20 Weird Signs That Signal You’re Doing Really Well In Life

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Do You Recognize These Things?

A person with curly hair, a full beard, and glasses is smiling widely. They are wearing a white shirt and are positioned against a plain white background. The image captures a close-up of their face, expressing a joyful and enthusiastic demeanor.

Sometimes it can feel like everything is going wrong in your life. Like you’re not where you hoped you’d be. Like you haven’t achieved what you set out to by this point.

If you feel like this, you’re probably measuring yourself by society’s standards of success. But doing “well” looks different for everyone, and sometimes you don’t notice all the ways you are winning at the game of life.

If you recognize these 20 weird and wonderful things, don’t despair, they are signs that you’re doing a lot better at life than you think you are.

1. You add meaning to others’ lives.

Two women are smiling and appear to be laughing together. One woman, wearing a green necklace, is facing the camera and touching her face, while the other woman is out of focus in the foreground, wearing decorative earrings. The background is blurred.

Your presence and energy bring joy and meaning to the most important people in your life. You may not even realize you are doing it, but just by being there, you are having a positive impact on the lives of others. You brighten up the place and you give off a lot of warmth; you are the sun that shines into the world.

2. You’ve gone through some bad times.

A middle-aged man with graying hair and a beard is looking pensively out of a window. He is wearing a light blue button-up shirt and appears deep in thought, with natural light illuminating one side of his face.

Nobody goes through life without some seemingly disastrous events occurring, but you’ve come through them still standing. The crap that you’ve had to endure has only made you more resilient than before and you have experienced growth through it.

3.You have/had a job.

An older man wearing a yellow hard hat and plaid shirt sits in an industrial setting, yawning with his hand covering his mouth. Various machinery and equipment are visible in the background.

Whether or not you are currently in work, you know what it’s like to have a job and income. You have knowledge and skills that create value for business and thus for society in general and these, in turn, can provide for you and your family.

4. You still bear the pain of loss.

A man with short dark hair and a beard sits on the floor in a dimly lit room, holding his knees and looking contemplative. He wears a gray T-shirt and jeans. A gray sofa is in the background, and a white mug is on the floor nearby.

You have known the grief and sadness of loss and you still struggle to overcome it. This makes you human; it shows that you have a heart and that you can’t just turn off your emotions. It is a sign that you are going through the healing process.

5. You’ve made mistakes and recognized them.

A woman with long hair, wearing a sleeveless white top, sits on a soft gray chair holding a white teacup with both hands. She gazes thoughtfully into the distance. The background includes a light-colored wall and a cushion.

You’ve made mistakes and they now form an integral part of your growth because you’ve acknowledged them and learned from them. You don’t go through life believing you are right 100% of the time like some people do; you understand that mistakes are not a sign of weakness, they are just steps to strength.

6. You don’t let the judgments of others worry you.

A woman with wavy blonde hair and red lipstick is looking directly at the camera. She is wearing a dark coat over a maroon sweater. The background is softly blurred, emphasizing her face and expression.

We are all guilty of passing judgment on the lives and choices of others, but you couldn’t give a damn what people think. You are able to be your authentic self and you don’t let the words or thoughts of anyone else stop you from chasing your dreams and goals.

7. You recognize the need for balance in life.

A man with a beard and mustache, wearing a white t-shirt, is sitting on a gray couch in a living room. He is smiling and pointing a remote control towards a television. There is a turquoise pillow next to him and a bookshelf in the background.

It may not have always been the case, but you have come to see that a happy and contented existence is one in which a balance can be found. Much like a recipe, you now know how much is too much or too little with regards to work, play, rest and everything else.

8. You have ups and downs.

Two people sit closely on a couch, with one person, wearing a yellow and white striped shirt, looking down and appearing distressed. The other person, with long hair and a beige sweater, has an arm around their shoulder, offering comfort. A plant is visible in the background.

As much as you’d like to avoid sadness and other negative emotions, you can’t stop yourself from feeling down now and again. You just have to accept that most of us will experience lows and highs and that these reflect a somewhat natural cycle.

9. You feel yourself changing.

A woman wearing a red sweater and plaid pants is sitting on a stone wall in a narrow street with white buildings. She is smiling broadly and appears to be enjoying herself. The background is slightly blurred, highlighting her as the main subject.

You have come to identify the state of flux in your life and have accepted that you are experiencing change in one form or another. This may scare you a little bit, but deep down you know that this change is growth on many different levels.

10. You take responsibility for your life.

A woman with long brown hair and glasses, wearing a light blue blouse, stands with her arms crossed and looks thoughtfully out of a window. The background is blurred but includes a hint of greenery and indoor plants.

