Never Do These 14 Things, No Matter How Tempted You Are

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There Are Some Things You Just Shouldn’t Do

A surprised woman with curly hair and a white shirt stands by an open refrigerator, holding a bitten apple near her mouth. Her wide-eyed expression suggests shock or amazement. Inside the fridge are visible fruits, vegetables, and greens.

We’ve all been there – caught in a moment of weakness, temptation whispering in our ear. But some actions, no matter how alluring, are best left undone. This list of 16 “nevers” isn’t your typical rundown of obvious no-nos. It’s a collection of surprising but common pitfalls that can lead to embarrassment, conflict, or even serious consequences.

1. Never lie on your resume (even for a dream job).

A woman with long blonde hair and glasses, dressed in a denim shirt, sits at a wooden table with a laptop, smartphone, and notebook in front of her. She is holding a pen near her mouth and a coffee cup in her other hand, looking thoughtfully out the window.

Embellishing your resume might seem like a shortcut to success, but it’s a ticking time bomb. Even small fibs can snowball into major issues down the line. Remember, your authentic self is your best self. Highlight your genuine strengths and experiences – they’re more than enough to land you the right role. Honesty isn’t just the best policy; it’s the only policy that won’t come back to bite you.

2. Never max out your credit card for a luxury purchase.

A stylish woman with long, wavy hair takes a selfie with her phone in one hand and holds several shopping bags in the other. She is wearing sunglasses and a beige blazer, standing in front of a blue, horizontally ridged background. She is smiling and appears joyful.

That designer bag or latest gadget may be calling your name, but maxing out your credit card is a surefire way to financial stress. Instead of splurging on fleeting luxuries, invest in experiences or save for long-term goals. Your future self will be far more grateful for a healthy bank balance than a closet full of impulse buys gathering dust.

3. Never late night text your ex (especially after a few drinks).

A man in a suit sits on a bed in a dimly lit room, illuminated by a combination of blue and pink lights. He is looking down at his smartphone, giving an impression of deep focus or contemplation. A floor lamp glows softly in the background.

Picture this: It’s 2 AM, you’re three glasses deep, and suddenly, texting your ex seems like a brilliant idea. Spoiler alert: it’s not. Those wine-induced feelings of nostalgia or loneliness can lead to regrettable messages and reopened wounds. Put your phone on airplane mode (or even better, in another room) and go to bed.

4. Never share office gossip, no matter how juicy.

A woman looks troubled and sad while sitting at a table. In the foreground, two people are whispering to each other. The scene suggests the woman may be feeling left out or gossiped about by the others. The setting appears to be an office or meeting room.

The water cooler can be a hotbed of juicy tidbits, but resist the urge to spread rumors. Gossip might seem harmless, but it can damage relationships and your professional reputation. Instead, be the colleague known for positivity and discretion. Focus on building connections through meaningful conversations, not hearsay. Your integrity will speak volumes about your character.

5. Never overshare on social media (especially when emotional).

A woman with long hair tied back, wearing large round sunglasses and a light grey sleeveless top, is looking at her phone with an expression of shock or frustration. She is holding a turquoise phone in one hand and has her other hand raised in exasperation.

We’ve all been there – fingers hovering over the “post” button, ready to unleash our raw emotions onto the digital world. But pause and take a breath. Oversharing during emotional highs or lows can lead to regret and embarrassment. Instead, journal privately or confide in a trusted friend. Remember, the internet never forgets, but a true friend will listen without judgment.

6. Never read your partner’s messages without permission.

A blonde woman in a white tank top is secretly looking at a smartphone while lying in bed next to a man who is sleeping with his arm under his head, wearing a white t-shirt. The woman appears to be cautious and attentive to ensure she is not noticed.

Curiosity killed the cat, and it can kill trust in relationships too. Snooping through your partner’s messages is a violation of privacy and a sign of deeper issues. If you’re feeling insecure or suspicious, have an open conversation with your partner instead. Building trust through communication is far more rewarding than any momentary satisfaction from peeking at private messages.

7. Never take credit for someone else’s work or ideas.

Two women are seated at a desk in an office setting. The woman on the left is focused on paperwork, while the woman on the right, seated beside a computer, appears to be glancing at her colleague. The desk is cluttered with office supplies, notebooks, and a calculator.

