Do these 11 simple things and greater self-confidence will be your reward

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These things may seem trivial, but they will positively influence your self-confidence.

A woman with long hair smiles while standing on a suspension bridge. She is wearing a red shirt and a plaid jacket. The background features a mountainous landscape with greenery and a cloudy sky.

Self-confidence isn’t a magical trait bestowed upon the lucky few; it’s a skill you can cultivate with dedication and practice. By incorporating these eleven simple yet powerful strategies into your regular routine, you’ll embark on a transformative journey toward greater self-assurance. Get ready to unlock your potential and embrace a more confident you.

1. Say positive affirmations daily.

A woman with her hair tied back in a ponytail is seen from behind, looking at herself in a large mirror. She wears a white tank top and gazes at her reflection with a thoughtful expression. The background features a white wall and a decorative element.

Ever caught yourself in a spiral of self-doubt? It’s time to flip the script. Positive affirmations are like a mental gym for your self-confidence, strengthening your belief in yourself with every repetition.

Start small: stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself, “I am capable and worthy.” It might feel awkward at first, but stick with it. As you make this a daily habit, you’ll notice a shift in your inner dialogue.

The key is consistency and sincerity. Choose affirmations that resonate with you personally, and repeat them with conviction. Over time, these empowering statements will seep into your subconscious, reshaping your self-perception. The words we speak to ourselves matter—so why not make them kind and uplifting?

2. Write in a journal.

A person sits at a table, writing in a notebook with a pen. They are wearing a gray sweater, and a white cup is visible next to them on the table. Sunlight streams through a window in the background, creating a warm ambiance. The focus is on the person's hand and the notebook.

Grab a pen and paper, because it’s time to unleash the power of journaling. This simple act of putting thoughts to paper can be a game-changer for your self-confidence. It’s not about writing perfect prose; it’s about exploring your inner world without judgment.

Jot down your thoughts, fears, and dreams. Celebrate your daily wins, no matter how small. Reflect on challenges and how you overcame them.

As you review your entries over time, you’ll start to notice patterns and growth that might otherwise go unrecognized. This tangible record of your journey becomes a powerful reminder of your resilience and progress.

3. Practice mindful meditation.

A woman with dark curly hair is standing near a window with sheer white curtains. She is wearing a light pink ribbed top, and her eyes are closed, giving an impression of calmness and serenity.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Mindful meditation isn’t about emptying your mind; it’s about becoming aware of your thoughts without getting tangled up in them. This practice can be a powerful tool for building self-confidence because it helps you observe your inner critic without letting it take the wheel.

Just five minutes a day can provide a benefit. Focus on your breath, and when thoughts arise (as they inevitably will), acknowledge them without judgment and gently return your attention to your breathing.

Over time, you’ll develop a greater sense of inner calm and a more balanced perspective on your thoughts and emotions. This newfound mental clarity can significantly boost your self-assurance in various aspects of life.

4. Remind yourself of things you’ve succeeded at.

A woman with shoulder-length brown hair and light-colored eyes is gazing thoughtfully to her right. She is in a library, with shelves of colorful books out of focus in the background.

Take a moment to bask in the glow of your past triumphs. We often fixate on our shortcomings, forgetting the myriad ways we’ve proven our capabilities. Whether it’s acing a presentation, mastering a new recipe, or simply being there for a friend in need, these successes are testament to your gifts.

Create a “victory log” where you jot down your accomplishments, big and small. When self-doubt creeps in, revisit this list to remind yourself of your track record of success. This practice isn’t about inflating your ego; it’s about giving yourself credit where it’s due. By acknowledging your past achievements, you’re reinforcing the belief that you’re capable of future success, fueling your confidence to tackle new challenges.

5. Reframe negative thoughts about your capabilities.

A young person with short, curly hair looks off into the distance with a thoughtful expression. The background features a softly blurred, sunlit scene with vibrant green foliage and circular light bokeh.

Ever find yourself thinking, “I can’t do this”? It’s time to challenge that inner critic. Reframing negative thoughts is like giving your mind a makeover, transforming self-defeating beliefs into empowering ones.

When you catch yourself in a negative thought spiral, pause and ask, “Is this really true?” Instead of “I’m terrible at public speaking,” try “Public speaking is a skill I’m working on improving.”

This shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset opens up possibilities for development. Practice catching and reframing these thoughts regularly. Over time, you’ll notice a significant boost in your self-confidence as you learn to view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles.

6. Engage in positive actions that uplift you and others.

Two women are hugging warmly indoors. One woman, with long blonde hair, is facing away, and the other woman, with short brown hair, is smiling with her eyes closed. They appear to be sharing a comforting or joyful moment.

