care and affection. Below are 10 alternatives to these three little words that you can use instead.

1. “My life is better with you in it.”

A couple lies on a bed in a cozy setting, with the woman smiling and nestling against the man. The man has his arm around her and is looking at her affectionately. Both appear relaxed and content, surrounded by warm, earthy tones of the bedding and room.

Telling a person this goes far beyond the standard “I love you” expression, as it encompasses every aspect of their life. In essence, you’re letting them know that they touch everything in your world with their grace, and that they make your very existence brighter and more joyful as a result.

2. “I miss you.”

A woman and a man lie on the grass, holding hands. The woman, with her head resting on his arm, gazes thoughtfully at the sky while the man looks upward. Sunlight filters through the greenery, casting soft light on their faces and the surrounding grass.

This works particularly well if you spend a lot of time together, such as if you both work from home or for the same company. Text your partner this message when you’re apart, even if they’ll be home in 15 minutes, and they’ll know how much you care about them.

3. “I appreciate you.”

A couple stands in a grassy field, facing each other and smiling. The man, wearing a white t-shirt, has his arm around the woman, who has long dark hair and is wearing a gray t-shirt. The background is blurred, highlighting the couple in the foreground.

Someone who’s used to being taken for granted will likely tear up when and if their efforts are acknowledged. If your partner goes out of their way to do nice things for you—even if it’s as silly as refilling your coffee—let them know how much you appreciate their efforts.

4. “You’re my person.”

A smiling woman and a man with curly hair are standing side by side, each holding a white coffee mug. They are in front of a green wall, looking at each other affectionately. The woman is wearing a teal shirt, and the man is in an olive green shirt.

Most people like the idea that they’re the missing puzzle piece in someone else’s life. As such, telling them that they’re your one and only is likely to make their heart grow several sizes all at once. On a fundamental level, you’re letting them know that you’ve chosen them, forever.

5. “You make me really happy.”

A woman with wavy hair and a bright smile looks at a man who is facing her, with the ocean blurred in the background. The woman wears a light sweater and a pink shirt, and the man wears a dark jacket with a white shirt.

When a person is insecure about the impact they have on another’s life, reassuring them that their presence in yours makes you significantly happier than you were before they came along can do wonders for their self-esteem. If so inclined, be specific about the things they do that brighten your world exponentially.

6. “When I’m with you, I’m home.”

A smiling woman hugs a laughing man from behind as they enjoy a sunny day outdoors. They are both wearing coats, with autumn foliage and a building blurred in the background, creating a warm and cheerful atmosphere.

This is particularly poignant if you had a rough upbringing and always had difficulty getting close to another person. By expressing to them that they’re your rock, and that they’re essentially the missing puzzle piece in your life, it shows them that you’ve officially let them “in” and aren’t going anywhere.

7. “You make me feel safe.”

A young man and woman are smiling at each other while sitting closely at an outdoor table. The man has short curly hair and is wearing a gray shirt. The woman has a short blonde hairstyle, wears a white hat, and a pink tank top. Drinks are visible in front of them.

Few things can make a person feel that they’re doing everything right in your life as much as letting them know that they’re your shelter, your rock, and your sentinel. Knowing that you can sleep soundly because they’re around, and that you never feel insecure around them, can change their world forever.

8. “You’re my everything.”

A couple stands on a rooftop with a cityscape in the background. The woman, wearing sunglasses and a white dress with a denim jacket, extends her arms wide, while the man, also in a denim jacket, stands behind her mimicking the same gesture and smiling.

Most people hope for the kind of love that fairy tales are written about. As such, telling them that they’re your “everything” tells them that not only do you love them dearly as a romantic partner, but as a best friend, a confidant, and the family that you’ve always wanted.

9. “I’m so lucky that I found you.”

A couple dressed in black leather jackets, wearing sunglasses, and embracing each other closely while smiling. They are about to kiss, with sunlight softly illuminating them from behind, giving a warm and romantic atmosphere.

Saying this to someone when they’re feeling down or are being unkind to themselves can make them feel that they have real value. It can mean even more if others have been cruel to them in the past, or if they’re insecure about the role they play in your life.

10. “I got you.”

A woman with short blonde hair embraces a man from behind, gently kissing his cheek. The man, with short brown hair, looks ahead with a slight smile. They both wear casual clothing and sit in a cozy room with a blurred background.

For a person who’s had to depend on themselves for their entire life up until this point, knowing that there’s someone they can actually trust and have faith in can be life-changing. Actions and words speak together here, so make sure that when you say “I got you”, you mean it.

About The Author

Catherine Winter is an herbalist, INTJ empath, narcissistic abuse survivor, and PTSD warrior currently based in Quebec's Laurentian mountains. In an informal role as confidant and guide, Catherine has helped countless people work through difficult times in their lives and relationships, including divorce, ageing and death journeys, grief, abuse, and trauma recovery, as they navigate their individual paths towards healing and personal peace.