11 Signs Someone Will Stab You In The Back And Not Think Twice

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Spot the traitors before they strike!

Close-up portrait of a stern-looking man with blond hair, wearing a dark jacket. The background is a smooth gradient, transitioning from light on the left to darker on the right. The man is looking directly into the camera with a serious expression.

How can you tell if someone in your life can be trusted, or if they’ll stab you in the back without a moment’s hesitation? If they show any of the following signs, you might want to keep your distance.

1. They’re quick to justify their bad behaviors.

A woman with light skin and long brown hair pulled back into a low bun is wearing a white collared shirt. She has a neutral expression and is looking directly at the camera against a solid black background.

When someone calls them out on their crap behavior, they always find an excuse for it. Many play the victim, claiming that they’re damaged from past traumas or going through a rough time, and so expect everyone else to accept their childishness or belligerence because that’s “just how they are”.

2. They challenge your authority at every turn.

A group of five people in formal attire are in a meeting room. One man stands and points at a seated man while talking. The seated man appears to be responding. Three others listen, with one looking stressed and another taking notes. A flip chart is in the background.

If you’re in charge of a group get-together, they’ll undermine you. Similarly, if you work together and you’re in a superior position, they might mock you or pretend that you have no real authority over them. They seek to be king or queen of the rubbish heap at all times.

3. They break small promises.

Close-up of a person with a neutral expression, facing the camera. The image is dimly lit with shadows on the left side of the person's face, highlighting their facial features and green eyes. The background is dark and indistinct.

The amount of diligence that a person puts into keeping a small promise will show you how they’ll behave if they make a significant one. If they can’t keep their word about the small stuff, you know they can’t be trusted with anything truly important.

4. They talk about you behind your back.

A close-up of two people sharing a secret. One person, who is out of focus, is whispering into the ear of the other, who has a serious expression and short hair, looking intently at the camera. The background is a soft, textured blue.

Finding out that someone thinks poorly of you is always disappointing, but it’s much worse when you find out that they’ve been trash-talking you behind your back—especially if what they’re saying is slanderous and untrue. Their lies may cause irreparable harm in your life if they aren’t curbed immediately.

5. They have a history of backstabbing other people.

Close-up of a person with light skin, light brown hair, and hazel eyes. They are looking directly at the camera with a neutral expression. The background is blurred, drawing attention to the person's face.

If a person cheats with you, then they’ll cheat onyou too. This is as true in business dealings and so-called friendships as it is in romantic relationships. If this person is known for screwing other people over, you can rest assured that they’ll do the same thing to you.

6. They intentionally push boundaries to see what they can get away with.

Two women are having a conversation in a cafe. One woman, with red hair and wearing a white blazer over a black shirt with the number "1987," faces the camera. The other woman, with dark hair in a bun, wears a dark jacket and is facing away from the camera.

You might tell them that your snacks are off limits, but they intentionally eat them in front of you, laughing, to see if you’ll get mad at them. Then they’ll brush it off as a joke and imply that you’re overreacting. To them, a boundary is merely a tempting challenge.

7. They lack transparency in shared affairs and/or business interests.

A man with short, light brown hair is gazing to the side. He is wearing a dark jacket and a white collared shirt. His hand is raised near his face, lightly touching his cheek. The background is dark, emphasizing his profile and thoughtful expression.

They keep details about important things to themselves—even if you’re working on a project together or have a shared business investment—and just tell you not to worry about it. Any attempt to get clarity about finances or details about progress will be brushed off or circumvented.

8. They keep their social network circles very separate.

Two women are in an outdoor setting with trees in the background. One woman in a red top stands in the background with arms raised, while the woman in the foreground, wearing a pink off-shoulder top, appears upset or uncomfortable, with her hand near her face.

None of their social groups ever intersect with one another, and they’ll go to great lengths to ensure that there’s no overlap. If you run into them when they’re out with people you don’t know, they either pretend they don’t know you well, or get hostile if you try to make introductions.

9. They’re rude to your family/partner/important people in your life.

Two people are sitting at a table in a restaurant, engaging in conversation and holding glasses of red wine. A third person, partly visible, is joining them in a toast. Shelves with wine bottles are in the background, and the setting is cozy and casual.

They might make a point of being rude or inappropriate toward those close to you in an attempt to establish dominance in the situation. For example, if they attend a function with you and your family, they might flirt with your spouse, insult your mother, ask who your kids’ real dad is, and so on.

10. They constantly interrupt you.

Two women sitting on a couch appear excited and surprised while watching something on TV. The woman on the left is smiling and gesturing with her hands, while the woman on the right is holding a remote control and has a wide-open mouth in amazement. Bookshelves and a plant are in the background.

A person who constantly interrupts you or talks over you doesn’t respect you, and a person who doesn’t respect you will have no problem betraying your trust or stepping on your neck to gain an advantage. Colleagues who do this will undoubtedly throw you under the bus for personal advancement.

11. They lack empathy.

A man with short, dark hair and stubble stares intensely at the camera, resting his chin on his folded hands. He is wearing a dark gray sweater and is set against a plain gray background.

If they find out that their actions have hurt someone, they either don’t care at all, or they find it amusing. They don’t hesitate to show whatever face is needed in order to get what they want, but none of those “faces” are real: they seem more like self-serving, hollow shells.

About The Author

Finn Robinson has spent the past few decades travelling the globe and honing his skills in bodywork, holistic health, and environmental stewardship. In his role as a personal trainer and fitness coach, he’s acted as an informal counselor to clients and friends alike, drawing upon his own life experience as well as his studies in both Eastern and Western philosophies. For him, every day is an opportunity to be of service to others in the hope of sowing seeds for a better world.