14 Things You Need To Do If You’re Struggling To Make Friends As An Adult

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Making Adult Friends Can Be Daunting

Two women are engaging in a friendly conversation outdoors. One woman with long gray hair is smiling brightly, dressed in a navy blazer and white shirt, carrying a black shoulder bag. The other woman is seen from behind, with blonde hair, wearing a tan blazer.

Our days get busier as we take on greater responsibilities to family, work, trying to stay healthy, and many other things. Things that we didn’t have to worry much about when we were younger.

It doesn’t seem like finding the time to build new friendships throughout all of those responsibilities should be a priority.

But science disagrees.

People who have a healthy social circle tend to be happier, have better mental health, and experience less stress.

You may be wondering: Why not just keep the old friendships that you’ve already established?

That is part of it.

The problem is that life happens, people outgrow each other and move in different directions, or you may later figure out that your friends weren’t exactly the most positive influence in your life.

A relationship you created in your mid-20’s with a drinking buddy may not have the kind of substance required for a healthy friendship as you get older.

And then those friendships crumble because they were only very casual or superficial to begin with.

So how do you make good quality friends as an adult?

1. Get out!

An older woman with short blonde hair, wearing a bright pink cardigan, is painting on a canvas in a well-lit room. She holds a palette in her left hand and a brush in her right, focusing intently on her colorful abstract artwork.

Meeting new people can seem difficult if you don’t really know where to look for them.

Thankfully, there are many good ways to get around other people; people that could develop into friends.

Meet-up websites provide an easy way to find like-minded people to connect with in the real world and online communities and groups may also have offline activities where they get together to pursue whatever their mutual interest is.

Volunteer work is a great way to meet new people who are passionate about something that you’re passionate about too.

There are also organized gatherings for many different kinds of people and interests that you could join. Groups for women, sports clubs, political organizations, and spiritual communities – these all provide places to meet new people. Your local library might be able to help you find groups to suit you.

Classes of different types help you connect with other people who have mutual interests in the thing. It doesn’t have to be a career-oriented thing either, just something you’re into.

Finally, we spend a significant amount of time at our job with other people. That can be a great place to make new friends if you have coworkers you click well with.

Now, on to forging the friendship…

2. Start bonding.

Two women sit at a table outdoors, smiling and engaging in conversation. One woman holds a smartphone, and the table is adorned with coffee cups, a cake, and other items. The background includes greenery and soft sunlight, creating a warm and cheerful atmosphere.

The initial act of bonding with another person often starts with some form of mutual interest.

That mutual interest can be something concrete, like volunteering in a field you’re passionate about, or it can be something more intangible.

Even the desire to meet and make a new friend can be enough of a mutual interest to forge a friendship.

Material mutual interests aren’t necessarily that important. What is important is a person’s character and what work they are willing to put in.

3. Step out of your comfort zone.

Three people are standing outside and smiling. The person on the left is wearing a red plaid shirt, the person in the middle is wearing sunglasses and a dark jacket, and the person on the right is wearing glasses, a light blue shirt, and a green top. The background is slightly blurred.

You can have a good time with anyone if you try hard enough by letting yourself out of your comfort zone.

You may also find that stepping out of your comfort zone and making friends with people that you didn’t consider to be your type of person will expand your horizons.

Don’t be afraid to step outside of the box.

4. Be vulnerable and authentic.

Two young people sitting on outdoor steps. They both wear hooded jackets, and are seated next to each other facing slightly away from the camera. One has dark hair, while the other has brown, and they appear to be engaged in conversation. A grassy area is in the background.

Bonding with another person requires some willingness to be vulnerable. Vulnerability gives the other person an opportunity to see who you genuinely are beneath the social mask that we wear all too often.

It can be scary, but the act of putting yourself out there a bit more will empower other people who are nervous or scared about being too vulnerable themselves.

Be willing to step into that discomfort and you’ll find that it not only attracts people, but also helps dispel your own discomfort.

5. But don’t overshare too soon.

A person with short, dark hair and wearing a black and white striped shirt is smiling warmly at another person, whose back is to the camera. A blurred figure in the background suggests a casual, indoor setting.

