Focus on these 13 things and watch as your self-esteem grows

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Your self-esteem will grow when you do these things regularly.

A woman with long brown hair and bangs smiles brightly while standing outdoors. She is wearing a sleeveless yellow top and has her arms crossed. The background includes blurred trees and a bright, sunny environment.

Could your self-esteem use a boost? You’re not alone. In a world that often seems designed to chip away at our confidence, it’s crucial to take active steps to nurture and grow our self-worth. This article explores 13 powerful strategies that, when practiced consistently, can transform how you see yourself.

1. Set and achieve small, realistic goals.

A smiling woman with long brown hair and red lipstick, wearing a white sweater, points at a target icon in the word "GOALS" on a clear screen. The background is bright blue, creating a contrasting effect with the text and her outfit.

Break larger objectives into manageable chunks to create a series of wins that gradually bolster your confidence. Start with something as simple as making your bed each morning or reading for 15 minutes daily. As you consistently meet these minor targets, you’ll develop a sense of accomplishment and competence.

This positive momentum will encourage you to tackle increasingly challenging goals, creating a virtuous cycle of achievement and self-belief. Remember, the key is to keep your goals attainable and relevant to your personal growth journey.

2. Surround yourself with supportive people.

Three people are standing outside and smiling. The person on the left is wearing a red plaid shirt, the person in the middle is wearing sunglasses and a dark jacket, and the person on the right is wearing glasses, a light blue shirt, and a green top. The background is slightly blurred.

Consciously curate your social circle to include individuals who uplift and encourage you. These supportive connections act as a mirror, reflecting your best qualities and potential back to you. They celebrate your successes, offer constructive feedback, and stand by you during challenging times. Conversely, distance yourself from toxic relationships that drain your energy and undermine your self-worth.

Fostering positive social connections creates a nurturing environment that allows your self-esteem to flourish. It’s like tending a garden—with the right care and conditions, your self-esteem will bloom and thrive.

3. Challenge negative thoughts and reframe them positively.

A young man with short hair and a beard, wearing a black hoodie, stands on an outdoor path lined with greenery and parked cars. The background is softly focused, emphasizing the man as the main subject of the image.

I used to constantly berate myself for making mistakes, no matter how small. One day, after spilling coffee on my shirt before an important meeting, I caught myself spiraling into negative self-talk. Instead of giving in, I paused and consciously reframed the situation. “It’s just a shirt, and this doesn’t define my capabilities,” I told myself. This simple act of challenging my negative thoughts and reframing them positively was a turning point.

It is a skill that requires practice, but the payoff is immense. When you catch yourself in a negative thought pattern, stop and question its validity. Then, actively seek a more balanced or positive perspective. This cognitive restructuring can significantly improve your self-esteem over time.

4. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small.

A person with long hair, wearing a green jacket, stands with their back to the camera, arms raised towards the sky at sunset. The city skyline and buildings are silhouetted against the colorful sky in the background.

In our quest for bigger and better things, we often overlook the small victories that pepper our daily lives. However, acknowledging and celebrating these minor triumphs is crucial for building and maintaining healthy self-esteem.

Whether it’s finally organizing that cluttered drawer, nailing a presentation at work, or simply getting through a tough day, take a moment to recognize your effort and success. Consider keeping a “win journal” where you jot down your daily accomplishments, no matter how trivial they may seem. Over time, you’ll amass a tangible record of your progress and abilities, serving as a powerful antidote to self-doubt.

5. Focus on your strengths and unique qualities.

A woman with light brown hair, wearing large round sunglasses that reflect a city skyline at night. She has a slight smile and is dressed in a fluffy white top. The background is dark green, giving a contrast to her lighter attire and accessories.

Take time to identify what makes you special—your talents, skills, and positive personality traits. Perhaps you’re an excellent listener, have a knack for problem-solving, or possess an indomitable spirit. Once you’ve pinpointed these attributes, consciously incorporate them into your daily life and decision-making processes.

This focus on your positive aspects doesn’t mean ignoring areas for improvement, but rather maintaining a balanced perspective of your whole self. Regular acknowledgment and utilization of your strengths reinforce your value and build a more robust sense of self-worth.

6. Practice positive self-talk and affirmations.

A woman stands in front of a mirror, holding a tablet and speaking. She is wearing a sleeveless red top, with her hair tied back. Her expression suggests she is practicing a speech or presentation. The background is a softly lit, neutral-toned room.

The internal dialogue we maintain with ourselves profoundly impacts our self-esteem. Start by becoming aware of your inner voice—is it predominantly critical or supportive? When you catch negative self-talk, gently redirect it to a more positive, realistic statement. For instance, replace “I’m so stupid for making this mistake” with “I’m human, and mistakes help me learn and grow.”

Additionally, incorporate daily affirmations that resonate with you. These could be statements like “I am worthy of love and respect” or “I trust in my abilities to handle challenges.” While it might feel contrived at first, consistent practice can lead to significant improvements in your self-esteem and overall outlook on life.

7. Cultivate a growth mindset.

A man with short hair and a beard stands against a brick wall, smiling. He is wearing a plaid shirt and has his arms crossed. The background features a row of brick buildings with windows and doors. The scene is outdoors and bright.

