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12 Underrated Habits Of Couples Who Stay Madly In Love

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This is how couples can stay madly in love for a lifetime.

Two elderly individuals are enjoying a festive outdoor event. Both are wearing large, colorful sunglasses, clown noses, and playful costumes. The woman is laughing heartily, wearing red heart-shaped glasses and a bow headband. The man is in a yellow hat.

We often see photos or videos of elderly couples who are still very much in love after 60 years of marriage, and we wonder how they managed to keep the spark alive for all that time. The answer is that most of them have made the following 12 habits a priority.

1. They play.

A man and a woman are playfully engaging in a mock sword fight in a bright, modern kitchen. The man wields a duster, and the woman uses a mop. Both are wearing casual clothes and cleaning gloves, and they appear to be having fun. The kitchen is clean and organized.

This is at the top of the list because it’s simply that important. Those who stay madly in love tend to find ways to play together as often as possible, in ways that suit them best. Some might exercise together, others have water balloon fights, or weekly board game and horror movie fests.

2. They make space for personal pursuits.

A golfer wearing a white cap, blue polo shirt, and white pants is swinging a golf club in a green, well-maintained golf course. Sand is flying up from the sand trap, suggesting he is hitting the ball out of a bunker. Trees are visible in the background.

As important as it is to spend a ton of time together, it’s just as vital to protect each other’s space when engaging in personal pursuits. Some people value alone time to recharge, others need to hang out with friends on a regular basis, but either way, individual pursuits are crucial.

3. They keep going on “dates”.

A smiling couple sits at an outdoor café, holding hands across a small table. The woman wears a light outfit and a sunhat; the man is in a light blue shirt. Two cups of coffee are on the table, along with a red potted plant. The background features charming buildings.

Most couples have regular dates when they’re getting to know each other, but then life becomes more routine and monotonous. Keep the spark of love alive by having regular “dates”, like going for coffee, picnics, dinner outings, and vacations together—even if it’s just a weekend away now and then.

4. They put time and effort into intimacy.

A man with red hair gently hugs a woman with blonde hair. The woman has her eyes closed and rests her head on his shoulder, appearing comforted. They are both wearing casual clothing, and the background is softly lit, suggesting warmth and intimacy.

Having some sort of intimacy on a regular basis is paramount for maintaining a loving long-term relationship. This doesn’t mean you need to jump between the sheets on a daily basis, but hold hands when you’re out, cuddle while watching movies in bed, kiss and have skin-on-skin contact whenever you have the opportunity to do so.

5. They communicate regularly and effectively.

A couple sits close together on a couch, gazing into each other's eyes with gentle smiles. The woman has dark hair tied back and wears a yellow sweater. The man with a beard and glasses wears a red sweater, and his arm rests around the woman's shoulders.

Those who love each other dearly make a point of communicating with each other regularly. This doesn’t just mean chatting briefly over morning coffee, but checking in with one another to see how they’re doing, if needs are being met, if issues need to be addressed, and so on.

6. They sleep in the manner that suits them both the best.

A person with blonde hair lies in bed, wrapped in a white blanket and resting their head on a white pillow. They appear to be smiling with eyes closed, in a peaceful and relaxed state. The background is dark.

Many of the happiest and most loving couples are those who have found the optimal way for both of them to get a good night’s sleep. For some, this may involve always snuggling closely together, and for others, it may involve sleeping on separate floors of the house to maintain each other’s sanity. 

7. They don’t sweat the “small stuff”.

A couple is lying on a gray knitted rug, smiling and holding a book. The woman, in a pink sweater, has her arm around the man, who is wearing a checkered shirt over a white t-shirt and jeans. They are surrounded by pillows and appear to be relaxed and happy.

Little irritations and arguments can erode love over time. Couples who stay madly in love recognize what really matters in life, and what doesn’t. Is a stray nail clipping really cause for a massive blow-up? No. Pick your battles and make a point of focusing on each other’s positive traits instead.

8. They do nice things for each other on a regular basis.

A man and woman in casual clothing sit closely together, enjoying a breakfast in bed. The man holds a cup of coffee on a saucer towards the woman, who is smiling. A tray with a croissant is placed on the bed in front of them.

You don’t need to perform grandiose gestures to make each other feel loved and appreciated. Text each other silly or cute things when you’re apart, surprise one another with snacks or ridiculous items you found at the gas station, and so on. Basically, express that you’re always thinking of each other fondly.

9. They make each other the priority.

Black-and-white image of two people holding hands. One person has a wristwatch and a wedding ring on their left hand, while the other person has a tattoo on their forearm. The image focuses on their interlocking hands, conveying a sense of connection and support.

Work, domestic chores, and childcare all take a lot of time and effort, but couples who stay madly in love ensure that they’re always each other’s priority. An anniversary dinner is more important than putting in overtime at work, and intimacy is more important than catching up on a TV show.

10. They maintain a united front at all times.

A young woman with long brown hair, wearing a green jacket, embraces a man with short hair and a beard, who is dressed in a gray sweater. They stand outdoors with greenery in the background, both appearing content and close.

Few things keep love alive as effectively as knowing that your partner has your back, no matter what. Hearing your spouse defend you when your narcissistic parent is trying to cut you down is a massive turn-on, and it feels just as amazing to be your lover’s protector in difficult circumstances.

11. They are honest.

A woman and a man are sitting on a couch facing each other in a cozy, well-lit room with a brick wall and large windows. They both appear to be smiling and engaged in a relaxed conversation. A lamp and some indoor plants are visible in the background.

There are inevitably going to be issues and struggles in every relationship, but couples who are honest about them are a lot more supportive and loving than those that insist everything is “fine”. The latter just breeds resentment, while the former encourages loving resolution.

12. They approach every hardship as a team.

A man and a woman sit on a blue couch having an animated conversation. The man, gesturing with his hands, wears a light blue shirt and jeans, while the woman, listening intently, wears a beige sweater and jeans. A plant and a shelf with books are in the background.

Couples who stay madly in love deal with any issue as a united force to be reckoned with, not opponents pitted against each other. When your partner proves to you time and time again that they will always fight by your side, you can’t help but love them fiercely, forever.

About The Author

Catherine Winter is an herbalist, INTJ empath, narcissistic abuse survivor, and PTSD warrior currently based in Quebec's Laurentian mountains. In an informal role as confidant and guide, Catherine has helped countless people work through difficult times in their lives and relationships, including divorce, ageing and death journeys, grief, abuse, and trauma recovery, as they navigate their individual paths towards healing and personal peace.