People who are a joy to be around share these 15 habits

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Do you radiate joy?

A woman with bright lipstick smiles warmly, holding a woven hat on her head. She's outdoors with green foliage in the background, wearing a light-colored top. Sunlight touches her face, creating a cheerful and vibrant atmosphere.

You can just tell by looking at some people that they are filled to the brim with joy. They give off a positive energy that can be felt and seen.

Some of that comes naturally due to nature AND nurture, but some of it is thanks to the various habits they have adopted.

Here are 15 such habits that help a joyful person maintain that blissful state of mind.

1. They’re passionate about their hobbies (and make time for them as often as possible).

woman taking tray of baked goodies out of the oven

Whether it’s hiking or yoga, coding or D&D, joyful people have something in their life that excites them—a hobby that they look forward to.

Having something in your week or fortnight that brings you happiness is a big thing for joyful people.

It allows you to connect with other human beings (critical for long-term happiness) and gives you a sense of fulfillment.

You’ve always got something to get excited about in the near future, and you’re actively building a life you love.

What’s better than that?

If you want to radiate good vibes, you need to feel those good vibes. And that comes from filling your life with activities that make you feel positive, fulfilled, and enthusiastic.

2. They ask questions that go beyond the surface-level.

Two people sitting on a couch engage in a conversation in a living room. One person with curly hair wears a white shirt, while the other has their back to the camera. A guitar and a tall plant are in the background.

You might notice that those who radiate the most joy are also those who are the most inquisitive.

They ask deep questions, they want to know more, and they want to talk details.

Joyful people are curious—it’s how they discover so much about the world that brings them joy. They want to get involved, they want to get to know you, and they want to form meaningful connections.

They’re also genuinely interested in those around them, which is why they tend to ask questions rather than simply talk at people.

One of the sources of their happiness is information—the more they know, the more access they have to new people and experiences that will give them more good vibes.

3. They practice gratitude (and find lots to be grateful for).

A person with short red hair and glasses smiles under a clear umbrella, wearing a bright red raincoat. The background is softly blurred, suggesting a rainy day in a natural setting.

This is a huge one, and one of the fundamental ways to become more joyful yourself.

Simply setting some time aside to mindfully and intentionally reflect on your day or week will make a huge difference to your overall outlook on life.

For added benefits, get outside while you do it—nature and fresh air are also key ingredients in becoming a joyful person.

Those who experience true joyfulness in life can tap into it because they’re grateful for all they have.

They’re coming from an abundance mindset (knowing there are plenty of good things in the world), rather than a scarcity mindset (feeling like good things are limited).

This allows them to feel happy more often as they feel content and blessed to be here.

4. They have routines that help them be consistent and persistent.

A man in a light blue shirt is sitting at a wooden table, holding a cup of coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other. He is smiling and sitting in a bright room with a bookshelf in the background.

Routine might not be the first word you think of when it comes to a joyous life, but it’s a very important tool when it comes to building a more positive lifestyle.

The ability to stick to something (by making it a routine) is a key skill to have if you want to enjoy something. If you can’t commit to practicing something new once a week, you’re unlikely to get better at it and get to the stage where you find it fun.

Instead, you’re more likely to give up on it and have a negative experience associated with ‘not being good enough’ or being a ‘failure.’

Not exactly conducive to radiating good vibes…

By being able to stick to a routine, joyous people give themselves the chance to develop their potential and learn new skills, leading to a more fulfilled life.

5. But they know how to be spontaneous when the situation calls for it.

A family of three, wearing casual summer clothes, joyfully runs on a sandy beach while flying a kite. The ocean waves and blue sky provide a serene backdrop.

Of course, not all joy is formed on a color-coded spreadsheet—who knew?

Those who radiate good vibes are often good at going with the flow and letting their hair down every so often.

That’s why they’re so fun to be around—they say yes to things, and they’re excited to get involved in new experiences.

We’re not saying you need to book a one-way flight tomorrow, but it’s always worth being open to new opportunities.

The ability to be spontaneous can feel challenging to those who live a pretty regimented lifestyle, but it’s a skill worth honing. The more you practice, the easier it gets, we promise.

Being able to let go of expectations or plans (when appropriate) can open doors to endless chances to have more fun, meet new people (who might change your life), and experience even more joy.

