7 Clever Ways To Instantly Shut Down A Show-Off

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No one likes a braggart…

Two men are sitting in an office. The man on the left, wearing a blue shirt, is looking down while the man on the right, in a white shirt, is smiling, holding a smartphone. The background is blurred, with light coming from overhead lamps and a computer screen visible.

…not even other braggarts!

Isn’t it interesting how that doesn’t seem to stop them from regaling you with tales about their perfect life, intelligence, accomplishments, travel, and whatever else they feel the need to share in their game of one-upmanship?

Their perceived personal superiority seems to end where the line of self-awareness and examination begins.

It seems like they can’t see their behavior that pretty much no one sees as positive.

So how do you deal with them whilst keeping your dignity?

1. Change the subject.

Two women are outdoors, interacting and smiling. One holds a tablet while the other gestures with her hand. Both have light hair, and the background shows buildings and faint sunlight. They appear to be having a pleasant conversation.

An easy way to end bragging is to just change the subject to something else that the other person cannot brag about.

It doesn’t need to be messy or complicated, just a quick change of subject and move on to something else.

2. Temper your reactions.

Three men are in a gym. One is wearing boxing gloves and a sleeveless shirt; the other two are casually dressed. They are standing near workout equipment and appear to be having a friendly conversation.

A braggart is typically looking for validation to feed their ego and insecurity. You can deny them that validation, which should cause them to seek it elsewhere.

The way to do it is to just remain unimpressed with whatever they are boasting about.

You don’t necessarily have to be mean about it. A simple shrug and the words, “That’s nice for you.” or “I’m not really impressed by that.” in an unimpressed voice communicates a lot to the person without being combative or aggressive.

3. Directly confront them.

Two women sit at an outdoor café table with drinks in front of them. Both are wearing dark jackets and have long hair. One is holding a yellow smartphone while they both look in the same direction, appearing engaged in something off-camera. Buildings are in the background.

A more direct approach is to confront the person about their bragging, but you want to do this in a way that won’t be embarrassing.

An embarrassing situation is more likely to cause the person to dig in harder and defend themselves than accept your criticism with any kind of grace.

The way to do that is to approach the situation in privacy.

Ask the person if they realize they are coming off as bragging and let them know how off-putting it is to try to talk to them about whatever the thing is.

4. But judge the situation carefully.

A man and a woman are conversing while holding cups of coffee, wearing blue lanyards, in a professional setting. Other people in business attire can be seen in the background engaging in discussions and holding beverages.

They may not realize that they’re doing it – or they may realize it and not care.

Still, carefully judge the situation before saying too much. Unnecessary enemies can make things much more difficult if it happens to be someone you spend a lot of time around, like a family member or a coworker.

Sometimes it’s better to be at peace than be right.

5. Give them what they want so they drop it.

Three people are sitting in a row, engaged in a conversation. The man on the left is gesturing while talking, the woman in the middle is smiling and listening, and the man on the right, wearing glasses and a denim jacket, is also smiling. They appear to be in a casual setting.

There are some situations that you can’t easily get out of or rectify.

You don’t want to upset your boss if they happen to like to brag about a thing they have or something they accomplished.

Sometimes it’s worthwhile to just agree with the other person so they can get it out of their system and move on to other things.

In an ideal world, we could always just be blunt and honest about what we’re seeing and how we feel, but we don’t live in an ideal world. We live in a messy world where sometimes it’s better to just smile and nod than make any waves.

6. Accept they are a brag and move on.

Two women are standing and engaged in a conversation. One woman is wearing a red blouse and the other is wearing a white blouse. They appear to be smiling and talking to each other naturally. The background features a light-colored indoor wall.

Changing one’s behavior is often a long, personal journey that is spurred on by circumstances that push a person out of their comfort zone.

You may take a hard or soft approach with a braggart and find that the person is just not interested in listening or changing. Pressing that person isn’t likely to lead to any meaningful revelations or changes.

Sometimes it’s better to just stay silent and exit a situation with grace so that person can live their own life and find their own way.

7. Understand why they are bragging.

Two young men are sitting at a table near a window, engaged in a conversation. One man with short brown hair smiles while talking, wearing a blazer over a button-up shirt. The other man, facing away from the camera, wears a dark jacket. A take-out coffee cup sits on the table.

