Do you enjoy your life?
A good quality of life is about being able to enjoy the world around you. It’s about having enough money to support your lifestyle (however humble that lifestyle might be) and having the time to enjoy your surroundings in the company of people you love.
You might be the richest person in the world but have a far lower quality of life than someone on minimum wage if all you do is work and worry, rather than taking the time to actually enjoy the little things in life.
It’s about enjoying your day-to-day life.
Whatever your idea of that is, there are plenty of ways to improve your enjoyment and quality of life, starting with prioritizing these 14 things.
1. Spending time in nature.
The fact that many of us live our lives so disconnected from the natural world is, in fact, unnatural.
We’re animals, and we evolved on the African plains. We’re not designed to live in the concrete jungles that are our towns and cities.
So do yourself a favor and reconnect with the natural world. Get out into a green space. Feel the grass between your toes. Hug a tree. Go for a walk. Lie on a blanket with a book.
Just switch off from the hectic modern world completely and immerse yourself in all things natural.
2. Spending the right amount of time with others (for you).
Some of us need more social time than others, and social interaction can be overwhelming for lots of people.
But try to spend as much time as you can with your best friends and family. Quality time with the people you value the most is great medicine for the soul.
On the other hand, don’t feel pressured to be social just for the sake of being social. It can also be a huge boost to your quality of life to say no. If you’d rather stay in with a movie than go to that party you’ve been invited to, then just say no.
Be true to yourself, and use your social energy on the people you care most about.
3. Living in the moment.
There’s absolutely no point in dwelling on things that happened in the past or worrying about how things might go in the future.
Be present in the moment. Live life with all your senses and revel in what you’re experiencing. You never get to live a day over again, so focus on the here and now.
4. Planning your time well.
Sticking too rigidly to a plan or trying to squeeze too much in can be a negative, but planning your time out sensibly can help you feel less overwhelmed by your to-do list and more in control.
Structure and routine may not sound like good ways to promote a good quality of life, but they are preferable to the stress of a chaotic existence.
Just don’t forget to plan in some downtime too.
5. Your living space.
We spend a lot of time in our homes. Making them as nice as possible can make a huge difference to our quality of life. And it doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. You might just need a bit of creativity.
But before you get the paintbrushes out, start by decluttering. Organize your things and donate the unnecessary stuff that’s weighing you down.
Go all Mari Kondo on your home, and you’ll feel all the lighter for it.
6. Practicing gratitude.
You might not even need to change anything about your life to enjoy a better quality of life. It might just be a matter of changing your perspective.
Make a list of everything you’re thankful for in your life. Or a mini-list of things you’re thankful for at the end of each day.
7. Laughter.
Get together with your friends for a giggle. Watch a funny movie or listen to a comedy podcast. Book tickets to a stand-up night.
Laughing can lower your stress levels and strengthen your immune system, so the power of laughter should never be underrated.
8. Getting away.
If you can, plan a weekend away or even a day trip close by. A change of scene can give a huge boost, and discovering new places is a great stimulant for the mind.
Just be careful you don’t end up resentful of your day-to-day life and just wishing the hours away until your next break.
9. Good quality sleep.
Being well-rested is one of the most important things for having good quality of life. It’s vital for your physical and mental health.
If you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t have the energy to sustain active, productive days.
Sleep also regulates the hormones that are connected to your mood and keep you balanced, so a lack of sleep can lead to mood swings or irritability.
10. A healthy, balanced diet (whilst not depriving yourself).
Alongside sleep, your diet is one of the most fundamental aspects of good quality of life. You really are what you eat, and you need high-quality fuel if you want to feel your best.
If you don’t feel good in yourself, then it’s really hard to enjoy life.
A good diet is brimming with fresh fruit and vegetables and contains minimal processed foods where possible.
On the other hand, being too strict with your diet can take you too far the other way. Enjoying good food, delicious treats, and giving into your cravings now and then will boost your quality of life hugely.
Small things like going to your favorite restaurant or cooking yourself a special breakfast can be really boost your mood.
As with many things in life, maintaining a healthy balance is key.
11. Getting out in the sun.
Our bodies need vitamin D, and the best source of that is direct sunlight. So make sure you spend some time outside every day, even if it’s cloudy, but definitely if it’s sunny.
And, let’s face it, what’s not to love about getting out in the sunshine? It can ease your worries and ground you in the present moment.
12. Moving your body, every day.
Exercising improves blood flow and makes you feel more energetic. It makes you feel better in your mind and body. Strengthening your muscles means that you’ll find going about your daily life less of an effort.
If your job is sedentary, you need to prioritize exercise even more. Something as simple as a morning walk can make all the difference to your health and state of mind.
But if you can, a proper heart-pumping workout is the best way to really get those endorphins flowing.
13. A healthy relationship with alcohol.
Enjoying a drink or two here and there on a special occasion or just as a treat can be a boost to your quality of life.
But everything needs to be in moderation. Perhaps try only drinking one or two times a week.
Giving yourself some time off alcohol will help you realize how much of a toll drinking can take on you physically and mentally, and help you develop a healthier relationship with it.
14. A healthy relationship with social media.
Social media is terrible for comparisonitis, so spending less time on those platforms can go a long way toward improving your quality of life.
Live life on your terms without worrying about how everyone else has decided to live theirs.
15. Being true to yourself.
You’ll never be truly happy or at ease until you start being true to yourself without worrying about other people’s opinions.
Listen to your gut on this one – if something doesn’t feel right for you, don’t do it. Don’t bow to peer pressure or let yourself be manipulated in other ways.