15 Behaviors That Really Annoy People (That Are Sadly Very Common)

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These behaviors are extremely annoying!

A woman with short black hair, wearing a navy blue jacket and white top, is making an expressive face with raised eyebrows and lips parted as if speaking or singing. She stands against a gray background.

People brush up against each other in all sorts of ways. That’s to be expected. But there are some behaviors that you, and most other people, no doubt find extremely annoying. Here are 15 such behaviors that push your patience to its very limits.

1. Interrupting conversations all the time.

A group of people sit around a dining table engaging in conversation. A woman with gray hair gestures with her hands while speaking. A man in a blue shirt listens attentively. The table has food, including a salad, and a vase of colorful flowers.

Constant interruptions can drive anyone up the wall! People who habitually cut in while others are speaking show a lack of respect for their conversation partners. They seem to believe their thoughts are more important than anyone else’s.

These interrupters often finish others’ sentences or jump in with their own stories before the current speaker has finished. This behavior can leave the interrupted person feeling frustrated and unheard.

2. Being excessively loud in public places.

A woman in the foreground has her hands on her head, looking concerned. Behind her, a blonde woman is on her phone with a shocked expression. Another woman in red is smiling, and a man and woman are in the background, slightly blurred.

Whether it’s a boisterous phone conversation or a rowdy group of friends, excessive noise disrupts the peace and quiet others are seeking.

Imagine you’re trying to enjoy a peaceful meal at a restaurant, but the table next to you is practically shouting. It’s enough to make your blood boil!

Public transport is another hotspot for noise offenders. From blaring music to animated chatter, these sound polluters turn what should be a relaxing commute into an auditory assault.

Libraries and movie theaters aren’t safe either. Even in these sanctuaries of silence, some folks just can’t seem to keep their voices down.

3. Constantly one-upping your stories.

A group of five young adults is sitting on a park bench, engaged in conversation. They are casually dressed, and the background shows trees, grass, and a pathway. The individuals appear animated, with one gesturing while others listen and respond.

People who always try to top others’ experiences can be incredibly frustrating. These conversation hijackers seem to have a story for everything, and it’s always bigger and better than yours.

They can’t resist chiming in with their own “more impressive” tale whenever someone shares an anecdote. It’s as if they’re in constant competition to prove they’re the most interesting person in the room.

This behavior often leaves others feeling dismissed and unheard. It can make social interactions feel like a never-ending game of one-upmanship rather than genuine exchanges.

4. Taking credit for others’ work.

A group of four colleagues are in a heated discussion at a conference table. One person is standing with arms outstretched, appearing frustrated. The others are seated, one with crossed arms and another holding a document. There are coffee cups and a laptop on the table.

It’s infuriating when someone swoops in and claims your brilliant ideas as their own, and it can leave you feeling cheated and unappreciated.

Let’s say you’ve poured your heart and soul into a project, only to have a colleague present it as their brainchild. The audacity!

People who take credit for others’ work often do so to boost their own reputation or gain unfair advantages. This dishonest practice can create a toxic work environment and erode trust among team members.

5. Showing up late consistently.

A woman with long, dark hair sits at an outdoor café table, resting her chin on her hand. She wears a red coat and looks thoughtful. In front of her is a dessert glass with whipped cream and a teapot. Her phone is on the table next to her.

Chronic tardiness is a major pet peeve for many people. It’s frustrating to wait around for someone who can’t seem to arrive on time. Those who are consistently late disrupt plans and waste the most precious of commodities.

Their behavior can strain relationships and damage their professional reputation. It’s no wonder that consistent lateness is a common source of annoyance in social and work settings.

6. Bragging about minor achievements.

Two men are sitting in an office. The man on the left, wearing a blue shirt, is looking down while the man on the right, in a white shirt, is smiling, holding a smartphone. The background is blurred, with light coming from overhead lamps and a computer screen visible.

Some people love to trumpet their smallest accomplishments as if they’ve conquered Everest. They’ll go on and on about finishing a 5K fun run or organizing their sock drawer.

It’s great to celebrate wins, but constant boasting about trivial things can grate on others’ nerves. These self-proclaimed champions seem to crave attention and validation for every little task they complete.

Their endless self-promotion can leave listeners feeling annoyed and exhausted. It’s tough to muster enthusiasm for someone’s perfectly alphabetized spice rack or their new personal best in Candy Crush.

7. Using too much perfume or cologne.

A woman in a blue sweater and wearing a necklace and earrings is standing against a plain background, pinching her nose with a displeased expression, suggesting she smells something unpleasant. Her eyes are closed, and her head is tilted slightly downward.

The overpowering scent of excessive fragrance can be a major annoyance for many people. Some individuals go overboard with their perfume or cologne, leaving a trail of intense aroma wherever they go.

This assault on the senses can trigger headaches, allergies, or nausea in sensitive individuals. It’s especially problematic in enclosed spaces like elevators or offices, where the smell lingers and intensifies.

People who douse themselves in fragrance may not realize how strongly it affects others. They might think more is better, but in reality, a subtle hint of scent is far more appealing and considerate.

