People who think for themselves do these 18 things regularly

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Independent thinkers do most of these things.

A man with a serious expression, wearing large round glasses and a casual long-sleeve shirt, stands with arms crossed. His head is split open, and yellow circles are coming out, suggesting thoughts or ideas. The background features orange and yellow geometric shapes.

One of the main differences you’ll come across in people is between those who think for themselves and those who follow the crowd.

The former will often have unique perspectives on a plethora of topics, while the latter generally parrot what everyone else says.

Let’s take a look at some of the things that independent thinkers do that set them apart. You might notice some of these traits in yourself and your friends.

Alternatively, you may decide that you’d like to cultivate some of these habits as you move forward.

1. They question everything.

A person with long dark hair wearing a red knit sweater stands against a blue background. They are looking forward with their eyebrows slightly raised and eyes wide open, and they have their arms out to the sides with their palms up in a questioning or confused gesture.

This is probably the key trait of independent thinkers. Rather than merely accepting things that they’re told, they do their own research to determine what they think and feel about something.

They certainly don’t trust blindly. They know that trust – like respect – needs to be earned, and those who tell others that they’re trustworthy rarely are.

They’ll seek out different perspectives on subjects rather than being emotionally led by other people’s opinions. By doing so, they get a better sense of the whole picture and can determine their own perspectives.

2. They withhold judgment until all the facts are in.

A man with short, curly hair and a beard, wearing a light blue shirt, gazes to his left. He is standing outdoors in a lush green park with trees and buildings in the background, under a partly cloudy sky.

They don’t allow others to influence what they think and feel, and won’t make a judgment call on any subject until they’ve really immersed themselves in the subject matter at hand.

For example, many really do hold to the adage that a person is innocent until proven guilty. They want ALL the facts about a person or situation before they make up their minds about what happened and why. They ask, and ask more, instead of assuming. And then they’ll do even more research so they have a solid, whole picture on which to base their decisions.

3. They’re curious and love to learn.

A man with dark hair, wearing a coral-colored shirt, sits on a couch and reads an open book. The background is dimly lit with blurred shelves holding books and a chess set. The man appears focused on his reading.

This isn’t restricted to book learning or formal education. Many (if not most) independent thinkers have pretty wide-ranging skill sets that match their diverse interests.

For example, it wouldn’t be unusual to discover that your computer engineer friend can also brew his own beer, is an adept stonemason, speaks 7 languages, plays classical violin, and does parkour on weekends.

When a new subject piques their interest, they’ll dive in and devour as much information about it as they can. They might take up several hobbies at once, and even try interweaving them to see whether they work together as a whole.

4. They’re cautious of labels and sweeping assumptions.

A young man with dark hair is deep in thought, resting his face on his index finger with his eyes partially closed. He is wearing a white T-shirt and a simple necklace. The background is plain and light-colored. The image is in black and white.

Most of us have at least one relative or acquaintance who’s quick to label others.

Not the critical thinker, though. Rather than taking it on someone else’s authority that an unruly child has ADHD, or that a mutual friend is a narcissist, they’ll analyze the situation themselves.

This ties in with their love of learning. They prefer to study subjects and situations from many different perspectives – to do otherwise would be to do an immense disservice to the subject at hand. How can they possibly make up their minds about something if they don’t analyze every aspect of it for a full picture?

As a result, they often feel deeply into a situation before even thinking about slapping a label on anything.

5. They mistrust and dislike aggressive authority.

A woman with dark hair looks frustrated, covering her ears with her hands. She is wearing a floral shirt and standing against an orange background.

If you’ve studied history at all, you’ve probably noticed that fascist and totalitarian regimes have done their best to eliminate independent thinkers as quickly as possible.

Scientists and journalists tend to be the first ones to be disposed of, as they’re the ones who investigate topics intently and then share their findings with others.

As a result, independent thinkers have a natural mistrust and dislike of those who seek to tell others not to think for themselves, but to just listen and do what they’re told.

6. They welcome discussion and debate, rather than feeling “attacked.”

Three men are seated at a desk, engaged in a discussion. One man on the left is talking and gesturing with his hand. The man in the middle and the one on the right are listening attentively. A laptop, notebooks, and stationery are on the desk.

