Sound like anybody you know?
Gossipy people can be excruciating to deal with, as you have to be so guarded around them. Watch out for the following behaviors, as they’re some of the sneakiest things these types of people will do to get new dirt to spread around.
1. They drop hints about something in the hope that you’ll ask them about it.
This is known as “vaguebooking” on Facebook and other social media sites, but it can also happen in person. They’ll keep alluding to something without saying it outright, baiting others to ask questions so they can talk about the tantalizing info they have simmering just below the surface.
2. They “accidentally” let information slip out during conversations.
You’ll be having a conversation and they’ll suddenly mention something completely random, then pretend they’re shocked and horrified that they let that slip out. “Oops” indeed. Of course, now that the cat’s out of the bag, it’s okay to tell you about it, since they didn’t do it intentionally.
3. They’ll look through your personal information.
Whether it’s your online presence or your personal life, they’ll go digging for any interesting information about you. If you happen to fall asleep (or pass out) in their presence, they might even go so far as to go through your phone or computer to see if there’s anything interesting to discover.
4. They’ll show different faces to different people they’re talking to.
Gossips will take on a variety of guises to suit the different social circles they interact with. As a result, they’ll behave differently depending on who they’re talking to, and may avoid having their social circles overlap so they don’t have to put on conflicting masks when interacting with them.
5. They’ll ask you to keep other people’s secrets.
“Don’t tell anyone I told you this, buuttttt…” This is a common intro from people who can’t stop gossiping. They simply can’t be trusted to keep a secret, and will share what they’re entrusted with as soon as possible under the guise of sharing info “just between us two”.
6. They react very badly when others start gossiping about them.
They tend to have atrocious double standards, and act horrified and betrayed if they discover that anyone has been gossiping about them, or has shared anything that they mentioned in confidence. It’s very rare that they notice the irony in their behavior, and will get defensive if confronted with it.
7. They cycle through their friendship groups on a regular basis.
Most rabid gossips have a fairly extensive network of friends and casual acquaintances that they divide their time with. They do this in order to get extra gossip about various people, to keep the drama fresh for themselves, and to avoid scrutiny about their underhanded behavior.
8. They encourage others to open up to them, but never do so in return.
These people tend to be the first to let others know that they can trust them, but don’t offer many details about themselves in case they’re used the wrong way. They often keep social media profiles private, and are as guarded about their lives as they are inquisitive of others.
9. They’re furtive bloodhounds for drama.
Like sharks being able to sense a drop of blood a quarter of a mile away, they have an uncanny ability to sniff out a morsel of drama that’s floating around, and hone in on it. Then of course, they’re happy to volunteer as a counselor and helping hand to get all the details.
10. They keep very petty records.
A common behavior that they’ll partake in is to keep screenshots of conversations or social media posts that they’ll refer back to years later. These are sometimes the most petty and inane things, but they’ll hold onto them like Uno cards to play for maximum effect at the right time.
11. They take advantage of intoxication or infirmity to pry info out of others.
A lot of people who can’t stop gossiping will take full advantage of those who are intoxicated by asking them prying questions when they’re in no state to guard or defend themselves. Some will stoop so low as to interrogate those who are half asleep, or coming out of anesthesia.
12. They’ll “drop by” uninvited.
One sneaky behavior that they’ll engage in if they live within a short distance is to “drop by” when they might observe a juicy bit of gossip to share. This often happens if they think someone might have a new romantic relationship, or if a couple has been fighting recently.