8 Brutal Reasons You Should Never Do Couples Therapy With A Narcissist

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Don’t Do It

A man with short dark hair gestures emphatically with a finger raised while talking to a younger woman, who is turned away from the camera. Another woman, sitting between them, looks concerned. All are indoors, seated in a casual setting.

If you’ve been in a romantic relationship (or marriage) with a narcissist, then you’re undoubtedly very familiar with the huge amount of damage they can cause. They’re particularly virulent when paired with empaths, as they develop a really unhealthy codependency, but even an average relationship with a narcissist can result in a whole load of self-esteem issues, depression, anxiety, and worse.

Some people – namely those who have convinced themselves that they love their narcissist partner and want to try to make things work with them – think that attending couples counseling together will improve the situation.

They believe that if they can convince the narcissist in their life to seek therapy with them, then they’ll magically become the perfect partner they have so much potential to become.

Hell no.

No, it’s not going to happen, and you can end up feeling far worse after a therapy session or five than you did before you even attempted it. Here’s why.

1. It’s A Game To Them

A man and a woman are seated on a couch having a discussion, while a therapist takes notes on a clipboard. The woman has a concerned expression and gestures with her hand. The setting appears to be a professional office with soft lighting and neutral colors.

In case you haven’t noticed yet, narcissists are charming beasts and masters of manipulation. If they’ve agreed to go to therapy with you, it’s because it amuses them to do so.

They’re toying with you like a cat toys with a mouse, allowing it to run free before pouncing on it, then repeating that for a while: it gives the mouse (you) hope that things are going to get better before crushing said hopes again. With their claws.

2. They’ll Charm The Therapist

A couple sits closely on a couch holding hands, engaging in a conversation. The woman wears a red sweater and the man a striped shirt. A person with a clipboard sits nearby, perhaps a therapist, indicating a counseling or therapy session.

Remember how they charmed you at the beginning of your relationship? How hard you fell for their behavior? Well, therapists are people too, and they can’t always see through a narcissist’s machinations.

Everything you bring up will be turned against you as the narcissist in your life attempts to show this therapist how horrible you are. No matter what you say or how you desperately attempt to have your experiences and feelings validated, the narc will turn it around so they’re the victim, and you need to be medicated to stop acting so “crazy,” or you’ll give up trying and go back to your life, maintaining the status quo.

Either way, they win.

3. They’ll Gaslight You With The Therapist’s Help

A couple sits on a couch facing each other, engaged in a heated discussion, gesturing with their hands. A therapist, holding a clipboard and pen, sits in a chair in the background, listening attentively. The scene appears to be a counseling session.

One common thing that happens when a narcissist is dragged to couples therapy is (as was hinted at above) that they end up getting the therapist on their side, and they team up against you.

You’ll try desperately to make the therapist understand your perspective and explain what your partner is like at home, and said partner will look sad and hurt, and pour their heart out about how cruel and unfair you are to them, and how you make up stories to hurt them, and try to get attention or pity for your delusions.

4. They’ll Make You Look Unstable

In a room with a brick wall, three people are engaged in an intense discussion. One person in the middle gestures animatedly with a surprised expression, while the person to the right has a distressed look, with their head resting on one hand. The third person listens attentively.

Imagine how the scenario will look to your therapist: there you are, disheveled and manic and possibly close to hysterics, praying that someone might finally listen to you and believe you about all the abuse you’ve been subjected to, and your narcissist partner just looks sad and disheartened.

You may very well have PTSD and may lose your cool during the sessions because you are literally at the end of your rope, but rather than making you seem more sincere and in need of help, that desperate behavior will paint you as the unstable perpetrator in this unhealthy partnership.

The therapist will reprimand you for YOUR bad behavior, and will ask you why you are being so unreasonable towards a person who obviously has your best interests at heart, and is hurting from your unfair accusations.

Worse than not being believed by a person whom you’ve opened up to is being reproached by them, especially when you’re the one who has been suffering at the hands of a manipulative abuser. This can cause even greater long-term damage, while your narcissist counterpart just smirks because you’re so weak and pathetic that you can’t even do therapy right.