Trying to force a change in someone else rarely ends well for anyone. That kind of change has to come from within.

Bragging can be annoying to listen to and deal with. It’s easy to feel frustrated or get angry with someone who brags, because no one really wants to listen to that.

But understanding why people brag can make it much easier to navigate that person with grace instead of getting angry or upset with them.


Why Do People Brag?

A woman with blonde hair smiles while talking on her cellphone in a modern, warmly lit cafe. She wears a light blue shirt and touches a bouquet of pink and white flowers on a table. A latte sits in front of her. The background features geometric shelves with decor.

It’s only normal to want to share accomplishments with our friends and peers.

Maybe you completed that project you have been working hard on for a long time, finally took that trip that you were really looking forward to, or got that prestigious job you had been hoping for.

The desire to share that good news and celebrate it with the people around us is a natural and healthy one.

It becomes unhealthy when we use our accomplishments to elevate ourselves at the expense of other people or their fortune.

So what are the main reasons why it becomes unhealthy and annoying?

They feel insecure.

Two women are smiling and talking while sitting outside. One woman, with short blonde hair, is looking up and wearing a light beige coat. The other woman, with long blonde hair and glasses, is looking at her and wearing a light beige puffer jacket. Trees and buildings are in the background.

Bragging is often used as a defense mechanism – a shield to be held up and used to protect our weaknesses and fears.

The braggart may be focused on demonstrating to their peers, friends, family, or strangers that they are, in fact, good enough and worthy.

That type of insecurity often comes from a deep place that is formed by one’s life experiences, successes, and failures.

It can even start as early as childhood if the person’s parents force them to earn their love by being good enough.

Things like withholding affection for bad grades or not cleaning up appropriately can foster the attention-seeking behavior and validation that people who brag are looking for.

They want to feel powerful.

A man in a grey suit and striped tie sits at a desk, holding a pen and talking to a woman with long blonde hair wearing a light grey blouse. They are in an office setting with charts and graphs visible on a whiteboard in the background.

It’s not always about insecurity though. Sometimes, people just like to feel superior to those around them.

That perceived superiority makes them feel powerful or that they are better than this mere rabble that they deign to co-mingle with.

They want attention.

A smiling woman in a pastel suit and white sunglasses gives a thumbs-up while pushing a shopping cart filled with paper bags. She is outdoors on a sunny day, walking along a brick building-lined street.

This attention-seeking and validating behavior isn’t always verbal. Sometimes it’s non-verbal or even secondary bragging.

Non-verbal bragging is putting something forward in an obvious way for people to notice, where the braggart hopes to nudge the other person into asking about it.

That could be things like wearing expensive designer clothes and accessories, constantly pointing out an expensive new purchase like a car or electronics, or decorating their office desk with all of the souvenirs they bought on their tropical vacation.

These are physical indicators meant to capture interest and prompt the person to ask about them, to effectively give the braggart social permission to blow their own trumpet. You asked about it, after all!

Secondary bragging is bragging done through a third-party. That can be a husband who boasts about how much money his wife makes or a parent who brags about their child’s intelligence or accomplishments.

None of these things are bad in small doses. It’s when they are used as a means to elevate oneself at the expense of other people that it starts to creep into bragging territory.


Two women sitting on a bench outdoors, engaged in conversation. One woman, with wavy hair, wears a light pink blazer and white top, gesturing with her hands. The other woman, with a bun, wears a floral blouse and holds a coffee cup. Green plants are in the background.

The interesting part about bragging is that even nice, friendly people can fall into these patterns if they happen to have those underlying insecurities.

That tends to make them feel worse, because they do realize that they aren’t being fair or kind to the people around them, but they may not be able to help themselves.

Their bragging may actually be masquerading as life advice with good intentions, rather than something overtly mean or unkind.

About The Author

Jack Nollan is a mental health writer of 10 years who pairs lived experience with evidence-based information to provide perspectives from the side of the mental health consumer. Jack has lived with Bipolar Disorder and Bipolar-depression for almost 30 years. With hands-on experience as the facilitator of a mental health support group, Jack has a firm grasp of the wide range of struggles people face when their mind is not in the healthiest of places. Jack is an activist who is passionate about helping disadvantaged people find a better path.