People who are old souls have these 10 very special qualities

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Are you an old soul?

A young woman with a joyful expression stands outdoors, smiling brightly. She has curly hair and is wearing a yellow denim jacket over a white shirt. Her hand is playfully touching her hair, and the background is softly blurred with warm sunlight.

You may have felt different your entire life, as if your mind and spirit were far in advance of the aging of your physical body.

People might have commented about how wise you are or how mature you come across, and you will have probably agreed with them.

What makes you an old soul also makes you a very beautiful person; how you see the world and how you act accordingly are very fine qualities to have.

Here are 10 of them.

1. You seek wisdom and knowledge.

A young man with a beard, wearing a blue t-shirt, sits at a desk with an open book, taking notes. Several stacked books and a red apple are on the desk, and a window with sheer curtains is in the background. He is smiling at the camera.

One of the most striking traits that sets old souls apart from the rest is their insatiable appetite for wisdom and, to a lesser extent, knowledge.

You will likely be a sponge with legs, soaking up the teachings of those wise heads that have come before you so that you might better understand your place in the cosmos.

Your home is probably as much book as it is brick, with vast libraries of literature either already digested or waiting to be consumed.

You place a great deal of value in trying to expand your mind and learn new things, not being content to rest on your laurels.

2. You yearn for growth.

A person with short, light-colored hair is seated and reading a book against a light brick wall. They are wearing a white shirt and appear to be focused on the book.

You have such an appetite for information because you feel a pressing need for personal discovery and growth.

Your mind is packed full of questions that you’d like to answer, and you see the journey to find those answers as holding great purpose in your life.

You are forever challenging your own beliefs as you go, refining what you value, what you desire, and what you ultimately live for.

3. You think a great deal.

A man with short dark hair and a beard looks pensively out of a window. His hands are clasped together under his chin, and soft light illuminates his face. The window appears to have rain on it, adding to the contemplative mood.

To find wisdom within yourself and to enable the growth described above, you will often sit and ponder the universe and everything in it.

Yours is the type of thinking that goes deep, much deeper than most others are able to achieve.

It is not unusual for you to get so engrossed in a thought that the world outside seems to almost disappear for periods.

4. You often reject the mainstream.

A person with a beard and wearing a blue beanie makes a peace sign with their fingers. They are outdoors with a blurred, green, natural background. The individual is dressed in a beige sweater.

The celebrity culture, popular music, fast food, high fashion – these are just some of the things that you struggle to get excited by.

You are generally indifferent, and sometimes downright opposed, to the lures of the mainstream and see them as barriers to true freedom.

You find yourself more drawn to alternative circles, conscious consumerism, and a more wholesome way of living.

5. You cherish time away in nature.

A person with short, light hair and a beard stands outdoors with eyes closed, appearing peaceful. The individual is wearing a light-colored, striped shirt and is surrounded by lush, green foliage. Soft sunlight filters through the trees in the background.

Whether you live in the city, the suburbs or out in the countryside, you feel a deep sense of connection to nature and put great value on time spent among it.

You most easily find peace in nature and feel energized and enthused every time you are able to interact with it at great length.

You can see yourself one day living close to nature so that you may enjoy its soothing effects on a daily basis.

6. You trust your intuition.

A woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing a yellow top, is looking slightly to her right with a subtle smile. She is sitting on a light gray couch in a softly lit room. The background is blurred, giving a cozy and relaxed atmosphere.

The wise head that sits atop your shoulders makes you appreciate the importance of intuition.

You understand that the unconscious mind holds a vast wealth of information and experience within it, and this means you trust your intuitive side when it comes to making decisions.

You know that it will always have your best interests at heart and that it will keep you treading a path that is right for you.

7. You are a great listener.

Two friends sit at a wooden bar in a cozy, dimly-lit pub with brick arch ceilings. They are smiling and laughing while holding burgers. A glass of beer is on the counter in front of each of them. Decorative plants and condiments are also on the countertop.

Your friends and loved ones often come to you for advice because you have a natural skill when it comes to listening.

You take the time to really consider the troubles faced by others and attempt to provide the most effective counsel possible based on the wisdom you have gained and your desire to see others happy.

8. You don’t hoard possessions.

A woman in a black dress sits on the floor near a window surrounded by various potted plants. She rests her head on her hand, looking thoughtfully out the window. The room is bright with natural light, and a rug covers the floor.

You struggle to get excited by material things and tend, instead, towards a very simple taste that seeks practicality over appearance.

You are not materialistic and don’t feel the need to indulge in consumerism any more than is necessary.

You don’t own lots of clothes, you see no need to splash out on luxuries, and your home is styled simply and sparsely.

9. You see the bigger picture.

A young man with curly brown hair and a beard smiles while gazing off to the side in an urban outdoor setting with building rooftops and a city skyline blurred in the background. He is wearing a red shirt.

However few or many years you have been on this planet, you have always been able to see life through a wider lens than most other people.

You recognize that your life is but a brief spark in the infinite fireworks display that is the universe.

This ability to get a broader perspective on things means you are more open to the many opportunities that exist around you.

Your gaze is often fixed far out beyond the bubble that you occupy physically, on the ceaseless symphony of life elsewhere.

10. You appreciate the interconnectedness of the world.

A woman with long hair and feather earrings stands between two trees, looking up with a smile. She is wearing a patterned sleeveless dress. Sunlight filters through green leaves above her, creating a serene, nature-filled atmosphere.

You have long since understood that the world is not a cosmic collection of utterly separate individuals. You know that every single element interacts to form an infinitely complex web from which existence emerges.

With this knowledge, you respect each new thread you create in this world and seek to minimize any negative impact you might have on the whole.

You show concern for others and for the environment; you are pro-peace and anti-violence; you choose to spread as much love and warmth as you can because you know how far it can travel.

About The Author

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.