6. They choose to see the best in people and things (though they aren’t blind to the negative).

Two men are seated in camping chairs by a waterfront. They are smiling, wearing casual clothing, and appear to be engaged in conversation. Fishing poles are positioned nearby, and a green bucket sits on the ground between them. The background features a calm body of water.

Of course, being full of joy requires a level of positivity—you need to be open to things working out; open to things going better than planned.

This is a proactive, learned behavior that takes time to develop. People who give off good energy have likely been working on their optimism for a while, so don’t worry if it doesn’t come naturally to you at first.

There’s a time and a place, and it’s not always appropriate, but being able to see things in a positive light is a key characteristic of those who radiate joy and happiness.

Joyful people understand that things don’t always go to plan, but they also see that there could be something better coming in place of what they’d expected—when one door closes, another opens.

They’re used to giving both people and scenarios the benefit of the doubt, and they try their best to see the good in everyone and everything.

7. They surround themselves with other joyful people both consciously and subconsciously.

Three friends are sitting on a couch, smiling and laughing. The person on the left wears a plaid shirt, the person in the middle, with short hair and hoop earrings, wears a yellow sweater, and the person on the right, with curly hair, wears a denim shirt.

It is said that we’re the average of the five people we spend the most time with, so it makes sense that joyful people spend time with joyful people.

We’re more easily influenced than we realize—we’re constantly absorbing new information, values, and beliefs. We pick up on moods and vibes subconsciously, whether they reflect how we personally feel or not.

We’re constantly taking in all the information and stimuli around us in order to form our own views and outlooks on life. As such, the more positive those around us are, the more positive we become by default.

This is also part of our social conditioning—we’re taught to read the room and match the vibe, and so most of us (neurotypical individuals especially) regulate our moods to meet the norms and expectations of those around us.

Essentially, if your friends are all miserable, it might not be great timing to burst into song and rave about how happy you are. Instead, most of us pick up on people’s energy and feed it back to them at a similar level. It keeps the peace, at least.

8. They set boundaries to protect their energy.

A hand holding a smartphone in front of greenery. The phone screen displays a "slide to power off" prompt with an on-screen power button and a cancel button at the bottom. The background is blurred, focusing on the phone and the hand.

Joyful people know what makes them happy—and they also know what makes them miserable.

By identifying key triggers for both positive and negative feelings, they can set boundaries in order to protect themselves from the kind of energy they don’t want to attract.

That might mean limiting their access to social media or news articles that they know will cause them to feel sad or insecure.

Or it might mean carefully choosing who they spend time with and where they choose to use their energy.

By being mindful of how much other people or circumstances can impact their moods, joyful people can maintain a mindset that feels good and works best for them.

9. They have a balanced lifestyle to keep everything running smoothly.

Two women sitting at a cafe table, smiling and looking at a smartphone. They have drinks and a plate of food with fruit and salad in front of them. The background shows a counter with pastries under warm lighting.

Happiness without health is short-term—it’s hedonism with no future planning, and it’s simply not sustainable.

People who radiate good vibes understand how important it is to have a balanced lifestyle.

They know that getting the right nutrients helps them feel their best and that exercise releases endorphins that add to their good moods.

A balanced lifestyle also means knowing how to get the most out of something without letting it negatively impact another part of life.

That means going out with friends without letting it affect your work or staying fit without burning out from overexertion.

10. They know the importance of sleep to keep their energy high.

An elderly woman with gray hair sleeps peacefully on her side in bed, with a man sleeping beside her. They are covered with a white blanket. Her phone is on the nightstand next to her. The bedroom has a warm, cozy ambiance.

Those who are most joyful tend to be the most well-rested.

Because a joyous lifestyle is often quite a busy lifestyle, passionate people often expend a lot of energy.

Whether it’s hyping up their friends, throwing themselves into new hobbies, or spending time socializing, they’re always giving energy to someone or something.

As such, they know that they need to prioritize downtime and get enough rest. They’re aware that, in order to function at their positive, joyous best, they need to keep themselves topped up with good sleep and relaxation.

11. They seek support when they need it.

A woman with long hair and a striped shirt sits on a sofa, looking thoughtful. She is holding her arm and faces another woman with glasses who is writing on a clipboard. The setting appears to be a cozy room with a blurred vase of flowers in the foreground.

Ever notice that joyful people are rarely on their own?

They tend to surround themselves with other positive people and fill their lives with connections.

They know how much energy and effort goes into being joyous, and they also know just how easy it can be to spin out of balance.

