When someone stays kind even after they’ve been hurt, they possess these 11 strengths

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These remarkable qualities allow a person to remain kind despite their hurt.

A woman with dark hair and a gray sweater stands outside on a windy day. She holds her hair back with both hands and looks directly at the camera with a focused expression. The background is blurred, suggesting an outdoor setting.

In a world that often seems harsh and unforgiving, some individuals possess an extraordinary ability to remain kind, even after experiencing deep hurt. These remarkable souls embody a set of unique strengths that allow them to rise above pain and continue spreading compassion. Let’s explore the qualities that set these resilient hearts apart.

1. They have a strong moral compass.

A person with dark hair holds a compass up to their right eye. They have a nose ring and large hoop earrings. The background is blurred greenery.

Navigating life’s stormy seas requires a reliable guide, and for these individuals, their moral compass serves as that unwavering beacon. When faced with adversity, they don’t abandon their principles or resort to vengeful actions. Instead, they hold fast to their values, using them as a north star to guide their responses. This unwavering commitment to their ethical standards helps them maintain their integrity and kindness, even when it would be easier to lash out or seek retribution.

2. They display self-compassion.

A woman with reddish-brown hair wearing an orange dress looks up through an opening surrounded by leaves. Sunlight partially illuminates her face and the leaves above her. The image is taken from a high angle, giving a sense of depth and nature.

Imagine a gentle hand on your shoulder, offering comfort and understanding. That’s precisely what these individuals provide for themselves. They recognize that healing begins from within and treat themselves with the same kindness they extend to others. By acknowledging their pain without judgment and offering themselves grace, they create a nurturing internal environment. This self-compassion serves as a wellspring of strength, enabling them to face their hurt with gentleness and emerge on the other side with their capacity for kindness intact.

3. They can separate actions from the individuals who displayed them.

A man with short hair is smiling while holding a takeaway coffee cup outdoors. He is wearing a black jacket with a geometric pattern on the sleeves. The background shows a car parked on a dirt road and trees with green and yellow leaves.

Life isn’t always black and white, and these individuals understand that better than most. They possess the remarkable ability to distinguish between harmful actions and the people behind them. This nuanced perspective allows them to address the behavior without condemning the person. By recognizing that everyone is capable of mistakes and poor choices, they maintain empathy for others while still acknowledging the pain caused. This separation enables them to preserve their kindness without condoning hurtful actions.

4. They find a way to forgive those who hurt them.

A young woman with long red hair sits on a stone bench in a lush, green garden. She wears a white shirt underneath rust-colored overalls, looking thoughtfully into the distance. Dense bushes and foliage surround her, creating a serene and natural setting.

Forgiveness isn’t a magic eraser that makes pain disappear, but for these individuals, it’s a powerful tool for personal liberation. They understand that holding onto grudges only prolongs their suffering. Instead, they embark on the challenging journey of forgiveness, not for the benefit of those who hurt them, but for their own peace of mind. This process allows them to release the burden of resentment and reclaim their energy for more positive pursuits, maintaining their capacity for kindness along the way.

5. They are determined not to allow their hurt to poison them.

A black-and-white portrait of a person with a light beard and mustache, wearing a beanie and an earring. The person is looking to the right, with a slight smile. The background is soft-focused and neutral, emphasizing the person’s profile.

Think of hurt as a potent venom, capable of spreading bitterness throughout one’s entire being. These resilient souls recognize this danger and actively resist its spread. They make a conscious choice not to let their pain transform them into bitter or cynical versions of themselves. Instead, they channel their energy into personal growth and healing. This determination to remain true to their kind nature becomes a powerful antidote, neutralizing the potential poison of their hurt.

6. They are highly empathetic.

Two people sitting on a couch, holding hands comfortingly. One person is wearing a plaid shirt and jeans, while the other is in a light gray sweater and jeans. The image conveys a sense of support and empathy.

Empathy flows through these individuals like a river, connecting them deeply to the experiences of others. Their own pain doesn’t diminish their ability to understand and share the feelings of those around them. Instead, it often enhances their empathy, as they intimately understand the impact of hurt. This heightened awareness of others’ emotions allows them to respond with kindness, even in challenging situations. Their empathy becomes a bridge, connecting their own experiences to those of others and fostering compassion.

7. They have patience and self-control.

A woman with red curly hair stands outdoors, gazing intently at the camera. She wears a dark coat and a knitted scarf, with a soft, blurred background that suggests a late afternoon or early morning light. The atmosphere appears calm and contemplative.

In the face of hurt, knee-jerk reactions can be tempting. However, these individuals possess the remarkable ability to pause and respond thoughtfully. They understand that healing and maintaining kindness are marathon endeavors, not sprints. With patience, they allow themselves the time needed to process their emotions and choose their responses carefully. This self-control prevents them from lashing out in ways they might later regret, preserving their kindness even in moments of intense emotion.

8. They remain optimistic.

A man with short gray hair and a slight smile stands outdoors in a field at sunset. He is wearing a blue and black checkered shirt and touches his chin with his left hand. The sun is behind him, casting a warm glow. Trees and a grassy field are visible in the background.

Optimism serves as a beacon of light for these individuals, guiding them through the darkness of their pain. They maintain a hopeful outlook, believing that better days lie ahead. This doesn’t mean they ignore their hurt or pretend everything is fine. Instead, they acknowledge their pain while holding onto the belief that healing is possible and that good can still come from difficult situations. This optimistic perspective fuels their resilience and helps them maintain their kind nature, even when faced with adversity.

9. They have a strong sense of self-worth.

A person with short, light blonde hair stands amidst tall green grass by a serene lake. They are wearing a dark green top and looking to the side. The background consists of the calm water of the lake and a treeline under a partly cloudy sky.

At their core, these individuals carry an unshakeable belief in their own value. This strong sense of self-worth acts as a protective shield, preventing the actions of others from diminishing their self-esteem. They understand that their worth isn’t determined by how others treat them, but by their own inherent value as human beings. This solid foundation allows them to respond to hurt with grace and kindness, rather than feeling compelled to prove their worth through retaliation or bitterness.

10. They stay true to their authentic selves.

A young man with short hair and a green sweater is sitting on a couch with his hands resting behind his head. He is looking calmly to the side in a cozy living room with brick walls, indoor plants, a window, and a standing lamp in the background.

Authenticity shines brightly in these individuals, illuminating their path through difficult times. They resist the temptation to harden their hearts or change their fundamental nature in response to pain. Instead, they remain true to their core values and genuine selves, even when it feels vulnerable to do so. This commitment to authenticity allows them to navigate hurt without losing sight of who they truly are, preserving their capacity for kindness as an essential part of their identity.

11. They find things to be grateful for, even in difficult times.

A man with long hair tied back is standing on a beach, looking off into the distance. He is wearing a light gray V-neck T-shirt. The background features a calm sea and a hazy, out-of-focus shoreline. The atmosphere is bright and sunny.

Gratitude becomes a powerful lens through which these individuals view their world, even in the midst of pain. They possess the remarkable ability to identify silver linings and appreciate the good that remains in their lives, despite their hurt. This doesn’t mean they ignore or minimize their pain. Rather, they choose to focus on aspects of life that bring them joy or provide growth opportunities. By cultivating gratitude, they maintain a balanced perspective that allows their kindness to flourish, even in challenging circumstances.

About The Author

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.