People Who’d Rather Be Alone Than Fake Have These 13 Personality Traits

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They Won’t Fake It To Fit In

A woman with long dark hair stands outdoors, wearing a blue striped shirt. Her hair is gently blown to the side by the wind. The background is bright and blurred with lush greenery, creating a bokeh effect.

Let’s face it, some people would rather binge-watch their favorite show or read a good book than force small talk with folks they don’t click with. These authentic types value alone time over fake friendships. They’re the ones who stay true to themselves, no matter what. Do you fit the bill? Here are 15 personality traits of people who would rather be alone than pretend to be someone they’re not.

1. A strong sense of self.

A bearded person with a man bun, wearing a light green shirt and rolled-up jeans, smiles while walking along the beach during sunset. They have their hands in their pockets and the ocean waves are visible in the background.

These people know who they are, and they’re not afraid to show it. Trends come and go, but they stick to their guns. Whether it’s their unusual style or unpopular opinions, they’re not swayed by what others think. This confidence can sometimes be perceived as stubbornness by others but who needs approval when you’ve got self-assurance?

2. Quality, not quantity.

Three people are standing outside and smiling. The person on the left is wearing a red plaid shirt, the person in the middle is wearing sunglasses and a dark jacket, and the person on the right is wearing glasses, a light blue shirt, and a green top. The background is slightly blurred.

Their squad might be small, but it’s mighty. They’d rather have a few hardcore close friends than a ton of fair-weather ones. Their relationships are built on trust, understanding, and shared values – none of that surface-level BS. They invest time and energy in the people who really matter, creating bonds that can weather any storm.

3. Thinking outside the box.

A man in a blue shirt and glasses is pointing and talking to another man with glasses in an office setting. In the background, three people are working at computers near a bookshelf filled with various items. The setting has a modern, open-plan design.

Conformity? Please. They’re not afraid to question the status quo and form their own opinions. This independent streak often leads them to brilliant ideas that others might miss. Their unconventional thinking can sometimes make it difficult to work within established systems or collaborate with more traditional thinkers, but that suits them just fine.

4. Enjoying the quiet.

An elderly man with white hair sits alone on a wooden park bench, looking pensively to the side. The park is bathed in warm sunlight, with trees and more empty benches lining the path. The brick walkway beneath him adds to the serene environment.

While others scramble to fill every silence, these folks are totally ok with quiet. They find peace in the stillness and use it for reflection, creativity, or just chilling out. They don’t need constant noise or chatter to feel comfortable. In fact, they see silence as a chance to recharge and reconnect with themselves. Now that’s what you call inner peace.

5. Unshakeable integrity.

A close-up of a person with colorful hair in shades of purple, pink, and blonde wearing large round glasses. They have vibrant orange lipstick and appear to be outdoors in natural light. Their expression is calm and serene.

They stick to their principles like glue, even when no one’s watching. Their friends know they can trust them to always do the right thing, no matter what. They’re not swayed by peer pressure or temptation. If it doesn’t sit right with them, they’re not doing it. It might not always be easy, and it can lead to some personal and professional challenges, but they sleep well at night knowing they’ve stayed true to themselves.

6. Selective social energy.

Two people are sitting at a table, each holding a glass of beer, engaged in conversation. One person has gray hair and glasses, wearing a navy sweater, and the other person has short hair, wearing a green shirt. Shelves and decor fill the background.

These individuals treat their social battery like it’s gold, investing it only in worthwhile interactions. No obligatory small talk for them – they save their energy for the good stuff. They’re not afraid to say no to invites that don’t excite them, and they don’t feel guilty about it either. They’re not going to waste their precious time and energy engaging in stuff that doesn’t interest them. After all, that would be pretty fake, wouldn’t it?

7. Unshakeable boundaries.

Two women sitting on a couch; the woman on the left, with long dark hair and a brown sweater, appears sad and is looking down, while the woman on the right, with long blonde hair and a blue shirt, is offering comfort by placing a hand on her back and leaning in sympathetically.

They’re there for their friends, but they’re not doormats. They know how to balance being supportive with taking care of themselves. No emotional vampires allowed! They’re great at listening and offering comfort, but they know when to step back and protect their own mental health. It’s all about balance for these people (which far too many people lack nowadays).

8. They hate small talk.

Two women are sitting at a table engaged in a conversation. The woman on the right, wearing a dark polka-dotted shirt, gestures with her hand while speaking, and the woman on the left, wearing light-colored clothing, listens attentively. A laptop is on the table.

Ok, so no one really likes small talk, but these people can’t stand it. They crave discussions that make them think – the meaning of life, dreams, fears, you name it. These soul-deep conversations are their thing. They’re not afraid to ask the big questions or share their own vulnerable moments. For them, connection means diving deep, not just skimming the surface.

9. Epic observation skills.

A group of people sitting around a table in a restaurant, eating and talking. A woman with curly hair wearing a pink top and beige vest is smiling in the center, while others around her are holding pieces of pizza. The atmosphere appears lively and social.

They notice all the little things in social situations that others miss. From subtle body language to unspoken tensions, they’re always one step ahead in figuring out what’s really going on. This is a great skill, but being highly attuned to emotions can sometimes be overwhelming, leading to exhaustion or overthinking. It’s just part of the reason they relish their own time so much.

10. Finding joy in the small stuff.

Person wearing a hat, blue plaid shirt, and a backpack, walking on a dirt path through a forested area under sunlight. The individual is facing away from the camera, with trees and greenery on either side of the path.

They don’t need fancy stuff or constant excitement to be happy. A good book, a quiet walk, or a heartfelt chat with a friend is all it takes to make their day. They appreciate the simple pleasures in life and find beauty in everyday moments. It doesn’t get much more real than that.

11. A strong sense of social justice.

A woman wearing a brown coat and a backpack is bending down to offer change to a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk. The man is bundled in a red hoodie and a brown jacket, holding a cup. A handwritten sign beside him reads, "ONCE I WAS LIKE YOU.

They’ve got a clear sense of right and wrong, and they stick to it. Even when it’s tough, they make decisions they can be proud of. Their values aren’t just words – they’re how they live their lives. They’re not afraid to stand up for what they believe in, even if it means going against the crowd. This doesn’t always make them popular, but they’d rather be unpopular than fake.

12. Introspection.

A woman with short blonde hair is focused on writing in a small notebook while sitting at a desk with a laptop in front of her. In the background, two people are standing and talking, with a shelf of binders and books behind them. The setting appears to be an office.

They spend more time looking inward than most people spend looking in the mirror. They’re not afraid to face their flaws or celebrate their strengths.  They’re always evolving, learning from their experiences, and becoming better versions of themselves (whilst keeping it authentic, obviously).

13. Authenticity at all costs.

A young woman with long, light brown hair looks thoughtfully to her right. She is wearing a light blue denim jacket, and a wooden fence is visible in the blurry background. The image captures her in natural light, giving a serene and contemplative feel.

Speaking of. It should go without saying, but these people are the real deal, no doubt about it. No fake smiles or phony laughs here – they show up as their true selves, take it or leave it. Their friends know they can count on them for the honest truth, even if it’s not always what they want to hear. This brutal honesty can sometimes come off as harsh or insensitive, but they’d rather be alone than pretend to be someone they’re not. And that’s what makes them so damn refreshing.

About The Author

Anna worked as a clinical researcher for 10 years, authoring and publishing scientific papers in world leading journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, before joining A Conscious Rethink in 2023. Her writing passions now center around personality, neurodiversity and relationships, always underpinned by scientific research and lived experience.