5. Being Truly Honest May Be Dangerous

A close-up of a woman covering her ears with her hands, looking distressed and facing away. Behind her, a man is shouting aggressively, with his mouth wide open. Both are indoors with a neutral background. The scene conveys a sense of conflict and emotional distress.

If your narcissist partner has been very verbally, emotionally, and/or physically abusive to you at home, it’s more than likely that you’ve kept pretty quiet about it out of fear.

Being in therapy with your partner might make you feel like you have a safe space to open up about such abuses because you have someone there who will believe you and protect you… but unless you and your partner are living apart, you’re going to have to go back home with them after the counseling session, and there may be hell to pay.

6. It Could Escalate Their Behavior

A man and woman stand outdoors near a body of water and trees. The man, wearing a gray coat, is shouting and pointing aggressively at the woman, who looks distressed and is holding her coat closed. The woman’s expression shows pain and fear.

Keep in mind that narcissists despise being painted as “bad;” their entire existence revolves around being appreciated and admired, so if you come clean about their horrible behaviors and the therapist sides with you instead of them, you will undoubtedly bear the brunt of their incendiary fury as soon as your front door closes behind you.

Their rage can escalate more than you might imagine, and instead of just throwing insults your way, you may end up being on the receiving end of physical violence (or threats thereof). Even narcissist partners who haven’t been abusive in the past can be triggered into being more aggressive and violent if they feel that you have overstepped the mark and dared to make others believe awful things about them.

7. Nothing Will Change

Three people are engaged in a serious conversation. A man with a trimmed beard wearing a light blue sweater holds hands with a woman in a gray sweater and glasses, making eye contact. Another man in a gray shirt is sitting in the background, attentively watching.

One technique that a narcissist will use if they acquiesce to getting therapy is to pretend to be supportive and take the therapist’s advice. They may show “real” remorse, make up some stories about their crappy childhood to garner sympathy from both you and the therapist, and seem as though they’re really dedicated to making things better between you.

Again, this has the effect of lulling you into a false sense of security. They might step up and change for the better (for a little while), giving you the impression that they sincerely want to change; to be the partner you deserve; to be a better person both for you, and for themselves…

…and as soon as you let your guard down and start to trust them again, even a little bit, that façade will drop and they’ll go back to their own ways.

8. Because They Cannot Change

A young man with short dark hair and a light stubble is looking into a mirror, holding it with his right hand. His reflection in the mirror shows his pensive expression. He is wearing a white tank top and a gold chain necklace. The background is black.

Why is that? Because they cannot change who they are any more than you can.

You can’t magically transform into the chameleon-like perfect partner who will shift and shimmer to become their ideal mate every time their whims change, and they cannot become a reliable, trustworthy partner who actually loves you.

With a narcissist, you exist for their benefit, at their convenience, and they will try to manipulate you in all directions in order to get what they want. This includes playing the therapy game if it makes you more pliant in the long run.

Take Care Of Yourself, First And Foremost

A woman with long brown hair, wearing a denim shirt, sits on a couch looking contemplative. Another woman, with long blonde hair and glasses, sits beside her, holding a clipboard and offering a comforting gesture by placing a hand on her shoulder.

Therapy is invaluable. It really, really is. None of us are issue-free, and if you’ve survived a long-term partnership that has left you damaged and disheartened, then it would be in your best interests to find a good, solid therapist whom you can trust.

Over time, they can help you rebuild your self-esteem and personal strength reserves, and work towards a life that you deserve.

The key here is for you to seek this therapy alone.

You need to make yourself the priority, and focus on your own health and happiness. Most of us have been programmed to consider that as selfish, but really it’s a matter of self-preservation and self-care. Find a therapist who has experience with people who have PTSD from narcissistic abuse, and commit to allowing them to help you sort out your life.

When it comes to a romantic relationship with a narcissist, there’s really only one action you can take that will guarantee your future wellbeing: run away, and throw grenades over your shoulders so they can’t follow you.

About The Author

Anna worked as a clinical researcher for 10 years, authoring and publishing scientific papers in world leading journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, before joining A Conscious Rethink in 2023. Her writing passions now center around personality, neurodiversity and relationships, always underpinned by scientific research and lived experience.