11 Behaviors Of Men Who Are Overcompensating For Low Self-Worth

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Men with low self-worth are prone to these behaviors.

A man with short dark hair and a beard looks down with a serious expression. He is wearing a light gray, long-sleeve shirt and standing outdoors. The background is blurred, showing lush greenery.

Self-worth plays a crucial role in shaping behavior and interactions. For some men, feelings of low self-worth can manifest in unexpected ways, leading to overcompensation through various actions and attitudes. Let’s dive into these some of these behaviors, shall we?

1. They brag excessively.

Two men are sitting in an office. The man on the left, wearing a blue shirt, is looking down while the man on the right, in a white shirt, is smiling, holding a smartphone. The background is blurred, with light coming from overhead lamps and a computer screen visible.

Ah, the classic overcompensator! These men turn every conversation into a highlight reel of their supposed achievements. They’ll regale you with tales of their greatness, whether you want to hear them or not. It’s like they’re auditioning for the role of “Most Impressive Person in the World”—and trust me, the competition is fierce in their minds!

2. They seek constant validation.

Two people are outdoors, engaging in a lively conversation. The person on the right, wearing a blue shirt and a white t-shirt underneath, is smiling broadly. The person on the left is wearing a white hat and a casual outfit, partially facing the other person.

These guys are like emotional vampires, constantly thirsting for compliments and reassurance. They fish for praise so often, you’d think they were professional anglers. Watch out for the telltale signs: compliment-seeking, excessive social media posts begging for likes, and the classic “Don’t you think I’m great?” routine.

3. They display aggressiveness.

Two men are in a heated argument indoors. The man on the right is yelling with his mouth wide open, glaring angrily, and raising his hands. The man on the left, seen from behind, appears to be responding intensely. Both men have short, brown hair.

When in doubt, puff out that chest and roar! These men believe that the louder and more intimidating they are, the more respect they’ll command. Spoiler alert: it usually has the opposite effect. It’s like watching a chihuahua trying to convince everyone it’s a wolf.

4. They put a lot of focus on material possessions.

A man in a blue blazer and sunglasses is sitting on a yellow couch, sipping a drink from a glass. He has dark hair slicked back and is wearing light-colored pants. The background shows a bright window with an urban exterior scene.

Who needs personality when you’ve got a shiny new car, right? These guys collect status symbols like they’re going out of style. They seem to live by the unspoken rule: “The more expensive stuff I own, the more valuable I am as a person.” But remember, all that glitters is not gold—sometimes it’s just really shiny insecurity.

5. They go to the gym a lot.

A man wearing a red sleeveless shirt is sitting on a preacher curl bench in a gym, lifting a barbell. His muscular arm is visible as he curls the weight, focused on his workout. The gym has various equipment and machines in the background.

For these men, the gym isn’t just a place to work out—it’s a second home. They’re on a never-ending quest for the perfect physique, hoping that bulging biceps will compensate for their fragile self-esteem. Remember, guys: true strength comes from within, not just from lifting heavy things!

6. They name-drop influential people.

Three men are sitting at a bar, raising their glasses for a cheers. They are dressed casually and appear to be enjoying their time together. There is a wooden bar counter and some background patrons blurred out.

“Oh, did I mention I had lunch with [insert celebrity name]last week?” No, you didn’t, and no, you probably didn’t. These guys throw around famous names like confetti, hoping some of that star power will rub off on them. It’s like they’re playing a real-life version of “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.”

7. They joke about others’ flaws.

A person with dark hair is laughing heartily, with their mouth open wide, displaying their teeth. They are covering most of their face with one hand, and their eyes are closed. They are wearing a light blue shirt, and the background is plain white.

Welcome to the world of the insecure comedian! These men have turned pointing out others’ shortcomings into an art form. They’re like walking, talking roast machines, but the only thing they’re really roasting is their own self-esteem. Watch as they disguise their jabs as “just jokes” or “friendly banter.” It’s a classic case of “I’ll make fun of you before you can make fun of me.”

8. They exaggerate their achievements.

Two people standing with their electric scooters on a paved path in a park. One wears a white shirt and dark pants, the other wears a gray shirt and shorts. They are engaged in conversation, with greenery and a modern structure in the background.

Why stick to boring old reality when you can spin fantastic yarns? These guys embellish their accomplishments so much, they could give Pinocchio a run for his money. Every small win becomes an epic victory, and every minor setback is conspicuously absent from their stories.

9. They post show-off photos on social media.

A bearded man wearing glasses and a burgundy jacket smiles while taking a selfie with his smartphone. He stands on a rooftop with pink and glass buildings in the background on a sunny day.

Welcome to the land of carefully curated perfection! These guys’ social media feeds are so polished, you could see your reflection in them. Every post screams “Look how amazing my life is!” But remember, folks: filters aren’t just for coffee—they’re for insecurities too!

10. They are overly competitive.

Two men are running on an outdoor track. The man in the foreground is wearing a grey tank top and blue shorts, while the man in the background is wearing a blue outfit. They are running on a red track with green grass and trees visible in the background.

For these men, everything’s a contest. From board games to parking spots, they’ve got to win it all. It’s exhausting just watching them turn everyday situations into Olympic events. Spoiler alert: The only thing they’re really competing for is attention and validation.

11. They struggle to admit their mistakes.

A man with a serious expression points to himself with both thumbs. He is wearing a light blue shirt, a dark gray vest, and a blue patterned tie, standing in front of an orange background.

Admitting you’re wrong? Not in these guys’ vocabulary! They’ll twist themselves into pretzels trying to avoid taking responsibility. It’s like watching a master contortionist perform mental gymnastics to dodge any hint of fault. Remember, true strength lies in acknowledging our mistakes and learning from them.

About The Author

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.