Vulnerability and authenticity are something that need to be measured in their execution. You don’t want to over-share about the negatives or difficulties you’ve had in life, unless it’s appropriate for the situation.

Instead, focus on demonstrating the things you believe, value, hobbies, or any other positive things that have helped make you who you are. Share your interests.

And, most importantly, be a good listener. A good listener makes other people feel valued, seen, and heard.

These are attractive qualities in a friend so long as you maintain a balanced perspective. Some people will see this as a reason to dump their emotional load onto you, which you want to avoid.

A healthy friendship is a mutual exchange between the people involved.

6. Continue to put the effort in.

The birth of a friendship is planting an acorn. Vulnerability, shared experiences, and navigating the challenges of life that are appropriate for your friendship will provide the fertilizer, water, and sun that causes the seed to grow into a sturdy, mighty oak tree.

Nurturing that growth requires dedicated effort from both sides of the friendship.

You can’t have one person constantly putting in all of the effort while the other doesn’t answer calls, try to hang out, or give any quality time to their friend.

That just doesn’t work.

7. Don’t let it become one-sided.

A woman stands outside holding a smartphone in one hand, appearing thoughtful. She is wearing a light blue button-up shirt and has shoulder-length dark hair. The background includes blurred buildings and greenery.

A one-sided friendship like that isn’t likely to go the distance. If it happens, you can try having a conversation about the importance of both parties working on the friendship and interacting.

Sometimes life gets busy and a person gets swamped in their other responsibilities.

It happens.

But if it turns into a chronic problem where the other person is entirely unreliable, then it may be better to reassess whether or not the friendship is worth trying to hang on to and build.

Sometimes it won’t be and that’s okay. Not all friendships are meant to last forever. Some come and go.

And sometimes it feels like a certain person comes in and out of our life just to teach us something important that we need to know.

Hopefully, it won’t come to that and you’ll be able to grow together in that new friendship.

8. New friendships need more attention.

Two women are sitting outdoors on a bench, laughing and enjoying a conversation. The woman on the left is wearing sunglasses and a light-colored top, while the woman on the right is wearing a floral top and denim shorts. Green foliage surrounds them in the background.

As the friendship is built, it will require maintenance to keep it healthy and growing.

That can take different forms. There are some people who can go six months without talking to a friend and then pick right back up where they left off as though no time has passed at all.

This is more common for people who have been friends for a long time.

But newer friendships often require more frequent attention and maintenance to nurture a smaller shoot into a much bigger tree that can stand by itself.

Both people will need to make an effort to see one another until those bonds are appropriately forged.

Once you’ve both hit a solid comfort level with one another, it may not require as much maintenance or attention to keep healthy.

9. Choose friends who match your energy.

Two women are smiling and laughing outdoors. One woman has shoulder-length dark hair, and the other has curly hair, wearing a red top. They appear happy and are leaning close to each other, with a blurred background of greenery.

People will generally not tolerate a disparity in energy for long.

Furthermore, they also don’t want to have their limited free time disrupted or dragged down if they can avoid it.

Therefore, one should strive to be the type of friend that you want to have, and be willing to cut off people that do not appropriately reciprocate that time and energy.

Negativity and pessimism get old real quick and people don’t have much tolerance for it in their personal lives.

You don’t need to be fake positive, but striving to not be negative can do wonders for one’s ability to develop friendships and have a healthier interaction with the world.

10. Be the type of friend you want to have.

Two men are sitting at a wooden table in a bar, each holding a beer bottle. The man on the left, looking distressed, has his head resting on his hand. The man on the right is comforting him with a hand on his shoulder. A plate of nachos is on the table.

The ability to be kind and supportive to your friends while they’re down is a valuable skill, so long as you don’t burden yourself with people who do not return that kindness and consideration.

Be the type of friend that you want to have, but do ensure you are setting and enforcing boundaries.

People will generally treat you how you allow them to treat you.

And that’s not even a statement on the negative side of humanity. Rather, you demonstrate to other people what is acceptable based on what you accept.

Life is sometimes hard and people are often messy. They don’t always mean to be unkind or inconsiderate. The decisions they make are often based on what the people around them will accept.

