15 Things You’re Doing Every Day That Keep You Unhappy

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How much of your time do you spend on these things?

A person with a knitted brown beanie and a nose piercing looks through rusty iron bars, gripping them with both hands. The individual has a focused expression and is clad in dark clothing. The background is blurred.

Ever feel like no matter what you do, happiness seems just out of reach? You’re not alone. Sometimes, without even realizing it, we fall into habits that keep us stuck in a cycle of unhappiness. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Here are some everyday things you might be doing that are sabotaging your joy—and how to turn it all around. Let’s get you smiling again!

1. Constantly comparing yourself to others.

A woman wearing a pink athletic top looks downward with a neutral expression. The background is a soft gradient of purple and pink, creating a serene and focused atmosphere. Her hair is tied back, and the lighting creates gentle shadows on her face and shoulder.

Ever find yourself looking around and thinking everyone else has it all together? Whether it’s your coworker with the fancy job title, your friend with the perfect relationship, or that neighbor with the dream house, constant comparison can seriously mess with your head. When you’re always measuring your life against others, you end up feeling inadequate and down. It’s like running a race you can never win.

2. Engaging in negative self-talk.

A man with short curly hair and a beard is resting his chin on his hands while sitting on stone steps. He is wearing a blue shirt and looking directly at the camera with a serious expression. The background consists of stone steps slightly out of focus.

That little voice in your head that says you’re not good enough? Ugh, it’s the worst! Negative self-talk can totally wreck your self-esteem and make you believe you can’t achieve anything. It’s like having a personal bully living in your brain. This constant negativity keeps you stuck in a miserable cycle where you start acting in ways that confirm your worst fears. It’s exhausting and so not worth it.

3. Overindulging in social media.

A person using a smartphone with a laptop in the background. Blue icons representing social media interactions such as likes, comments, and shares float above the phone screen, illustrating online engagement and connectivity.

Social media can be a blast, but too much of it can make you anxious and feel like you’re missing out. Yeah, FOMO is real. The constant stream of perfect lives can make you feel ‘less than’ and jealous. Plus, it eats up time you could spend on more fulfilling stuff. The more you scroll, the more disconnected you feel from real-life interactions, which are super important for your happiness.

4. Procrastinating important tasks.

Close-up image of a man with short, graying hair and a light beard and mustache. He is wearing a black shirt and looking directly at the camera against a blurred background, which appears to be a mix of blue and wood tones.

Procrastination—we’ve all been there. Putting off important tasks just adds to your stress and creates a looming sense of dread. You know that feeling when you have a million things to do but can’t bring yourself to start? It’s like a dark cloud hanging over your head. The longer you avoid tasks, the more they weigh on your mind, making it hard to relax and enjoy your free time. This ongoing stress can seriously dampen your mood and overall happiness.

5. Overloading your schedule.

A man with sunglasses and a beard walks on a busy urban street holding a tablet in one hand and eating a doughnut with the other. Cars and people moving in the background under a clear sky with sunlight shining.

Are you constantly running from one thing to the next without a moment to breathe? Saying yes to everything can leave you totally wiped out and stressed. When your schedule is jam-packed, there’s no time for self-care or just chilling out. The constant hustle can lead to burnout, making it hard to enjoy even the things you used to love. And let’s be honest, being super busy can strain your relationships too, leaving you feeling isolated and unsupported.

6. Neglecting self-care.

A man with a contemplative expression looks upward. He has short dark hair and a stubbly beard, and is wearing a brown shirt. The background is neutral and blurred, focusing attention on his face. The lighting is soft, casting gentle shadows.

It’s hard when you’re running on fumes and just can’t catch a break. Neglecting self-care can leave you physically and mentally drained. When you don’t take time to recharge, you’re more likely to feel irritable, stressed, and totally overwhelmed. Over time, this can lead to serious issues like anxiety and depression. Without self-care, you’re running on empty, making it hard to find joy in everyday life. Remember, you’ve got to fill your own cup first!

7. Not setting boundaries.

A woman with long, wavy hair wearing a white t-shirt stands against a bright yellow background. She is smiling and giving a thumbs-up gesture with her right hand.

Being a people-pleasing machine who is constantly pulled in all directions is exhausting! When you don’t set boundaries, you end up feeling overwhelmed and totally drained. You start to resent the people around you because you’re always putting their needs before your own. And let’s be real, it’s a fast track to burnout. You lose sight of who you are because you’re so busy catering to everyone else. Seriously, it’s okay to say no sometimes and put yourself first!

