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If you spot these 12 behaviors in your partner, their love for you is still strong

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These things show they still love you.

A close-up image of a couple with their foreheads touching and eyes closed, sharing an intimate and serene moment. The woman has her hair tied back and is wearing a delicate earring, while the man has short hair and facial hair. Both appear content and peaceful.

We all get insecure at times and wonder if our partners still love us as much as they used to. If your partner displays any of the behaviors listed below, you can rest assured that you’re still everything to them.

1. They laugh at (or put up with) your terrible humor.

boyfriend and girlfriend laughing over a joke

Does your partner snicker at your bad jokes, or play along with your ridiculous antics? Then you know they still love you. A lot. If they didn’t, they’d get annoyed or walk away instead of joining in, or even tell you to grow up and stop acting like an idiot.

2. They do little kind gestures for you.

A wooden tray with two croissants, a glass of orange juice, and a potted plant is being held. In the background, a smiling person with outstretched arms is sitting up in bed, possibly receiving breakfast in bed.

Reheating your tea or putting your clothes away for you may not be massively grandiose gestures, but real love often manifests in the little things that people do for one another. If they didn’t truly care, then they wouldn’t do small acts of kindness for you on a regular basis.

3. They still flirt with you.

A happy young woman with long blonde hair and wearing a striped shirt is standing close to a smiling bearded man in a blue shirt, leaning against a brick wall. Both are gazing at each other affectionately in the sunlight.

Maybe they squeeze your backside when you walk past or whistle when you change your shirt. When you’re out grocery shopping, they might make cheeky innuendos in the produce section. If your partner flirts with you on a regular basis, that’s a solid sign that their love is still going strong.

4. They intentionally want to spend time with you.

A smiling couple holding hands across a café table, gazing into each other's eyes. The man, wearing a hat and glasses, sits opposite the woman with sunglasses on her head. A small potted plant is on the table outside a cozy establishment with colorful flowers in the background.

They’ll sincerely enjoy spending time with you, whether it’s going on outings or sprawling together to read on the couch. If they’re asking to hang out instead of venturing off and doing their own thing, it’s because they love you and want to maximize the time they spend with you.

5. They want to share their thoughts with you.

A man and a woman sit on a couch in a bright living room, smiling and holding hands. They appear to be engaged in a cheerful conversation. The room has white walls, a floor lamp, and large windows allowing natural light to fill the space.

When they get excited about something, they want to share that with you as soon as possible. If you’re still their favorite person, you’ll be the first person they seek out when they want to talk—whether that’s about something awesome, or a subject that’s scaring or weighing upon them.

6. When push comes to shove, they make you the priority.

A woman with long brown hair embraces a bearded man dressed in a suit and tie. She looks at the camera while gently touching his face. The man has his eyes closed, smiling contently. They are in a brightly lit indoor setting with large windows in the background.

If their family gives them an ultimatum about time spent with them vs you, they’ll choose you. Similarly, if you’re unwell or you need their help with something, they’ll cancel their (potentially more fun) plans to ensure that you’re taken care of. And they’ll do so without hesitation or the mere hint of a grumble. 

7. You overhear them speaking well of you (or see their messages over their shoulders).

A woman in a pink blouse tenderly kisses a man in a blue shirt on the cheek while he looks at his phone. Both are sitting close together on a couch in a cozy living room with dark cushions and light-colored curtains in the background.

If you overhear their conversations with friends about you, or catch glimpses of what they’re texting, you’ll hear them saying positive things about you, your achievements, and so on. On that same note, they’ll defend you if anyone else dares to speak ill of you in their company.

8. They put sincere effort into the gifts they give you.

A person with long dark hair and a light blue shirt smiles while receiving a wrapped pink gift box with a white ribbon from another person. The image captures a moment of joy and exchange of a present indoors.

Whether it’s a little pebble they found that reminds them of you or something special that you’ve always wanted, they show that they put sincere thought and effort into every gift. If their love for you wasn’t still strong, they’d just give you money or a gift certificate, if anything.

9. They pay close attention to your tastes.

A man and a woman sit at a café table behind a window. The woman, smiling, holds the man's hand and brings it to her mouth as if kissing it. They are both enjoying beverages, with cups and a teapot on the table. The scene is cozy and warm.

Your partner pays attention to the little details about the things that you like best, whether it’s the exact amount of oat cream and sugar you add to your morning coffee or your favorite laundry detergent scent, and they ensure that they do things the way you like as often as possible.

10. They share their innocent joys with you.

A young couple stands close together outdoors, smiling warmly at each other. The woman, with long blonde hair, embraces the man from behind, who has a beard and wears a denim jacket. The background features a grassy park and blurred buildings on a sunny day.

Few behaviors express strong, loving connections like sharing vulnerability about childhood joys. If your partner’s feelings for you are still running strong, they’ll share details about things that made them happy in childhood. These could be locations they visited, books or movies that they loved, treats, games, and so on.

11. They daydream with you.

A middle-aged couple sits closely together on a beach, smiling and looking into the distance. The woman has dark hair and is wearing a white sleeveless top, while the man, also in white, has graying hair. The background is blurred with greenery and sand.

This may involve musing about real, attainable plans for your shared future, or lying in bed and asking you what kind of cheese you think you’d be. If you ask them what they’d do if you two received a sudden windfall, and they immediately include you in their plans, all is well.

12. They make a point of speaking your love language, even if it’s different from their own.

A couple wearing denim shirts are sharing an intimate moment, with their foreheads touching and smiling warmly at each other. The woman has her arms around the man's neck while he gently holds her.

Your partner’s love language may be the opposite of your own, but they’ll go out of their way to do the things that they know will make you feel loved and appreciated. This is especially true if your love language makes them feel awkward, because they’re prioritizing your joy over their comfort.

About The Author

Catherine Winter is an herbalist, INTJ empath, narcissistic abuse survivor, and PTSD warrior currently based in Quebec's Laurentian mountains. In an informal role as confidant and guide, Catherine has helped countless people work through difficult times in their lives and relationships, including divorce, ageing and death journeys, grief, abuse, and trauma recovery, as they navigate their individual paths towards healing and personal peace.