Staying positive can be challenging and it’s not always possible to do—let alone, do on their own.

That’s why many joyful people seek professional support when necessary.

They know that, whilst they choose to see good in the world, there are experiences that can negate that happiness, many of which are beyond their control.

So having a counselor to help them navigate those challenging moments is something joyful people see as a wise investment.

They also aren’t afraid to reach out and ask for help from friends. They know that, for their joy to be sustainable, they need a strong support network.

12. They smile as often as they can.

An elderly man with a white beard stands in a pottery studio, wearing a denim shirt and apron. He holds a ceramic pot and looks thoughtfully to the side. Shelves filled with pottery and tools surround him.

Anyone can plaster on a fake smile—if you’ve worked in retail or hospitality, you’re probably better at it than most.

But what about genuine smiles? How often, in an average day, do you smile or grin or giggle or belly laugh?

Probably not that often. And no wonder, life is tough.

But joyful people seem to smile a lot, so what are they doing differently?

Well, it’s likely that they simply understand the impact that a smile can have.

When you smile, you’re giving your body and brain signals that something good is happening—that it’s time to feel positive or celebrate or put a bit more energy into feeling good about something.

Faking it till you make it does actually work to some extent, as you’re giving yourself cues to start feeling more positive.

You’re also giving off a strong, happy energy. This will make others smile back at you and feel more open to some kind of connection with you. By default, that will make your smile start to feel more genuine.

13. They don’t let negativity bother them by seeing it for what it is.

Three people enjoying a casual conversation while holding coffee cups in a bright indoor setting. They are smiling and standing near a hallway with signs above them.

However positive you try to be, there’s always someone ready to put you down or throw you off guard.

Some people just hate seeing others happy—it makes them jealous or bitter, and they resent the fact that they’re not experiencing the same good vibes.

This is understandable, but it’s not enjoyable to be around.

Rather than rising to it, joyous people know when to let things go and move on. They understand that other people’s actions aren’t always their responsibility to counteract or resolve.

They don’t take gossip or hurtful behavior to heart because they know it’s often coming from a place of hurt rather than a personal attack (most of the time, at least.).

They know that as long as they’re happy, then other people’s negativity can just wash over them.

14. They give something back by trying to bring a little joy to others.

A volunteer with glasses serves food to a person at an outdoor community event. She uses tongs to place food in a container under a canopy. Other volunteers and attendees are visible in the background.

It’s rare to find a joyful person who has zero interaction with the world beyond their little bubble.

Most want to share their positive experiences with those around them, often in the way of community work, support, or charity.

People with good vibes know that they’re fortunate, and they’re more grateful than most people because they practice mindfulness and intentional gratitude.

As such, they want to give something back to those around them; they want to share their enjoyment of life and bring others to the same level of happiness as them.

A common habit of joyous people is volunteering, mainly because they want everyone to have the opportunity to enjoy life as much as they do.

15. They notice the small things and understand their importance.

A woman with long hair stands in front of a yellow and white arched structure, smiling and looking to her left. She is wearing a light beige trench coat over a black and white striped top, with her hands in the coat pockets.

If being happy was dependent on having the ‘best day ever,’ every single day, none of us would be happy for long.

In the real world, there are always things that will upset us, frustrate us, or simply get us down. It’s inevitable—real life is hard.

That’s why it’s so crucial to find joy in the everyday; in the mundane; in the small things.

This is something that people who tend to radiate positivity excel at—mainly because they lower their expectations for happiness.

Instead of expecting to win the lottery or meet their dream partner every time they wake up, positive people look closely at the day-to-day and find joy there.

They allow themselves to experience awe—something that is lost in a world of endless access to filtered, fake content.

Once you’ve seen a thousand waterfall photos, the real thing doesn’t feel as exciting as it would be if you were seeing a waterfall for the first time.

Joyous people live as though everything is new, regardless of how small it is.

That might be smiling because they’ve seen a rainbow or a cute dog, or letting themselves stand and enjoy a street performer because it’s new and fun.

They allow themselves to get excited over small things because, at the end of the day, that’s what life is—a series of small things we can choose to notice…

About The Author

Lucy is a travel and wellness writer currently based in Gili Air, a tiny Indonesian island. After over a year of traveling, she’s settled in paradise and spends her days wandering around barefoot, practicing yoga and exploring new ways to work on her wellbeing.