11 Behaviors That Indicate You Are A Highly Authentic Person

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Your authenticity can be seen in the follow behaviors.

A woman with shoulder-length dark hair and wearing a black top looks up and to the side with a thoughtful expression, pursing her lips. The background is a plain, light-colored wall.

There are people who change their personalities more often than their bedsheets, and those who are so fiercely authentic that there’s no fear of them changing any time soon. Here are 11 behaviors that show the world how authentic you really are.

1. You’re curious about other people’s preferences without feeling threatened or being judgmental.

A person with red lipstick and a black beret stands outdoors in front of a blurred background featuring tall buildings, including one with spires. They are wearing a white turtleneck, and their expression is neutral.

You’re perfectly comfortable with the fact that other people think and believe differently than you. You certainly don’t feel like those differences are a personal attack. On the contrary, you’re curious about how other people view and experience the world, as that helps to broaden and inform your own perceptions and perspectives.

2. You aren’t easily influenced by other people.

Black and white close-up of a young man looking directly at the camera. He has a slight smile, short beard, and is wearing a hooded jacket and beanie. The background is blurred.

When you’ve established a stance that you feel strongly about because you’ve researched it and are confident in your findings, you aren’t likely to be moved if others try to change your mind. You’re a fiercely independent thinker, and aren’t influenced by “groupthink”, let alone any kind of peer pressure.

3. You have a strong sense of respect: both for yourself, and for others.

A woman stands outdoors wearing a tan jumpsuit and a dark hat, looking to her right. She is surrounded by a scenic view of rolling green hills, scattered clouds, and distant water bodies.

You don’t allow other people to disrespect you without consequences, and you respect other people with the same level of diligence and ferocity. As such, you honor people’s personal life choices, how they identify/present themselves to the world, and what they believe in, without feeling insecure or putting anyone down.

4. Your clothing or personal aesthetic don’t reflect current trends.

A person stands in front of a dark, textured background, wearing a shiny green dress. The lighting creates shadows, giving a dramatic effect. The person’s head is slightly tilted, and their arms are crossed, adding a sense of elegance to the pose.

What you choose to wear or decorate yourself with reflects your personal preferences and sense of style, rather than anything that’s “trending” due to celebrity influence or social media. As such, you’re known for being unique and true to yourself—not inclined to change when something new gains in popularity.

5. You’re consistent in how you interact with the world.

A person with wavy hair stands in a field at sunset, wearing a beige knitted sweater. The background features an autumn landscape with rolling hills and trees displaying fall colors, radiating a warm, golden glow.

You don’t feel a need to show different facets of your personality to the different social groups in your life, nor cultivate any pretense in order to fit in with others. Instead, everyone gets to see you exactly as you are, and people all describe you the same way. 

6. You’re known for your honesty.

A woman with long hair pulled back is smiling and looking at a man who is facing her. The background is out of focus with some blurry lights. The woman is wearing a purple top, and the atmosphere is warm and intimate.

Whether it’s because you despise insincerity or because you feel real physical discomfort when you lie, you’ve gained a reputation for being honest in both your words and your dealings. Those who know you can trust that you won’t try to cheat them, and when you say something, you mean it sincerely.

7. You’re an open book (to most people).

A smiling person with curly hair leans against a rust-colored wall. They are wearing a blue denim shirt over a white t-shirt and have their arms crossed. The background includes additional rust-colored panels extending to the left.

Instead of being secretive about various aspects of your life, you’re fairly transparent about the details that you’re comfortable sharing. Although you may keep super-personal details to yourself, you may be quite open about things like your cultural background, neurodivergence, gender identity, and the reasons behind your various life choices.

8. You don’t fear vulnerability.

A woman with long, dark hair is smiling at the camera. She is wearing a mustard yellow top and is outdoors with a blurred background, likely an urban setting. The image exudes a friendly and approachable vibe.

Instead of putting up a false front when you’re going through difficulty, you’re honest about your vulnerabilities and personal struggles. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you trauma-dump on people whenever possible, but rather that you admit when things are difficult, and you’ll graciously accept help from others when it’s needed.

9. You admit when you’re wrong.

Two men sit at a table in a cafe, talking over coffee. One man, wearing glasses and a blue shirt, gestures with his hand, while the other man, in a white shirt, listens attentively. The background shows a blurred view of buildings through the large window.

You show humility if you’ve made a mistake, change your stances when and if new information arises that contradicts what you’ve been adhering to up until this point, and do your best to make amends if you’ve hurt someone unintentionally. Treating others fairly is more important to you than “saving face”.

10. You have immense gratitude.

Young man with curly hair and sunglasses, wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, is sitting on the grass in a relaxed pose on a sunny day. He is smiling and leaning back on his hands with a carefree expression.

Maybe you keep a gratitude journal in which you record the various things that you’re grateful for. Alternatively, you might meditate on thankfulness, or express your appreciation to those who do good things for you. Nothing is taken for granted, and you take special care of the things you cherish.

11. You cultivate solid, long-term relationships.

A woman with long dark hair, wearing a light pink blouse and bracelets, smiles warmly while holding a small espresso cup. Another person is blurred in the foreground. The setting appears casual and pleasant.

You’re not one to flutter around with temporary acquaintanceships who come and go from your life like passing breezes. Instead, you put real time and effort into your relationships with other people, and you’ve cultivated strong friendships (and intimate partnerships) that have lasted—or have the potential to last for—decades.

About The Author

Catherine Winter is an herbalist, INTJ empath, narcissistic abuse survivor, and PTSD warrior currently based in Quebec's Laurentian mountains. In an informal role as confidant and guide, Catherine has helped countless people work through difficult times in their lives and relationships, including divorce, ageing and death journeys, grief, abuse, and trauma recovery, as they navigate their individual paths towards healing and personal peace.