You have long since understood the immense responsibility that comes with life and you are trying your hardest to take it and own it. You know that your actions affect the whole world and, wherever possible, you try to be a positive force.

11. You sometimes feel lost.

A woman with long dark hair sits by a window, holding a white mug. She looks contemplative and appears to be lost in thought, gazing out of the window. She is wearing a dark, long-sleeved top, and her fingernails are painted red.

It is common for people who are awakening to the world around them and growing as individuals to feel a sense of disillusionment every now and again. You shouldn’t worry about it; just know that it is normal and it is a sign that you are now seeing deeper into the riches of life. It shows that you are aware that there is more to come in your life and that you are not just settling for less than your potential allows.

12. You have the power to choose.

A man with a beard and wavy hair, wearing earrings and a brown shirt, is holding a pen and appears deep in thought. The background is softly blurred, giving a warm ambiance with soft lighting.

You are in control of your life and you have the freedom to choose which direction you take it in. You may think that everyone has such opportunities, but the truth is that there are plenty of people who have very limited choice because of their country of birth, their background, or even their past life choices (e.g. people in prison).

13. You don’t let the little things bother you.

A person with curly hair and glasses, dressed in a light yellow shirt over a white t-shirt and brown pants, stands smiling on a balcony with wooden flooring. The balcony overlooks a green, wooded area and has a metal railing and a roof with hanging lights.

You have matured as an individual and you have developed the mental strength so as to prevent little grievances getting you down. You rise above petty squabbles and you practice calmness in situations that would have once sent you over the edge.

14. You have a passion for something.

A person with short hair is painting on a canvas. The artwork appears to be an abstract depiction of a woman, featuring bold lines and vibrant colors. The artist is using a small brush and focusing on the details of the face.

Just by having this passion, you have managed to identify one thing in life that you truly, deeply believe in and this brings a greater degree of meaning to your life. You know that this passion is something that you are willing to make sacrifices for if necessary because it holds a special place in your heart.

15. You believe in something greater than yourself.

Close-up of a person with curly hair and closed eyes, appearing relaxed and content. The soft focus background is green, possibly indicating an outdoor setting. The person has prominent eyelashes and is wearing bright lipstick.
This does not have to mean a God or spiritual belief, but it most certainly can take that form. It might also be that you believe in the greater good in society, fairness, justice, equality, the sanctity of life in all its guises. Whatever it is, it transcends your own life and this fills you with comfort.

16. You’re not content with something in your life.

A woman with short brown hair, wearing a light peach blouse, stands by a window. She appears concerned or reflective, resting her forehead on her right hand while leaning slightly to the side. Natural light filters through the window behind her.
Generally speaking, contentment is a good aim to have in life, but only as an overarching theme that comes from being responsible to life. But you might often be discontent with particular things because you know that you can achieve more and deserve more.

17. You’re not afraid to express your feelings openly.

A woman with grey hair looks away with a serious expression, sitting on a couch. In the background, a man with grey hair and wearing a checkered shirt gestures with his hand as he talks, appearing frustrated. The setting is a well-lit living room.
One of the most damaging things we can do is to deny ourselves the right to feel things. Our feelings have lessons for us and we must not suppress them. You are able to express yours openly with other people and this is a sign that you understand their importance and refuse to silence their messages.

18. You see obstacles, but are not daunted by them.

A woman with long dark hair and glasses is sitting at a desk in an office. She is wearing a gray blazer and white shirt and appears frustrated while speaking on her mobile phone. Her right hand is raised in an exasperated gesture.
You have a good idea of where you want to get to and you have the foresight to see the challenges that you’ll face to get there. And yet you don’t shy away from these hurdles or let them push you off course, but, instead, set out to tackle them head-on.

19. You recognize and avoid things that harm you.

A man with a relaxed expression sits on a wooden balcony with his hands behind his head. He is wearing a loose, grey shirt. The balcony is adorned with plants, flowers, and greenery, and the background shows trees illuminated by sunlight.
You have come to learn what is good for you and what is not and you make it your aim to avoid anything which is going to cause you physical or mental harm. This might be food, alcohol, the company of certain people, or something else entirely, but you have identified the damaging things and steer well clear of them.

20. You feel sure that, in the end, you are not alone.

A diverse group of people stands in a circle with their hands raised and fists clenched, smiling joyfully. They appear cheerful and united, captured from a low-angle view against a clear sky backdrop. They are casually dressed, showcasing various styles.
In whatever form it comes to you, there is a sense deep down that tells you that you are not alone. You understand that other people are leading their own lives and facing their own challenges, but that we are all connected in ways that we cannot yet begin to imagine.

About The Author

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.