Rather than thinking that someone who disagrees with them hates them, they’re open to (even enthusiastic about) discussion and debate. How boring would life be if everyone thought and felt the same about every topic?

Whether the subject is religion/spirituality, politics, health, current events, or entertainment, they appreciate other people’s thoughts and opinions.

By discussing these ideas with those who think differently, they can widen their own perspectives and learn more about others in the process.

7. They enjoy long periods of undisturbed stillness and silence.

A woman with shoulder-length blonde hair and blue eyes dressed in a light blue denim shirt is standing outdoors. She is looking upwards with a soft smile. The background is blurred, showing a tree-lined walkway.

People can’t think clearly if they’re constantly interrupted. While some people can’t stand to be alone and/or need to have a radio or television blaring at all times because they can’t abide silence, independent thinkers need A LOT of alone time.

They’ll often be found sitting by themselves, whether outside in nature or in a quiet place at home. Sometimes they’ll stare off into space, or they’ll be jotting notes into a journal.

This type of alone time is vital for them to be able to process information and determine how it is they think and feel about a subject. Solitude is a fantastic tool for deep and serious thought.

8. They prefer to listen and observe than take part in idle gossip.

A group of people sitting around a table in a restaurant, eating and talking. A woman with curly hair wearing a pink top and beige vest is smiling in the center, while others around her are holding pieces of pizza. The atmosphere appears lively and social.

In any social setting, there will be people who do a lot of talking, and those who prefer to listen and observe.

Rather than blathering on about whatever it is that they’re thinking or feeling, independent thinkers tend to people-watch and listen. They don’t spread gossip, but rather absorb what’s going on around them, analyzing all the while.

9. They are self-educated across numerous subjects.

A person holds a camera while sitting at a table. The table is covered with color swatches, an open spiral notebook, colored pencils in a holder, a laptop, and a small potted plant. The person is wearing a floral-patterned shirt.

The free thinkers you come across may not have university degrees, but they’re likely very well self-educated (autodidactic) across a wide range of topics and skills.

They like to research all sorts of subjects, getting their information from everyone and everywhere. Then they’ll cross-correspond all the data to determine what seems to be true across the board.

10. They engage in introspection and self-analysis.

A woman with shoulder-length dark hair, wearing a mustard yellow jacket and blue jeans, sits in a windowsill holding an open book and a pen. She appears thoughtful, gazing upwards while surrounded by a modern, minimalist indoor setting.

While many other people just go through life doing what they do, independent thinkers seek to understand where their own preferences and behaviors stem from.

As an example, they’ll take the time to really scrutinize certain reactions and triggers to find out why they react the way they do. This way, by understanding the source(s) of their reactions, they can choose to behave differently in the future.

They’ll keep doing so as they move through life so they can really understand themselves, as well as others. By doing so, they know the reasons for every desire and aversion, so they don’t merely behave blindly or react without awareness.

11. They are voracious readers.

A man with long hair and a beard is sitting on the floor, leaning against a piece of furniture. He is wearing a casual plaid shirt over a white T-shirt and light blue jeans, and he’s absorbed in reading a book. The setting appears to be a cozy indoor space.

If you ask a random group of people what they’re reading and only one of them has a book (or nine) on the go, that’ll be the independent thinker of the group.

That doesn’t mean that indie thinkers don’t love to binge-watch their favorite Netflix shows. It just means that they’re probably also reading a few different books on the side too.

You may also discover that these voracious readers tend to dive into different genres too. For example, they might be reading one fiction book, but also several non-fiction pieces on history, philosophy, science/nature, etc.

12. They are well travelled.

A young man with shoulder-length curly hair and wearing a green beanie and red jacket smiles at the camera while taking a selfie outdoors. The background reveals an expansive, sunlit landscape of rocky terrain and a distant horizon.

The independent thinkers who can afford to do so are often very well travelled. Many have visited several countries and spent a substantial amount of time in other cultures. As a result, they’re aware of subtle differences in cultural norms, which gives them a wider perspective of the world around them.

By learning about other people and their cultures firsthand, they don’t have to rely on relayed information via other people’s stories or writings to educate them. To learn about another people’s culture in a book is great, but to actually spend time among said people is an entirely different experience.

