12 Quirky Behaviors Of People Who Thrive On Solitude

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These behaviors point to someone who enjoys solitude.

A woman wearing sunglasses lies on her stomach on a grassy field, holding an open book in one hand and a plastic cup with a straw filled with a colorful drink in the other. The sky is partly cloudy, and trees are visible in the background.

Some people thrive in the company of other humans, while others do best when they’re alone. If you can relate to the following behaviors, you’re undoubtedly the type of person who thrives on solitude.

1. They have extensive book or media collections.

A person with short white hair sits comfortably in a black chair holding an open book. The background features a bookshelf filled with various colorful books. The person is wearing a striped shirt and appears relaxed and content.

You love to read, watch movies, play games, or immerse in graphic novels, and you have cultivated extensive collections of your favorite media. Whether you’ve revisited these favorites dozens of times or simply add to your libraries constantly, these modes of entertainment are precious to you, and well taken care of.

2. They are passionate about various forms of research.

A man in a dress shirt and tie stands holding a magnifying glass over a tablet, which emits a holographic network of data points and connections. The background features a digital, high-tech design, emphasizing analysis and technology.

When a topic piques your curiosity, you throw yourself into researching it in several different ways. You may have had to replace your library card several times because it wore away from so much use, and you fall down online rabbit holes delving into topics for hours at a time.

3. They have a wide variety of interests and hobbies.

A person with curly red hair, wearing an orange shirt and dark apron, is focused on shaping a clay pot on a pottery wheel. Shelves of pottery and art supplies are visible in the background.

Instead of having one or two basic hobbies, you have a wide range of niche interests that you divide your time among as desired. You might spend months painting before going back to throwing pottery, then take up fencing or archery for a while before doing some online university archaeology courses.

4. They find comfort in silence and their own company.

A young person with pink hair and a black beret is sitting in a grassy field near wind turbines, smiling at the camera. They are wearing a light-colored sweater and holding a small plant. The sky is pale and clear in the background.

While some people constantly need to hang out with friends or have the TV playing, you’re wholly comfortable in silence. Your own company is golden, and you neither need nor want the distraction of other people’s voices yammering at you when you’re trying to concentrate, or simply want complete peace and quiet.

5. They don’t experience boredom.

A young man with curly hair and a beard is sitting on a couch, leaning back with one arm resting on the backrest. He is wearing a red button-up shirt over a gray t-shirt and ripped blue jeans. He is looking at the camera with a relaxed expression.

It’s possible that you’ve never experienced boredom in your life because you’re always finding new things to interest and engage you. Unless you’ve read every book printed to date, watched every film, and tried every hobby or pastime, it’s very difficult to be bored: you constantly find new things to explore.

6. They find reasons and excuses to avoid social functions.

A person stands against a dark background with their hands crossed in front, palms facing outward, in a gesture of refusal or defense. They are wearing a sleeveless black top, and their fingernails are painted red. Their face is not visible.

People who thrive on solitude try to avoid social functions whenever possible. They’ll try to get out of attending a function if they can, and if pressured, they either won’t show up, or will leave early without saying “goodbye” because they know folks will try to hamstring them into staying longer.

7. They likely have at least one animal companion.

A woman with long hair wearing a red and blue plaid shirt is playing a ukulele. A green and gray parrot is perched on her shoulder, looking at the ukulele. The background is blurred, focusing on the woman and the parrot.

Although a person may like solitude, their preference is to be away from other humans. They may love animal companionship instead, and will likely have at least one sweet pet whom they love to spend time with and don’t consider to be a drain on their energy at all.

8. They tend not to be interested in current affairs and trends.

A woman with shoulder-length brown hair wearing a wide-brimmed beige hat and a light-colored shirt is sitting outdoors on a grassy field. Her eyes are closed, and she has a peaceful, relaxed expression on her face. Blurred greenery is visible in the background.

Most people who love to spend time alone have very little interest in whatever spectacle is currently unfolding. They don’t care about current trends, celebrity antics, or banal mass media being hyped. Instead, they focus on the things and subjects they care about, and pay no attention to anything beyond them.

9. They love to sleep.

A person with curly hair is lying on a red bed, hugging a brown stuffed animal. They are wearing a grey sweatshirt and appear to be peacefully sleeping. The background features a light-colored, vertically striped wallpaper.

People who love solitude don’t subscribe to celebrity gurus who go to bed at 2 a.m. and get up at 5 for raw smoothies and ice baths. They prefer to rest whenever possible and have cozy nooks with soft blankets to cushty up into.

10. They don’t get lonely.

A woman lies on green grass with her hands relaxed above her head. She has a light gray long-sleeve shirt and a watch on her left wrist. Her eyes are open, and she has a peaceful expression on her face.

Much like boredom, loneliness isn’t something that solitude-lovers encounter very often. Since they don’t thrive in other people’s company, they very rarely (if ever) have the desire to seek it out. If they do feel like spending time with someone, it’s because they miss that person, not social interaction in general.

11. They prefer noble, beautiful things over crude, crass ones.

A bearded man with dark hair and a blue jacket is standing in a forest, smiling as he reaches up to touch a green leaf on a branch. The background is filled with blurred trees and foliage, creating a serene and natural setting.

A person who spends most of their time alone will generally prefer beautiful, soul-inspiring things rather than that which is vulgar and crude. They’ll choose colors, textures, items, and sounds that elevate and inspire them, and won’t waste their time on things that they find offensive or otherwise off-putting.

12. They don’t speak much.

A man with dark hair and a beard stands against a plain background. He is wearing an olive green shirt over a white t-shirt. He has a puzzled expression and is making an "OK" sign with his right hand while pressing his lips together with that hand's thumb and forefinger.

One of the reasons why some people enjoy solitude so dearly is because there’s no pressure to speak when they don’t want to. Even when interacting with others, they listen more than they talk. When alone, there’s neither pressure nor expectation to speak if they don’t want to (which is their standard setting).

About The Author

Finn Robinson has spent the past few decades travelling the globe and honing his skills in bodywork, holistic health, and environmental stewardship. In his role as a personal trainer and fitness coach, he’s acted as an informal counselor to clients and friends alike, drawing upon his own life experience as well as his studies in both Eastern and Western philosophies. For him, every day is an opportunity to be of service to others in the hope of sowing seeds for a better world.