Embrace challenges as opportunities for learning and growth rather than insurmountable obstacles. Instead of seeing your abilities and intelligence as fixed traits, recognize that they can be developed through effort and persistence. When faced with difficulties, remind yourself that struggle is a natural part of the learning process. Celebrate the effort you put in, not just the outcomes.

This shift in thinking can transform how you approach challenges and setbacks, reducing fear of failure and boosting your confidence to tackle new experiences. A growth mindset opens doors to continuous personal development and achievement.

8. Prioritize self-care.

A young woman stands in a sunlit park with autumn trees, wearing a denim jacket, white turtleneck, black hat, and red lipstick. She looks to her left with a serene expression, surrounded by fallen leaves on the ground.

Self-care isn’t just a trendy buzzword; it’s a fundamental aspect of maintaining healthy self-esteem. Prioritizing your physical, emotional, and mental well-being sends a powerful message to yourself: “I am worthy of care and attention.”

This can include activities like regular exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, and engaging in stress-reducing practices like meditation or yoga. Self-care also involves setting boundaries, saying no to commitments that drain you, and carving out time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

Remember, self-care isn’t selfish; it’s essential. Taking care of yourself equips you to handle life’s challenges and maintain a positive self-image.

9. Learn a new skill.

A person with a braid sits on a yellow couch, holding an electric guitar in one hand and writing on a notepad with a pen in the other hand. They are dressed casually, and a plant is visible in the background.

Acquiring a new skill challenges you, pushes you out of your comfort zone, and ultimately proves your capability to grow and adapt. Choose a skill that interests you—whether it’s learning a musical instrument, picking up a new language, or mastering the art of baking sourdough bread. As you progress and see tangible improvements, your confidence will naturally increase.

This newfound competence often spills over into other areas of life, enhancing your overall sense of self-assurance. Moreover, dedicating time to personal growth reinforces the idea that you’re worthy of investment and improvement, further bolstering your self-esteem.

10. Practice gratitude daily.

Smiling elderly woman with curly gray hair, wearing a blue shirt, standing outdoors with blurred greenery and sunlight in the background.

Regularly acknowledging the positive aspects of your life shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have. This perspective change can dramatically improve your overall outlook and self-perception.

Start small—each day, identify three things you’re grateful for. These can range from significant life events to simple pleasures like a warm cup of coffee or a beautiful sunset. Over time, this practice trains your brain to notice and appreciate the good in your life more readily. As you become more aware of the abundance around you, feelings of lack and inadequacy often diminish, replaced by a sense of contentment and self-worth.

11. Step out of your comfort zone and notice how it feels.

A skydiver in a blue and white jumpsuit performs a head-down freefall maneuver against a backdrop of clear blue sky and expansive landscape below, including fields, a river, and scattered buildings. The skydiver wears a helmet and goggles, arms outstretched.

Each time you face a fear or try something new, you prove to yourself that you’re capable of more than you might have thought. Perhaps you strike up a conversation with a stranger or try a new cuisine.

As you accumulate these experiences, pay close attention to how you feel before, during, and after. You’ll likely notice that the anticipation is often worse than the actual experience, and the sense of accomplishment afterward is invigorating. This process of stepping out, observing, and reflecting helps build a more accurate self-image, one that recognizes your resilience and adaptability. Over time, your comfort zone expands, and your confidence in handling new situations grows exponentially.

12. Practice assertiveness in your communication.

A woman with long brown hair and a gray shirt is engaged in conversation with another person whose back is to the camera. They are standing on a city street with blurred buildings and vehicles in the background, bathed in warm sunlight.

Expressing your thoughts, feelings, and needs clearly and respectfully, while also considering the rights of others, is crucial for building self-esteem. Start by identifying areas where you tend to be passive or aggressive, and practice finding a middle ground. Use “I” statements to express your feelings without blaming others, and learn to say no when necessary, without feeling guilty.

Remember, being assertive doesn’t mean being confrontational—it’s about standing up for yourself in a calm, confident manner. When you become more adept at assertive communication, you’ll likely find that your relationships improve and your sense of self-worth strengthens. This skill empowers you to advocate for yourself effectively, reinforcing the belief that your thoughts and feelings are valid and worthy of expression.

13. Engage in activities that make you feel powerful or in control.

A woman in a white sports outfit and cap is playing tennis outdoors. She is holding a racket and reaching out to hit a tennis ball that is mid-air. The background features a green fence and blurred greenery. The sky is clear and bright.

Participating in activities that evoke feelings of power or control can significantly boost your self-esteem. These experiences provide a sense of mastery and competence, reinforcing your belief in your own capabilities. The specific activities will vary from person to person—for some, it might be excelling in a sport or hobby, while for others, it could be taking charge of a work project or volunteering in a leadership role. The key is to identify what makes you feel empowered and make time for these activities regularly.

Consistent engagement in these empowering experiences helps internalize the confidence and capability you feel during these moments. This can lead to a more generalized sense of self-assuredness, positively impacting your overall self-esteem and approach to life’s challenges.

About The Author

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.