12 Subtle Signs You’re An Attractive Person (Even If You Don’t Think You Are)

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How can you tell whether you’re attractive?

A woman with long, blonde hair partially covers her face with a straw hat. She looks towards the camera with one eye visible. She is dressed in a white lace top and stands by a concrete column. Natural light illuminates the scene.

Most people struggle with self-esteem on occasion and wonder whether they’re attractive or not. If you encounter the subtle signs listed below on a regular basis, you’re likely better looking than you think you are.

1. Strangers are very friendly toward you.

A barista, wearing a grey apron and white shirt, stands behind a counter and smiles while serving a cup of coffee to a customer with curly hair and a tattoo on her arm. The background features shelves with glasses and coffee equipment.

Do random strangers smile at you and either nod or tip their hat when you pass by? If you ask for directions, are they inclined to be helpful rather than running in the opposite direction? Attractive people are seen as more trustworthy by strangers, and are treated well accordingly.

2. People stare at you a lot.

A young man is pouring a drink from a tap while a young woman with long blonde hair smiles at the camera. They are in a bright, modern café with glassware displayed in the background. Another person is visible in the background, slightly out of focus.

If you don’t have a pair of antlers growing out of the sides of your head, but people tend to stare at you a lot when you’re out and about (possibly while blushing or adjusting their hair), then it’s likely because you’re rather pleasant to look at.

3. You’re given things for free.

A man and woman smile as an older person in an apron offers them a tray of cheese samples in a deli or cheese shop. The background includes shelves with various products and large blocks of cheese.

When you order coffee at your local cafe, the barista might wink and pass you a free cookie “just because”. Similarly, people who offer free samples at events may seek you out and get you to try what they’re offering.

4. People ask you for help.

Two young tourists are standing outdoors, with an older beige building in the background. One is holding a map and pointing into the distance, while the other carries a camera around their neck and looks in the same direction, both appearing engaged and enthusiastic.

Both colleagues and strangers may seek you out for help with various issues, whether it’s because they just can’t seem to get the printer to work, or they haven’t figured out how to read a map. If this happens often, it’s not just because you give off an “I’m helpful!” vibe.

5. A lot of people want to be your friend (or lover).

A group of young adults socializing and laughing together outdoors. One woman with long hair and wearing a black top and silver necklace is in focus, smiling warmly towards the person next to her, while another woman with curly hair laughs in the background.

You’re probably often approached by people who want to get to know you, whether online or in person. Maybe your inbox is flooded with messages from random strangers, or people stop by your table when you’re working at a coffee shop to give you their number or invite you out somewhere.

6. You’ve always found it easy to get a job.

Two people are having a discussion at a desk in a professional setting. The person on the right, wearing a blue blazer, is speaking animatedly with hands gesturing, while the person on the left, with blonde hair in a gray blazer, is listening attentively.

Studies show that attractive people have a massive advantage in job interviews: not only are they more likely to be hired than unattractive ones, but they also get paid more. If you’ve always found it easy to get work, then there’s a high chance that you have higher-than-average attractiveness. 

7. Children and animals are drawn to you.

A man in a yellow shirt and blue plaid jacket is gently touching the muzzle of a brown horse over a wooden fence in a sunlit outdoor enclosure. The horse leans toward him, and the scene is calm and friendly.

Babies may smile at you and reach towards you when you pass them at the supermarket, little kids want to tell you all about the exciting things they found in their noses, and not only do people’s pets gravitate towards you, wild animals may be eager to befriend you as well.

8. Strangers want to engage with you.

A woman with long dark hair and a scarf gazes at a man with short brown hair and a beard. They are sitting closely in a bus or tram, leaning on a handrail, looking at each other with slight smiles. The sunlit window suggests it's daytime.

When you’re out and about—running errands or doing your own thing—strangers ask to sit with you, or strike up conversations with you. They might ask about the book you’re reading, or simply bring up a subject that they find interesting, simply to connect with you on some level.

9. People remember you.

Two women sitting at a table, smiling at each other while holding cups of frozen yogurt. Both have dark hair tied back and are wearing casual t-shirts, one in red and the other in pink. Shopping bags are placed on the table, suggesting a fun day out.

Random people will remember your name and greet you when they see you. The servers at the restaurants you visit most often may remember your favorite orders, and people you met in passing several decades ago will recognize you if and when you run into them again.

10. You can get away with things that others might get in trouble for.

Two women sit on a couch in a cozy setting, smiling and talking animatedly. The woman on the left holds a pink mug with both hands, looking excited, while the woman on the right holds a white mug and gestures with her hand. Soft lighting creates a warm atmosphere.

Good-looking people tend to be able to get away with cheeky or otherwise mischievous behavior that would get others in trouble. If people are generally amused by your antics rather than getting angry at them, or threaten you without consequence, that’s a surefire sign that you’re a hottie.

11. People get possessive or jealous of you.

Close-up of two women, one in sharp focus and the other blurred in the foreground. The woman in focus has a serious expression and is wearing a gray top, while the blurred woman in the foreground wears a black top. The lighting creates shadows on their faces.

Friends and lovers alike may get quite possessive over you, whether it’s about not wanting to share the time they have with you, or giving others the stink-eye if they have the audacity to stare at you when you’re out in public together.

12. You’re surrounded by attractive people.

Five friends take a cheerful selfie outdoors. They all smile warmly at the camera, and one person is making a peace sign with their fingers. The group seems to be enjoying a casual day out, with greenery and buildings visible in the background.

Like attracts like, and attractive people tend to band together in little herds and flocks. If, when you look around your social circle, you see that the majority of those around you are really quite lovely to look at, know that you’re in good company—not the crew’s ugly duckling.

About The Author

Finn Robinson has spent the past few decades travelling the globe and honing his skills in bodywork, holistic health, and environmental stewardship. In his role as a personal trainer and fitness coach, he’s acted as an informal counselor to clients and friends alike, drawing upon his own life experience as well as his studies in both Eastern and Western philosophies. For him, every day is an opportunity to be of service to others in the hope of sowing seeds for a better world.