16 Radical Ways To Feel Empowered Instead Of Powerless In Your Life

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Do these things to feel empowered and confident.

A person with long blonde hair is standing on a beach with eyes closed, arms raised, and a peaceful expression. The person is wearing a red and white T-shirt. The ocean and blue sky serve as the backdrop.

So, you want to be empowered. You want to take the reigns. You’re fed up of feeling powerless, and you’re ready to be in the driver’s seat of your own life.

But you’re not sure how to make that happen.

After all, what does empowerment actually feel like? How do you know if you’re empowered?

And how can you empower yourself, in all areas of your life?

Keep reading for a guide to empowering yourself, whatever your circumstances are.

1. Listen to your gut.

A young person with long red hair wearing a green beanie and rust-colored sweater stands outdoors with a backpack on. The background features a blurred natural landscape with trees and mountains.

So many of us shut out our gut feelings and instincts and let ourselves be guided by external forces and other people instead.

So, try to be better about following your instinct. Take other people’s advice into account, of course, but don’t automatically let that override what your gut is telling you when you’re trying to make a decision.

2. Check in with yourself.

A blonde woman in a light sweater enjoys a warm drink from a white mug while gazing thoughtfully out of a window. Sunlight streams in, creating a serene and cozy atmosphere.

In this busy, hectic world, deliberately taking time out of your day just for you can be one of the most empowering things you do.

Just 10 minutes of disconnecting from everyone and everything around you and checking in to see how you’re really feeling can help you live your life with more purpose. Lie down, meditate, or take a stroll.

3. Create an empowering environment.

A woman sits relaxed in an office chair, hands behind her head, in front of a desk with a computer, keyboard, and flowers. She wears a blazer, gray top, yellow pants, and a matching scarf. The scene has a modern, minimalist vibe.

It’s hard to feel empowered if you’re surrounded by clutter and are continually distracted from the task in hand.

It’s an amazing feeling to rid yourself of all the things you don’t need in your life, and it can make it far easier to focus and get more done.

4. Do positive things for your community.

An elderly man with white hair and glasses, wearing a light blue shirt with a gray sweater draped over his shoulders, is sitting outdoors and smiling at an elderly woman with short white hair and a blue shirt. They appear to be having a pleasant conversation.

Doing good for others in whatever way, shape, or form can be so incredibly rewarding.

Do something kind for someone around you, and you’ll realize the power you have to make positive change in a world that can often feel overwhelming.

Knowing you’ve done something good for a fellow human being each day is a wonderful feeling.

5. Do your bit for the planet.

Two people are outdoors in a forest, smiling while looking at a container. They are dressed in hiking gear with backpacks, and one is holding a container with fresh moss or plants. Trees and greenery surround them, suggesting they are enjoying a nature activity.

If you’re feeling powerless to make a difference to all the terrible things going on in the world, then actively doing something positive, however small, can remind you that we all have the ability to make an impact.

Plant a tree, donate to a good cause, litter pick, or make more eco-friendly choices when shopping.

6. But remember you can’t save the world single-handedly.

Woman with glasses and long, brown hair, sits at a wooden table in a cafe, looking out of a large window. She wears an olive green jacket and appears to be relaxed and thoughtful. In the background, there are chairs and a tall plant.

On the other hand, remember that all responsibility for saving the world doesn’t rest on your shoulders.

If we all do our bit we can make a huge difference, but you alone don’t have to feel responsible for turning things around.

Know that you’re doing everything you can, and take opportunities to do good within your sphere of influence, but don’t take on too much, or those feelings of powerlessness will creep back in.

7. Follow through.

A man with a beard and sunglasses smiles while touching the side of his glasses. He wears a white and yellow long-sleeve shirt and a yellow watch. He stands in front of a vertical corrugated metal wall painted in a grayish-blue color.

You know what can really make you feel like you’re in the driver’s seat? Making a promise and then actually sticking to it.

If you want to feel more empowered, then be more careful about the promises you make and make a point of following through on them.

8. Don’t be afraid to fail.

A woman with blonde hair is holding a pair of glasses to her lips while looking at the camera. She is wearing a gray plaid blazer and a white shirt. The background is blurred, featuring shelves with decorations and plants.

If you want to succeed and live life to the full, then you’re going to have to take some risks too. And taking risks means that there’s always a risk of failure.

Failing always teaches us valuable lessons and, as the saying goes, nothing ventured means nothing gained.

9. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Two women are looking at a computer screen and smiling. One is wearing glasses and a white top, while the other is standing and holding a file, dressed in a blue top. They appear to be in an office space with colorful posters on the walls.

A huge part of feeling empowered is being able to recognize your weaknesses without being ashamed of them. No one can be all knowing, so you won’t always have the skills you need.

Knowing when to ask for help is extremely empowering. It means you can learn from others will more skill or experience and become more knowledgeable as a result.

10. Be vulnerable.

Two people sitting on a couch, holding hands comfortingly. One person is wearing a plaid shirt and jeans, while the other is in a light gray sweater and jeans. The image conveys a sense of support and empathy.

If you’ve constantly got your guard up, then you’re protecting yourself from the bad, but you’re also missing out on all the good things that can happen if you have the confidence to put yourself out there.

Being vulnerable is a risk, but it can lead to wonderful experiences and lessons. 

11. Express yourself.

A man with curly hair smiles while holding the straps of his backpack. He wears a colorful patterned shirt over a white t-shirt and stands against a dark gray wall background.

Empowerment is largely about being able to express your thoughts and feelings, eloquently, unapologetically, and respectfully.

A great way to get better at that is to express yourself creatively.

That might be through art, writing, dancing, or who knows what else. Make it something you enjoy, want to do and can do regularly, so you always have that outlet.

12. Never feel responsible for someone else’s happiness.

A woman wearing a large, black sunhat and a blue checkered dress with a white collar leans on the back of a bench. She looks forward thoughtfully, with sunlight illuminating her face against a blurred, natural background.

If you feel like someone else’s happiness is entirely your responsibility, you’re bound to end up feeling powerless when you can’t prop them up or always make things better.

You’re not responsible for anyone’s happiness but your own. You can be a contributing factor to someone’s happiness, but they are their own person and should never be entirely dependent on you.

13. Live in the moment.

A person with long hair stands in front of a brick wall, smiling at the camera. They are wearing a bright yellow knitted sweater, and their hands are partially visible in the foreground, reaching towards the camera.

You can’t change the past or predict the future, so if you do anything but focus on the present moment then you’ll probably just end up feeling frustrated.

What you can do, however, is influence the present, and constantly make small, positive decisions that will make a difference to you and to those around you.

Learn from the past and dream about the future, but don’t dwell on it. Focus on how you can make the best of things right here, right now.

14. Eat well and move your body.

A young woman with long curly hair wearing glasses and orange headphones is listening to music. She is holding a smartphone with an orange cord connected to the headphones and appears to be dancing or enjoying the music. The background is a solid blue color.

You have the power to make decisions every day that will boost your health. Take control of your diet and your exercise regime.

Make sure you don’t skimp on flavor in your diet, so you don’t feel like you’re missing out. And choose a form of exercise that you love and you will happily do, so you’re less likely to make excuses or give up.

Overcoming your cravings or your lethargy and making healthy choices is one of the best ways to positively influence your life and feel better all round.

But don’t beat yourself up if you have less healthy days, either. A little indulgence now and again can be just as empowering.

15. Set achievable goals.

A person's legs in athletic shoes walking on a wooden pathway in an outdoor setting with greenery on both sides. The person is wearing dark shorts and appears to be enjoying a hike or walk in nature.

Make lists of reasonable, attainable things to achieve every day, week, month, and year.

Actually being able to tick things off these lists and getting things done will remind you of how capable you are.

16. Pamper yourself.

Two women in white bathrobes sit and chat by an indoor pool. They both have their hair tied up in buns and are smiling at each other. Behind them, there are lounge chairs and a blurred view of the pool area. The atmosphere appears relaxed and friendly.

Last but most definitely not least, show yourself that you’re worth the time, energy, or money involved in pampering yourself.

Give yourself a massage or go for a massage, have a spa day or just take a long, relaxing bath. Treat yourself to some incense and a face mask…

Whatever it is, take the time to pamper yourself and check in with your body.

We’re all taught to look for the imperfections in our bodies and apologize for them, but pampering your body helps you learn to love the skin you’re in.

And there’s nothing more empowering than that.

About The Author

Katie is a writer and translator with a focus on travel, self-care and sustainability. She's based between a cave house in Granada, Spain, and the coast of beautiful Cornwall, England. She spends her free time hiking, exploring, eating vegan tapas and volunteering for a local dog shelter.