8. Chewing loudly with an open mouth.

A person in a blue shirt is close to taking a bite from a large sandwich with a sesame seed bun, beef patty, tomato slices, and green lettuce. The background consists of wooden planks.

When someone chews with their mouth open, it’s like they’re broadcasting their meal to the world.

The loud smacking and chomping sounds can be incredibly distracting. It’s as if they’re putting on a symphony of slurps and crunches that nobody asked for!

Plus, seeing partially chewed food is not exactly appetizing. It seems some people were never taught basic table manners!

9. Oversharing personal details.

A woman with short hair is sitting at a table, resting her elbow on the table and her head on her hand while yawning. A person with a blurred face is seated across from her. The background includes blurred decor and a window.

Some people can’t resist spilling their life stories to anyone who’ll listen! They excitedly share intimate details about their relationships, health issues, and family drama without a second thought.

These oversharing types often dominate conversations. They might enthusiastically describe their recent medical procedures or divulge confidential work gossip to virtual strangers.

For many, this behavior feels like an invasion of privacy or simply too much information. It can make others uncomfortable and create awkward social situations. Plus, it’s exhausting to constantly hear someone’s private affairs!

10. Name-dropping famous people they met once.

Four women in colorful retro clothing engaged in an animated conversation. The older woman on the left has white hair and wears pearls. The woman in the center right, with afro-textured hair, appears to be making a surprised or expressive face. The others listen intently.

Those who constantly name-drop celebrities they’ve encountered don’t seem to realize how it has the opposite effect they are hoping for.

What’s more, these enthusiastic name-droppers often stretch the truth, turning a brief encounter into an epic tale of friendship. They’ll regale anyone who’ll listen with stories of how they “totally hit it off” with a famous actor at a coffee shop.

The worst offenders manage to shoehorn these encounters into every conversation. It doesn’t matter if you’re discussing the weather, they’ll find a way to mention that time they bumped into a pop star at the grocery store.

11. Being on their phone during an entire social event.

Two women are in a modern kitchen. One, with short blonde hair, is smiling at her phone. The other, with long black hair, looks annoyed while resting her head on her hand. On the counter are a fruit bowl, two cups of coffee, and two glasses of red juice.

It’s so frustrating when people are glued to their phones at social gatherings. Friends and family have come together to enjoy each other’s company, but some individuals can’t seem to tear their eyes away from those tiny screens. They’re scrolling endlessly through social media or texting other people instead of engaging with those present.

This behavior can make others feel ignored and unimportant. It’s like the phone-obsessed person isn’t fully there, even though they showed up physically.

12. Giving unsolicited advice.

A young woman and an older woman are sitting on a couch having a serious conversation. The young woman has brown hair and is wearing a white polka dot shirt and jeans. The older woman has gray hair and is wearing a beige cardigan and glasses. Shelves with plants and decor are in the background.

People just love sharing their pearls of wisdom. They can’t help but offer their two cents on everything from your career to your love life. It’s like they’ve appointed themselves as your personal life coach!

These self-proclaimed experts swoop in with their sage advice, whether you asked for it or not. They’re so eager to fix your problems, they don’t even realize you might not see them as problems at all!

Sometimes it feels like you can’t make a single decision without someone chiming in with their “helpful” suggestions. It’s as if they think you’re incapable of figuring things out on your own.

13. Talking over people in meetings.

A focused man with short brown hair and a beard is seated at a desk in an office, holding a pen. In the background, there are blurred people and office equipment. The setting appears to be a meeting or a work discussion.

Meetings can be a hotbed of frustration when certain individuals consistently interrupt and talk over others. It’s like a verbal game of tug-of-war, with some participants refusing to let go of the conversational rope!

These eager beavers might think they’re contributing valuable insights, but they’re actually stifling collaboration and creativity. Their enthusiasm inadvertently drowns out quieter voices, leaving introverts and thoughtful speakers feeling sidelined.

It’s not just rude—it’s counterproductive! Important ideas get lost in the chatter, and the meeting’s objectives blur into a cacophony of competing voices.

14. Making everything about them.

Two women are sitting at a table outdoors, engaged in a serious conversation. The woman on the left is holding a white coffee cup and looking intently at the woman on the right, who has her back to the camera. The setting is casual and appears to be a café.

Some people have a knack for turning every conversation into a story about themselves. It’s like they’re the stars of their own personal reality show!

These individuals can’t resist hijacking discussions to share their experiences, opinions, or achievements. They’ll find a way to relate even the most unrelated topics back to their own lives.

It’s as if they have an invisible spotlight following them around, constantly demanding attention. This behavior can leave others feeling unheard and unimportant in their presence.

15. Never taking responsibility for their actions.

A man in a black suit and white shirt stands against a light blue background. He has a surprised expression on his face, with both hands raised and palms facing upwards.

Some people always seem to have an excuse ready, pointing fingers at everyone but themselves. It’s like they’re allergic to accountability!

They’ll blame traffic, the weather, or even their pet goldfish before admitting their own mistakes. It’s frustrating to deal with someone who refuses to own up to their actions.

When things go wrong, they’re quick to say “It wasn’t me!” or “It’s not my fault!” This behavior can strain relationships and create tension in various settings.

About The Author

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.