Want to feel good about yourself? Do good for others. Engaging in positive actions creates a virtuous cycle of confidence and compassion. It could be as simple as holding the door for someone, offering a genuine compliment, or volunteering for a cause you care about.

These actions not only benefit others but also provide you with a sense of purpose and accomplishment. They remind you of your ability to make a positive impact, boosting your self-worth. Plus, the gratitude and appreciation you receive in return can be a powerful confidence booster.

Make it a point to perform at least one kind act daily, and watch how it transforms your self-perception and interactions with the world around you.

7. Understand your principles, and act upon them.

A woman with light brown hair rests her head on her hand. She is seated on a couch and gazes thoughtfully into the distance. She is wearing a sleeveless, pink top. The background is blurred with greenery, giving the image a serene feel.

What do you stand for? Identifying and living by your core principles is like having an internal compass that guides your decisions and actions. This alignment between your beliefs and behavior fosters a deep sense of authenticity and self-respect, crucial ingredients for genuine confidence.

Take some time to reflect on what truly matters to you. Is it honesty, creativity, compassion, or something else? Once you’ve identified your key principles, look for ways to actively incorporate them into your daily life.

When faced with decisions, big or small, refer back to these principles. Acting in accordance with your values not only builds self-trust but also projects a confident image to others, as they perceive your consistency and integrity.

8. Improve your posture and body position.

A woman with shoulder-length dark hair stands by a tall window, gazing thoughtfully into the distance. She is wearing a sleeveless, red halter-neck dress. The background is minimalist with light-grey textured walls.

Stand tall, shoulders back, chin up—you’ve just boosted your confidence without saying a word. Your body language speaks volumes about your self-assurance, and the best part? It works both ways. By consciously improving your posture, you’re not just projecting confidence outwardly; you’re actually influencing how you feel internally.

Practice “power poses” for a few minutes each day. Stand with your feet apart, hands on hips, or sit with your arms behind your head. These expansive postures have been shown to increase feelings of power and tolerance for risk.

Pay attention to how you sit and stand throughout the day, making small adjustments as needed. Over time, good posture will become second nature, and you’ll notice a natural uplift in your confidence levels.

9. Set daily intentions around confidence.

A person with long, curly hair and glasses stands by a window, drawing open white curtains to let in sunlight. They are wearing a colorful patterned dress and looking outside. The wall beside the window is textured and painted in a dark shade.

Morning rituals can set the tone for your entire day. Why not make confidence a part of that ritual? Setting daily intentions around confidence is like giving yourself a roadmap for self-assurance. Unlike goals, which are future-oriented, intentions focus on the present moment and how you want to show up in the world.

Start your day by stating an intention like, “Today, I choose to embrace challenges with confidence.” Or, “I intend to speak up in meetings and share my ideas.” These intentions act as gentle reminders throughout the day, nudging you toward more confident behavior.

As you consistently set and act on these intentions, you’ll find yourself naturally embodying more self-assured attitudes and behaviors.

10. Step out of your comfort zone every so often.

A person with red hair and a beard is standing with crossed arms in front of a rock climbing wall. They are wearing a black and grey geometric-patterned long-sleeve shirt and appear to be smiling confidently. Various climbing holds are visible on the wall.

Comfort zones are cozy, but real growth happens when we dare to venture beyond them. Challenging yourself regularly keeps your confidence muscles flexed and ready for action. It doesn’t mean you need to skydive tomorrow; small steps outside your usual routine can make a big difference.

Try ordering your coffee in a different language, take a new route to work, or strike up a conversation with a stranger. Each time you successfully navigate a new situation, you’re proving to yourself that you’re capable of handling the unknown.

This accumulated evidence of your adaptability and resilience will significantly boost your overall confidence. Remember, the goal isn’t to constantly live outside your comfort zone, but to expand it gradually.

11. Remind yourself of your ability to grow and change.

A smiling person with a shaved head is standing against a gray wall with their arms crossed. They are wearing a blue denim shirt over a white t-shirt and bracelets on their left wrist.

You’re not static—you’re a work in progress, constantly evolving and adapting. Embracing this truth can be incredibly liberating and confidence-boosting. Your abilities, skills, and even personality aren’t set in stone; they’re malleable, waiting for you to shape them.

Reflect on how you’ve grown over the years. Maybe you’ve learned a new skill, overcome a fear, or improved a relationship. These are all testaments to your capacity for change and growth.

When faced with new challenges, remind yourself: “I may not know how to do this yet, but I can learn.” This growth mindset fosters resilience and confidence, as you trust in your ability to adapt and improve. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and let it fuel your confidence in future growth.

About The Author

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.