8. Avoiding physical activity.

A man in workout attire lies on a couch with his legs on a fitness ball and reaches for a bowl of chips on a nearby table. A glass of soda is next to the bowl. An exercise mat is rolled up on the floor. The scene is set in a bright living room with plants.

Ever have those days when the couch just seems way too comfy to leave? Yeah, me too. But avoiding physical activity can really mess with your mood and energy levels. When you skip out on exercise, you miss out on those awesome endorphins that make you feel great. Plus, you end up feeling sluggish and tired all the time. It’s like your body is begging you to get moving, but you’re stuck in a rut.

9. Isolating yourself from others.

Black and white photo of a woman with wavy, dark hair and a serious expression. She is standing near a window, holding a curtain and looking towards the camera with a contemplative gaze. She is wearing a dark, long-sleeved top with a patterned design.

We all have moments when we want to hide away from the world, but isolating yourself can really take a toll on your happiness. Human connection is key to feeling good, and when you cut yourself off, you start to feel lonely and down. It’s like you’re missing out on all the good vibes that come from hanging out with friends and family. Plus, when you’re isolated, you don’t have that support system to help you through tough times.

10. Living in the past.

A man with short brown hair and a beard, wearing a grey t-shirt, is sitting at a table outdoors. He appears to be deep in thought, looking down at something out of the frame. The background is blurred with greenery and a patio setting.

You know those moments when you can’t stop replaying old mistakes or regrets? It’s like a never-ending loop in your head! Living in the past can steal your joy. When you’re constantly thinking about what went wrong or what you could’ve done differently, you’re not living in the now. It’s like you’re stuck in a time warp of negativity. This can lead to feelings of sadness and hopelessness, making it difficult to enjoy the present.

11. Holding onto grudges.

A woman with curly hair is gazing into the distance with a thoughtful expression. She is wearing a light pink sweater and appears to be seated outdoors against a background of gray stone steps.

Do you often stew over something someone did ages ago? Let me tell you, it’s like carrying around a backpack full of rocks! Holding onto grudges can seriously weigh you down. When you’re constantly thinking about how someone wronged you, it keeps you stuck in a negative mindset. It’s like reliving the hurt over and over again. This can lead to stress, anxiety, and a whole lot of bitterness.

12. Chasing perfection.

A young man with short brown hair is wearing a white shirt and a dark blazer. He looks directly at the camera with a serious expression. The background is blurred, featuring stone walls and concrete architecture.

You know that feeling when nothing you do ever seems good enough? Perfectionism is a never-ending battle. Striving for perfection can leave you feeling constantly stressed and disappointed. It’s like setting yourself up for failure because, let’s be real, perfection doesn’t exist! This constant pressure can make you anxious and highly critical of yourself. You end up missing out on celebrating your achievements because you’re too focused on what could be better.

13. Ignoring your passions and hobbies.

A woman with long brown hair and wearing a pink sweater and blue jeans sits on the floor against a wall, looking distressed. She rests her forehead on her hand and has an expression of concern, with a bed and wardrobe visible in the background.

Overlooking the things that bring you fun and joy can make everything feel so monotonous and dull. When you skip out on what you love, you miss those moments of creativity and relaxation that make life enjoyable. And you don’t give your mind a break from the rigmaroles of everyday life. If you’re not careful, you’ll find you lose interest in the things you enjoy most through sheer neglect.

14. Failing to practice gratitude.

A man with short brown hair wearing a white t-shirt looks into the distance against a clear blue sky.

It’s easy to find yourself focusing on everything that’s wrong instead of what’s right, but it’s a total mood killer! Failing to practice gratitude can make you feel constantly dissatisfied. When you’re always zeroing in on the negatives, it’s easy to overlook all the good stuff happening around you. And trust me, the good stuff is there if you open your eyes to it.

15. Focusing on material possessions.

A woman stands in a shopping mall holding several colorful shopping bags. She appears thoughtful with one hand resting on her chin. She is wearing a sleeveless dress with a dark blue floral pattern on a light background. The background shows blurred mall stores.

Ever get that itch for the latest gadget or designer clothes, thinking it’ll make you happy? Spoiler alert: it won’t. Focusing on material possessions can send you down a never-ending rabbit hole of wanting more. It’s like chasing a mirage—temporary satisfaction that quickly fades. You end up feeling like you’re never enough, always needing the next best thing. True happiness comes from meaningful experiences and relationships, not stuff.

About The Author

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.