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12 Disrespectful Acts That Are Never Okay In A Relationship

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You shouldn’t put up with these things in your relationship.

A woman and a man sit closely on a couch, looking intently at the camera. The woman has her hand on her head, while the man has a neutral expression. Both have light skin and brown hair. The room behind them is softly lit with lamps and a blurred shelf in the background.

Some things you have to tolerate in a relationship—at least, to some extent. After all, no two people co-exist in perfect harmony. But other things should be a huge No! in anyone’s book. The following acts demonstrate a distinct lack of respect and, quite frankly, a relationship that is pretty low on the love front too.

1. Purposefully crossing boundaries.

A man and woman stand back to back with arms crossed, looking away from each other. The background shows a waterfront with a bridge and buildings under a warm, late-afternoon light. Both appear to be deep in thought or upset.

Let’s talk boundaries, shall we? They’re the invisible lines that keep relationships healthy and happy. When your partner chooses to ignore the limits you have set, it’s not just annoying—it’s downright disrespectful. Imagine telling your significant other you need a little “me time” and they just waltz right in anyway. Ouch! That can leave you feeling unheard and uncared for.

2. Constant criticism.

A woman with shoulder-length hair in a casual outfit appears upset, gesturing with her hands while talking to a man sitting nearby. The man, wearing a white T-shirt, has his head down and his hands covering his face, seemingly distressed. They are indoors.

If your partner is always pointing out your flaws, it can feel like you’re walking on eggshells. Instead of feeling loved and supported, you might start to doubt yourself and wonder if you’re ever good enough. It can chip away at your self-esteem, leaving you feeling inadequate and unappreciated. Not cool, right?

3. Giving the silent treatment.

A man and woman sit on a couch looking deeply upset. The man, in the foreground, rests his chin on his clasped hands, appearing troubled. The woman, in the background, looks at him with a worried expression, arms crossed over her knees. Both wear serious expressions.

When one partner decides to stop talking, it creates an awkward silence that can feel like a chasm between you. Instead of resolving issues, it leads to misunderstandings and makes you feel completely ignored. This kind of behavior can linger, leaving unresolved feelings and resentment in its wake. Ultimately, it’s a counterproductive way to handle conflict that does more harm than good.

4. Public shaming.

A woman with curly hair, wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, points her index finger at someone out of the frame. She has an intense and serious expression on her face. The background appears to be a bright, modern kitchen.

There’s nothing worse than being criticized or embarrassed in front of friends or family. Whether it’s a snarky comment or a full-on roast, it can seriously hurt your self-esteem and create a rift in trust. When your partner makes you feel small in front of others, it’s a glaring red flag. A loving relationship should uplift you, not humiliate you.

5. Lying.

A woman with long blonde hair and wearing a light purple top and a white collar points to her elongated nose, resembling Pinocchio's nose, while looking at it. The background is plain white.

When your partner starts bending the truth, even in small ways, it can lead to doubt and insecurity. Suddenly, you might find yourself questioning everything they say, and that’s not a fun place to be. Even little white lies can stack up and create a wall between you two. Over time, this erosion of trust can become a significant barrier to intimacy and connection.

6. Ignoring or dismissing feelings.

A man sits on the edge of a bed with his head in his hands, appearing distressed. A woman sits in the background on the bed, looking out the window. The room has modern décor, with large windows, yellow accents, and a neatly made bed.

Having your feelings brushed off as insignificant can sting and make you feel unimportant. Your emotions deserve recognition, and when they’re treated as an afterthought, it creates a serious disconnect. This lack of acknowledgment can lead to feelings of isolation and frustration, making it increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy emotional connection.

7. Gaslighting.

A man with a beard and bald spot angrily gestures and speaks to a woman with red hair who looks away, upset. She sits on a couch clutching a gray pillow, her body turned slightly away from him. The background features a white wall with abstract art.

Gaslighting is a sneaky emotional tactic that can leave you questioning your own reality. It’s when someone makes you doubt your feelings or perceptions, often with phrases like, “You’re too sensitive” or “That never happened.” This manipulation can leave you feeling confused, anxious, and isolated. This behavior undermines your sense of self, causing you to second-guess your thoughts and feelings. It creates a toxic environment where trust is eroded, making it hard to feel secure in the relationship.

8. Infidelity.

A blonde woman in a white tank top is secretly looking at a smartphone while lying in bed next to a man who is sleeping with his arm under his head, wearing a white t-shirt. The woman appears to be cautious and attentive to ensure she is not noticed.
A blonde woman in a white tank top is secretly looking at a smartphone while lying in bed next to a man who is sleeping with his arm under his head, wearing a white t-shirt. The woman appears to be cautious and attentive to ensure she is not noticed.

Infidelity is like a tornado ripping through the trust you’ve built. When one partner strays, it can cause an avalanche of emotional pain and betrayal. Trust takes time to nurture, but it can be shattered in an instant, leaving both partners reeling. The aftermath of infidelity can be devastating, leading to heartbreak and a struggle to rebuild what was lost. And, a lot of the time, it leads to the end of the relationship—rightfully so.

9. Withholding affection as punishment.

A woman with long hair covers her face with her hands, standing outdoors near a red and green archway. A person in a denim jacket walks away in the background. The scene appears emotional and the weather seems cold.

Pulling back on hugs, kisses, or kind words sends a message that love is conditional, leaving you feeling hurt and rejected. This behavior can create a toxic cycle where emotional needs go unmet, leading to further resentment and disconnection. A relationship thrives on affection and connection, and withholding it will have lasting negative effects.

10. Excessive jealousy.

A man and a woman sit on a couch looking away from each other. The man, with dark hair and a beard, wears a yellow shirt. The woman, with light brown hair, wears a white shirt and jeans, showing a tattoo on her left arm. The room has a grey couch and patterned cushions.

Jealousy is common in relationships, but if your partner constantly questions your actions or feels threatened by your friendships, it creates an atmosphere of tension. Nobody wants to feel like they’re under a microscope or that their every move is being scrutinized. When jealousy takes over, it can overshadow all the good moments in your relationship, leading to constant conflict and insecurity.

11. Mocking personal interests.

A woman with long brown hair, wearing a blue shirt, is laughing and pointing to the left of the image. She is set against a bright yellow-green background.

Everyone has hobbies or passions that bring them joy, and when someone laughs at those, it can really sting. Embracing what makes your partner happy, even if it’s not your cup of tea, is essential—and vice versa. If they dismiss your interests, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and resentment, creating a divide that can be challenging to bridge.

12. Invading privacy.

A woman in a plaid shirt sits on a couch, holding up a smartphone displaying a text conversation, looking upset and gesturing with her other hand. A man in an orange shirt sits next to her, looking at the phone with concern. They are indoors with a curtain behind them.

Your partner invading your privacy is a significant breach of trust. Whether it’s snooping through your phone or rifling through personal belongings, it shows a serious lack of respect for your boundaries. Everyone deserves their own space and the freedom to keep certain things to themselves. This invasion can lead to feelings of betrayal and insecurity, making it difficult to maintain a healthy relationship.

About The Author

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.