Claiming credit for another’s brilliance might seem like a quick and easy win, but it’s a fast track to losing respect and credibility. Instead, celebrate your colleagues’ achievements and contribute your own unique ideas. Success built on authenticity and collaboration is far more satisfying and sustainable than stolen glory. Be the person who lifts others up, not the one who steps on them.

8. Never share your passwords with others.

A smiling woman and man sit close together on a couch. The woman, with long dark hair, wears a beige shirt and blue jeans. The man, with short dark hair and a beard, wears a grey polo shirt and blue jeans, holding a laptop. They gaze at each other affectionately.

Your passwords are the keys to your digital kingdom – guard them fiercely! Sharing them, even with trusted friends or family, can lead to unintended consequences. Instead, use a password manager to keep track of your login information securely. If you need to share access to an account, many services now offer secure ways to do so without revealing your password.

9. Never ignore smoke alarms or carbon monoxide detectors.

A man wearing glasses and a suit is sitting at a desk in an office, holding a phone to his ear with an expression of surprise or frustration. There are bookshelves with binders and trophies in the background, and a laptop, notebook, and coffee cup on the desk.

When that piercing beep interrupts your day, it’s tempting to silence it and move on. But these alarms are your lifeline against invisible dangers. Treat every alert seriously – it could save your life. Regularly check and maintain your detectors, and always investigate the cause of an alarm. Better safe than sorry is more than a cliché when it comes to fire and gas safety.

10. Never use your phone while walking across a road.

A bald man wearing sunglasses, a navy blue t-shirt, light grey shorts, and brown shoes is walking on a cobblestone street while looking at his smartphone. The background features buildings, trees, and a blurred-out red car.

In our hyper-connected world, it’s tempting to multitask even while crossing the street. But remember, your safety trumps any text or tweet. Keep your head up and your eyes forward when navigating traffic. Those few seconds of undivided attention could prevent a life-altering accident. The digital world can wait until you’re safely on the other side.

11. Never share someone’s news on social media before they do.

A woman in a plaid shirt sits on a couch, holding up a smartphone displaying a text conversation, looking upset and gesturing with her other hand. A man in an orange shirt sits next to her, looking at the phone with concern. They are indoors with a curtain behind them.

Excitement about a friend’s engagement or pregnancy might have you itching to spread the joy online. But hold that thought! Everyone deserves the chance to share their own milestones. Stealing someone’s thunder, even unintentionally, can damage relationships. Instead, celebrate privately and wait for them to make the announcement when they’re ready.

12. Never skip reading the fine print.

A person with short hair and glasses is sitting in a chair, reading documents. They are wearing a white blouse and black pants, and are holding a stack of papers in one hand and a single sheet in the other. The background consists of light-colored curtains.

It’s tempting to skim through those lengthy terms and conditions, but the devil is in the details. Take the time to understand what you’re agreeing to, whether it’s a job contract or a software update. If something’s unclear, don’t hesitate to ask questions. A few minutes of careful reading can save you from future headaches and unexpected obligations.

13. Never lend money you can’t afford to lose.

Close-up of one person handing a $100 bill to another person. The money is being exchanged against a light, blurred background. The person handing the money has a thumb and forefinger visible, while the recipient's hand is partially shown.

Money and relationships can be a volatile mix. Before lending cash, ask yourself if you’d be okay never seeing that money again. If the answer is no, it’s best to politely decline. There are other ways to support loved ones without risking your financial stability or the relationship. Remember, “neither a borrower nor a lender be” is timeless advice for a reason.

14. Never eat the last cookie in the office cookie jar without replacing it.

A man with short brown hair is holding a half-eaten chocolate chip cookie near his mouth, looking down at it. He is wearing a grey and light blue striped shirt and is standing in front of a brick wall.

It’s a small act, but it speaks volumes about your character. That last cookie might be tempting, but taking it without replacing the batch can leave a sour taste in your colleagues’ mouths. Instead, be the office hero who keeps the cookie jar full. It’s a simple way to spread joy and show consideration for others. Plus, what goes around comes around – in cookies and in life!

About The Author

Anna worked as a clinical researcher for 10 years, authoring and publishing scientific papers in world leading journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, before joining A Conscious Rethink in 2023. Her writing passions now center around personality, neurodiversity and relationships, always underpinned by scientific research and lived experience.