And sometimes stuff just happens.

11. Show up to your friendships physically.

Three men are gathered around a tablet, engaged in discussion. One man, holding a glass of water, is talking; another is tapping on the tablet screen, and the third is smiling while holding a smartphone. They are indoors, near a large window.

The social contract has changed a lot over the past twenty years or so.

People are so much busier than they ever were and it reflects in how we deal with things like meeting up.

Flakiness is seen as an acceptable quality for a lot of people. They simply don’t show up when they are supposed to, blaming their own inability to manage time on other people for not changing their schedules to accommodate.

The act of showing up, whether it’s to a career or a friendship, is powerful because it clearly demonstrates that you are there and invested in what you’re doing.

12. And virtually.

A smiling woman with a gray scarf and cream sweater is talking on her phone in a grassy field. A horse grazes in the background, with trees lining the edge of the field.

And even if you can’t show up, a simple message or phone call to let the other person know what’s going on can go a long way to preserving that relationship.

No one wants to feel like they are being overlooked, particularly when someone has committed to spending their time with them.

Showing up is more than just physical. It’s also being there for your friends when they are riding out the lows of life or trying to spice up the monotonous middles.

13. And make sure they are showing up for you too.

Three men cheerfully clink glasses in a modern bar. Two hold beer mugs, and one holds a beer bottle. They are smiling and appear to be enjoying their time together. The background features light wooden decor with minimalist designs.

And, of course, one needs to ensure that the people they call friends are reciprocating and showing up as well.

If you don’t feel they are, don’t jump straight to ghosting or dropping the friendship. Have a conversation about it.

The other person may not realize that they aren’t living up to your expectations for the friendship and it will give you both an opportunity to mend the rift instead of just sinking the whole thing.

14. Be honest.

Three women are sitting outdoors, smiling and enjoying each other's company. They are in a relaxed, natural setting with tree foliage in the background, creating a bright and cheerful atmosphere. Each woman displays a warm, joyful expression.

Honesty as a quality isn’t as valued as it used to be.

Nowadays, people are far more concerned with not hurting others or having their own feelings hurt with some uncomfortable honesty.

That’s unfortunate, because it stifles real connection and growth.

Why would anyone want to be friends with someone who will let them make terrible mistakes and not at least suggest that perhaps they aren’t making a good decision?

That’s not someone you want as a friend, nor is it someone you should want to be around.

The more you embrace honesty in your own life, the better your relationships will be, and the less garbage you’ll have to deal with from timewasters and schemers who want to use you.

Overcoming the challenge of adult friendships.

A group of four elderly friends, two men and two women, smile and laugh while looking at a smartphone outdoors. One woman holds a pink water bottle. They are casually dressed and standing on a sunny day with trees in the background.

The reality is that it is difficult to make and keep adult friendships. We no longer have the ease of intermingling with other people through activities like school.

Social networking can be more difficult. People are busier than ever and feel like they don’t have the time needed to invest in making those connections.

It’s easy to close off to protect oneself from the tough nature of existence by not showing vulnerability.

The thing is, these are problems we all share in some form.

Understanding them is the key to overcoming them, because once you understand it in yourself, you can then use it as a means to reach across the void to another person.

We can commit to values like honesty and vulnerability which appeal to other people who either respect it or want it in their own life.

These strong choices provide a foundation upon which we can build new friendships and relationships with other people.

But, these choices are the result of a lot of personal work and effort.

It’s said in many self-help circles that to change the world one must first change themselves.

And if we have lost sight of who we are, our values, and what’s important to us in this world, then we will have a much harder time forging friendships because we aren’t attracting people who value similar things.

It might be time to reconnect with oneself before working on the things around you.

About The Author

Jack Nollan is a mental health writer of 10 years who pairs lived experience with evidence-based information to provide perspectives from the side of the mental health consumer. Jack has lived with Bipolar Disorder and Bipolar-depression for almost 30 years. With hands-on experience as the facilitator of a mental health support group, Jack has a firm grasp of the wide range of struggles people face when their mind is not in the healthiest of places. Jack is an activist who is passionate about helping disadvantaged people find a better path.