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13 Things A Decent Man Would Never Do To The Woman He Loves

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1. Keep secrets from her.

A smiling couple stands outside in a sunny area with palm trees and a parked bicycle in the background. The woman wears a red floral dress, and the man is dressed in a light beige shirt. They are embracing and looking at each other.

A loving man knows that honesty and transparency are the cornerstones of any strong relationship. He won’t hide important details or keep secrets that could damage your trust. By being open and truthful, he shows that he respects you and wants to build a deeper connection.

2. Be unsupportive.

A man sits on a bed, holding a woman who appears to be upset. The woman, wearing a light gray sweater and jeans, has her hand to her face with eyes closed, while the man, wearing a dark blue sweater and jeans, gently places his arm around her shoulder.

He stands by you through thick and thin. Whether you’re facing a tough project at work or chasing a personal goal, he’s your biggest cheerleader. His support is unwavering, and he celebrates your successes and comforts you during setbacks.

3. Control her life.

A young man and woman are sitting close together, embracing and looking into each other's eyes. The man has curly hair and a beard, wearing a denim jacket. The woman has straight shoulder-length hair and is wearing an orange jacket. A cityscape is visible in the background.

No woman wants to feel controlled. A loving partner respects your autonomy and supports your decisions. He encourages you to maintain your friendships, pursue your career, and live your life independently. Trust and freedom are key elements in a healthy relationship.

4. Make fun of her dreams.

A woman and a man are sitting at a table in a cozy café, each with a cup of coffee. The woman, dressed in a blue striped shirt, is stirring her coffee while smiling. The man, wearing a pink shirt, is looking at her with a smile.

Your dreams are important, no matter how big or small. A caring man will never belittle or mock your aspirations. Instead, he encourages you to chase your passions and offers his support. By respecting your dreams, he shows his love and belief in your potential.

5. Dismiss her opinions.

A man and a woman are engaged in a serious conversation at a white table in a minimalist room. Both are holding pens and have papers in front of them. The woman is gesturing with her pen, while the man listens attentively. There are white mugs on the table.

A good man values your thoughts and ideas. He listens attentively and respects your viewpoints, even if he disagrees. Open dialogue and mutual respect are essential for a balanced relationship.

6. Hurt her intentionally.

An elderly couple sits on a bench under a tree, looking up and smiling. Both are casually dressed; the woman wears a dark jacket and jeans, while the man has on a blue denim shirt and khaki pants. Behind them, there's a colorful wooden building and greenery.

This should go without saying, but a decent man would never deliberately cause you pain. He avoids hurtful words and actions, even during disagreements. His aim is to support and uplift you, not tear you down.

7. Put her last.

A woman and a man are sitting on stools at a kitchen counter, facing each other and having a conversation. The kitchen has a minimalist design with white walls and shelves in the background. Both individuals are wearing casual clothing.

You are a priority in his life. He makes an effort to consider your feelings and needs, ensuring you’re never an afterthought. He values your input and makes time for you, showing that you are an equal partner in the relationship.

8. Hold grudges against her.

A couple stands closely on an outdoor balcony, their foreheads touching. The woman, wearing a red jacket, gently holds the collar of the man's denim jacket. Both have their eyes closed in a tender moment. City buildings and a handrail are visible in the background.

A good man knows the importance of forgiveness. He addresses issues as they arise and works to resolve them, rather than holding onto past grievances. By letting go of grudges, he fosters a healthier, more positive relationship.

9. Lie to her.

A woman in a white shirt is drinking red wine while sitting at a restaurant table with a man in a beige sweatshirt who is using chopsticks to eat sushi. Several pieces of sushi and a small dish are on the table in front of them.

Honesty is non-negotiable. A good man understands that even small lies can erode trust over time. He chooses to be truthful, even when it’s difficult, fostering a relationship built on mutual respect and transparency.

10. Break promises.

A man and a woman are standing in a bowling alley, each holding a bowling ball. The man is holding a black ball, and the woman is holding a red one. They appear to be conversing. Bowling pins and balls are visible in the foreground, and a beer bottle is on the table.

Reliability is key. When he makes a promise, he follows through. Breaking promises can create doubts and insecurities, and a good man understands this. He strives to honor his commitments and communicates openly if circumstances change.

11. Compare her to others.

A man with a beard and a woman wearing sunglasses are sitting at an outdoor café, smiling and enjoying drinks. The man is wearing a light blue polo shirt, and the woman is wearing a white T-shirt. They appear to be having a pleasant conversation.

You are unique, and he appreciates that. A decent man avoids comparing you to other women, focusing instead on your individual qualities. By refraining from comparisons, he shows that he values you for who you are.

12. Shame or embarrass her.

A smiling elderly woman with short blonde hair and a younger man with short brown hair are having a friendly conversation in a bright kitchen. The woman is wearing a striped blue shirt, and the man is in a light blue shirt. Kitchen items are visible in the background.

Your dignity is important to him. He would never mock your appearance, belittle your interests, or criticize you in front of others. He respects your self-esteem and protects your trust above all else.

13. Take her for granted.

A young woman with long, light brown hair smiles while sitting at an outdoor café table with a bouquet of yellow roses in front of her. Across from her sits a man in a white t-shirt and black hat, partially turned away from the camera.

He knows your worth and never lets a day go by without showing his appreciation. Whether it’s for the little things or the grand gestures, he makes sure you feel valued. He understands that nurturing the relationship is a continuous effort and cherishes your presence in his life.

About The Author

Anna worked as a clinical researcher for 10 years, authoring and publishing scientific papers in world leading journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, before joining A Conscious Rethink in 2023. Her writing passions now center around personality, neurodiversity and relationships, always underpinned by scientific research and lived experience.