13. They dress how they like, rather than follow trends.

Black and white photo of a person with braided hair, holding the braids out to the sides and sticking their tongue out playfully. The person is wearing a jacket with striped cuffs, and the sky serves as the background.

You may have noticed that some of the people around you have unique or alternative clothing styles. In fact, some of their aesthetic preferences may carry forward to their home decor or vehicle choices. Think of Dita Von Teese’s vintage style and how it permeates every aspect of her life, as an example.

They don’t really care whether others approve of their choices, and make decisions based on what they love.

14. They live life on their own terms.

A man with a full beard and short hair is wearing a black hoodie. He is outdoors in what appears to be a park, sitting and looking thoughtfully to his right. The background is blurred but shows greenery and trees.

Much like the trait mentioned above, individual thinkers will often have lifestyles outside of what others would consider to be “normal.”

Maybe they live in a yurt as part of an off-grid mountain community, or they’re part of an urban arts collective that shares all possessions. They might be nomads, working from cafes and beaches as they travel, or have old-fashioned careers like being a blacksmith, potter, or farrier.

They don’t feel pressured to fit in with the rest of society, because they never will.

15. They see life’s true treasures.

A person stands in a forest, eyes closed, with a peaceful expression. They are wearing a warm, light-colored jacket and a dark beanie with a checkered pattern. Sunlight filters through the trees in the background.

If you ask 100 people from countries around the world what they consider to be most valuable, you’ll probably get a wide range of answers. Some might place a great deal of importance on material goods and wealth, but a precious few will have a much simpler perspective.

Most independent thinkers place great value on things like knowledge, clean water, healthy food, and personal freedom. They have great compassion for others and often do work (either paid or volunteer) in service to the Greater Good.

16. They don’t play the victim.

A woman with long blonde hair is sitting at a desk in an office, holding a white coffee cup and looking thoughtfully out the window. She is wearing a gray blazer over a black and white patterned top. There are plants and office supplies on the desk.

A common trend in our modern era is for people to play the victim to excuse poor behaviors, and to manipulate situations to get their own way. Furthermore, many try to out-victim one another to get pity and attention from others.

Most independent thinkers have little use for this kind of self-pity. They either take responsibility for the consequences of their own actions, or see periods of misfortune as learning opportunities. Crappy situations happen, but there’s always a way to turn them around.

17. They are social chameleons who keep themselves to themselves (at first).

Three women are sitting at a wooden table, each with a cup of coffee. They are engaged in conversation and smiling. The woman on the left wears a yellow cardigan, the one in the middle has blonde hair and a denim jacket, and the woman on the right wears glasses.

Many independent thinkers learned very early on that they couldn’t be their true selves with most others around them. As a result, they learned how to be social chameleons. This means that they mask and mirror behaviors in order to adapt to their surroundings.

Instead of expressing how they think and feel, they keep their true thoughts to themselves in order to avoid conflict. Many people get overtly hostile when someone dares to openly think differently from them.

Independent thinkers will open up to others honestly once they feel that they can really be themselves around them.

18. They prefer the company of animals over humans.

An elderly man with a long white beard and glasses sits in a kitchen holding an orange cat. He is looking at a laptop on a wooden table, with sunlight streaming through a window nearby. The kitchen has a black brick backsplash, knives on a magnetic strip, and potted plants.

Since most independent thinkers treasure their alone time, they can get irritated and even resentful when other people make constant demands on their time and attention.

Some may choose to stay single so they’re not interrupted by partners, and still more choose not to have children for the same reason.

More often than not, these free thinkers will prefer to spend time with animals rather than humans. Some might have several cats, dogs, or rabbits as companions, while others prefer to befriend wild animals rather than keeping other beings as pets.

These animal companions are non-intrusive, non-judgmental, and are perfectly content to hang out while their person studies or writes.

About The Author

Finn Robinson has spent the past few decades travelling the globe and honing his skills in bodywork, holistic health, and environmental stewardship. In his role as a personal trainer and fitness coach, he’s acted as an informal counselor to clients and friends alike, drawing upon his own life experience as well as his studies in both Eastern and Western philosophies. For him, every day is an opportunity to be of service to others in the hope of sowing seeds for a better world.